Mihashi x Tajima ♡

I just think that Tajima is so kawaii! I just love that episode where Hanai tries to talk to Mihashi in private, but mihashi being mihashi, it looked like he was being bullied. Then Tajima comes and says "stop bullying Mihashi" I thought it was kawaii of him, anyways sorry about my ranting I got carried away, gomen. On with the one-shot~

Tajima POV.
'I'm going to do it today' I thought as I was walking to practice. As i got there I see Sakaeguchi, Izumi, Oki and the other's raking the field, but three people were missing and that was Abe, Hanai, and Mihashi. To my surprise Abe was talking to Hanai about something baseball related, I guess. But if Abe is with Hanai then Mihashi is alone, 'here's my chance' I thought as I begin to walk to Mihashi, who was on the other side of the field practicing by himself for the moment. When I got there Mihashi looked deep in thought I wonder why. "Hey~, Mihashi want me to catch for you?" I said wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "U-Um,... oh sure Tajima-kun!" Said Mihashi, at least he doesn't get all nervous and scared around me and, if he does I can understand him anyways. I got out of my thinking by a baseball hitting my glove, "nice pitch!" I said with grin. Everything was going well Mihashi and I were talking about lunch but then Abe came, "Tajima that's enough practice with Mihashi, go practice with Hanai" Abe said. As he said that I gave him 'Fuck off, his mine' eyes, but I listened anyways. I knew the real reason...


3rd POV.
"Hey, Tajima do you like Mihashi?" Said Abe walking towards Tajima. "Yeah, I do!" Tajima said with stars in his eyes, "well back off, Mihashi is mine!" Said Abe with angry eyes shooting at Tajima. "Wait, you like Mihashi too? And who said he was yours! That's bullshit!" Tajima said losing the stars in his eyes. "Well he is my pitcher so his mine!" Abe replied back at Tajima, "we just have to see who he chooses" Tajima said walking away from Abe.

End of flashback~

3rd POV.
"H-Hey, Abe-kun a-are... you m-mad at.... Tajima-kun...?" Mihashi asked Abe, because both of them were giving each other intensive glares. "No, I'm not mad at him Mihashi" Abe replied throw the ball to Mihashi' glove, 'I'm angry with the Asshole!' Abe thought.

With Tajima~

3rd POV.
"So, what's up with you and Abe" Hanai asked Tajima as he put on his glove, "Abe said he liked Mihashi, and I don't want Mihashi to be with Abe! I want him to be with me- ugh it's so frustrating!" Tajima said with his hands on his head. "Well then, how about you just tell Mihashi how you feel" Hanai said throwing a baseball towards Tajima head, which bounced right off.
"O-Ouch! What the fuck, Hanai" Tajima yell at Hanai while rubbing his head. "Get your head in the game, Tajima!" Replied Hanai as he was walking away scenes practice was already over.

Tajima POV.
As everyone was packing up and leaving for the day, I was waiting for Mihashi since we ride home together. As I got my bike out and waited for Mihashi to come out, finally I saw a figure and found out it was Mihashi. "Hey, Mihashi let ride home together!" I said with a smile "sure, Tajima-kun!" Mihashi said getting his bike out, as we were going are normal way home, there was a bump and I accidentally stumbled off my bike and fell on Mihashi, making him fall too. As we stumbled, Mihashi ended up on top of me, "I'm sorry Mihashi, are you hurt?" I asked him as we were in the same position. "I-I'm okay, Tajima-kun... b-but are you okay?" Mihashi asked but then started to freak out, because of the position that we were in. I huge him,"I'm okay, Mihashi... I'm glad your okay" I said still hugging him but sat up at the same time. "Mihashi Ren, I-I.... I love you! Please be my boyfriend!" I said screaming the last part out, as I looked at him I can see his face turned red. "I...." Mihashi tried to say something but couldn't say it. "It's okay, if you don't love me back... you probably like Abe, right?" I said looking away. I didn't get a answer so I was about to get up but, something pulled me down. Then I felt something cold, but soft at the same time, Mihashi was kissing me!?! It then turned out to be a pretty hot make out session, I then pushed him to the ground so I was on top of him. "I'll take that as a yes~" I said as I pecked him on the lips again, then I remembered something...
"Crap! I forgot to masturbate today!!! Sorry Ren gotta go!" I said as I got my bike and stared ridding off...


851 word sorry if it's short I'll try to do better next time, we'll till next time.
Stay yaoi my friends~
  M. Misaki~
