Chapter 18.

Hey Guys!!!!

The eighteenth chapter.

I don't own Mahabharat.

Happy Reading!!


Third POV

"Awasthi JI!" A sound came from outside the house. "Council!"

"Ah they must be here." Awasthi Ji said as he walked towards the entrance.

"Who, Awasthi Ji?" Duryodhana asks.

"Insaaf Ke Rakhsak."

"Why did you call you?" Ashwatthama asks.

"As the resident of this area, I have a right to go to the council. And council at this time is only sent for when the two drop here." Awasthi ji replied.

"Can we join?" Yudhishthira asks.

"Of course, you can."

The eight boys silently followed the old man as they all assembled under a big banyan tree, that looked to be in the middle of the town. The people had artistically spread themselves out. All the people could easily see what was happening, some were kneeling, some were sitting crossed- legged while the rest stood.
They had left a wide area in the middle, just in front of the Banyan tree, it was just so that people could easily and freely stand there. The whole arrangement was done without anyone ordering other, it was as if their places were fixed.

The princes look around, trying to find the 'Insaaf Ke Rakshak' but now suspicious person was around. Maybe they weren't still here. But why?
They were also impressed with the way the people held themselves and arranged themselves, it showed the love and care present amongst them.

"Ah! Of course! Awasthi Ji." A voice sounded and the boys had to refrain themselves with their all power to not groan out. This of course man, was a little too much to handle.

"Pranipatra Ratan Saheb." Awasthi Ji greets.

"Are! Of course, You have also met these kids?"

"You met them?"

"Yes, of course. Such sweet boys." Ratan Saheb gushed, as the eight prince boys prayed that he will go away.

"Yeah, I... er- they are going to work with me." Awasthi ji says, awkwardly.

"Of course, of course. I will come and visit some time." Ratan Saheb invites himself. As the brothers had to stop themselves from being appalled.

"Attention!" a voice called. A man of early fifties was standing there under the Banyan tree. "We have called a council to deal with Rajat."

As soon as the last word was said a body fell from the top of tree. It was guy, he was grunting by the impact, looked mildly injured nothing else.

"Oops! You fell." A deep purr like voice came and suddenly two people jumped out from the tree. Who spoke between the two, they didn't know.

The two people had their face as well as body covered, head to toe. Only their eyes visible. The sharp eyes of the fighters picked that one had an almond shaped brown eyes while the other had beautiful black eyes, that looked to be a deep abyss.

Both of them were wearing weird outfit, at least the prince found them strange. The lowers looked like tight dhoti. While on place of armor they were wearing something that the princes had never seen before. It was strangely designed, for it covered their hands and neck too. Over their face was a hood that only left an opening for eyes, covering even the hair. After, few seconds of observing they realized that hood was a part of the top, and attached to it.

In their hands were a sword each, one had orange handle while the other had blue one. The sword was tucked in their side. They looked devoid of any other weapon but due to them being unaware of the cloth was they weren't completely sure. You never know, what they hide under their skin. Their Gurudeva had taught them.

"Rajat has been alleged to beat few children up." The old man says.
The princes gasp in surprise. They had no emotions and no idea what to say.

"Where are kids who were beaten?" The one with blue handle sword asked.

"What are you doing?" I person shouts from the crowd.

"Have faith on us, he won't be able to do anything." The other guy says. His voice heavier than the other one but cold as breeze.

Slowly, with faltering steps three kids step ahead. One was 13- 14 girl, while the other two looked 11- 12, a boy and girl. They looked a little scared.
The blue sword guy stepped ahead. And extends their hand palm open towards the kids. The kids looked unsure but put their hands in the outstretched one, and the blue sword guy takes them to the middle where the man- Rajat- was lying face down.

The other guy, bent ahead and grabbed Rajat's hair pulling his face up and in a hard voice, like ice said. "Get up and kneel."

When Rajat didn't hear him, the guy tightened his hand on Rajat's lower neck, making Rajat cry out loud. And he yielded to his knees. The hold was loosened at Rajat's neck but not completely left.

"Now, can you three do as I ask?" Blue sword asks. The kids nod hesitantly.

"Don't worry he won't harm you. I am here." Blue sword assures the other. And the kids nod, now a little more assured.

"Good." Blue sword nods. "Now, go slap him as hard as you can."
The princes were surprised at what he asked.

"Why" The older girl asks.

"He harmed you?"

"Yes." All the three kids answer.

"Then, you need to fight back, protect yourself." Blue sword says and the kids nod in understanding.

The oldest girl stepped ahead and slapped Rajat on the cheek. And then turned to look at Blue sword, asking a silent question.

"Harder. His cheek should be red." Blue sword says. "Remember all the pain he gave you, return the double of it."

The girl nods and this time the slap is so hard that even the prince's wince.
Smiling proudly, at the nod Blue sword gave her, she steps back.
The boy steps ahead and his one punch on the other cheek made Rajat's face fly to a side. It must have broke at least few teeth, it was bloody hard.

The smaller girl steps ahead and looks at the man in front of her and suddenly kicks him in his jewels. Which startled out a laugh from both the 'Insaaf Ke Rakshak'. While Rajat doubled over in pain and girl had a smug smile.

"Now, we leave up to you on how you want to deal with him, take him to Maharaj, thrown him out yourselves, however and whatever you wish." The Orange sword said.

"Thank you." The old man said.

"It was our duty." Orange sword says.

"Now, remember this." Blue sword kneeled in front of the kids. "There is nobody stronger than yourself. You should not beat anyone until they cause you harm. You only raise your hand for self- defense. Ok?"

"Yes." The three ids nod.

"Good." Blue sword says. "And also, if you think somebody is going to hurt you, scream a 'no' on top of your lungs."

"Listen, screaming on top of your lungs is the first thing you have to do and run away as fast as you can, if you can't then only you should use her hands and legs." Orange sword says.

"Thank you." The kids say.

"It's not only for them but for all of you too." Blue sword says, looking at the people all around her.
One pair of eyes land on the princes and they shiver at the sharpness of it. It chilled them from deep within.

"Our job is done here; we will take your leave." Blue sword says, her eyes still on the prince's. Orange sword nods in agreement. And with the breeze of a wind, both of them were gone.

Was the only thing that princes could think of.


What are your thoughts?

Aww! They got away and the princes' didn't do anything. 

Do Vote and comment.

Thanks for reading!

(1375 words.)

