Blueberry kiss Abe x Mihashi ♡

I have a taste for blueberry, right now so why not?


3rd POV.
"Hey~, Mihashi! Let's go to the candy shop!" Said Tajima as he ran to Mihashi in a blink of a eye. "Sure!" Said Mihashi with that fish/cat face look, as they packed their baseball gear but there was someone watching then and that someone was.... Abe!
"What are they doing?" Abe mumbled to himself as he packed gear, when Abe was done he decided to follow them in a distance...

To Tajima & Mihashi~
Candy shop~

"What candy are you getting Mihashi?" Tajima asked as he looked at his best friend then back at all the candy.
"I don't know, maybe some lollipops?" Mihashi replied back as he was looking at the lollipops, as Tajima and Mihashi were looking at the candy they didn't notice Abe who was outside the candy shop spying on them... 'why did he go to the candy shop with Tajima? Why not me? Does he not love me anymo- wait of course he does what I'm I think... I'm I jealous?' Abe was to deep in thought, that he did see Tajima and Mihashi paying for their candy already. As Abe heard the bell on the door ring, he quickly went to go hide. As Mihashi and Tajima started walking down the street with Abe hot on the trial, they stared to have a conversation. "Hey, Mihashi how's your relationship with Abe going?" Tajima asked as he popped a lollipop in his mouth.
"Good!, I think... I mean, I love Abe-kun so..." Mihashi tried to say while also putting a lollipop in his mouth. "Yeah, I get it don't worry you don't have to say everything" Tajima replied as he patted Mihashi head.
"T-Talking about relationships, how are Hanai and you doing I heard he was sick today?" Mihashi asked as he swirled his lollipop (wink, wink!) "Yeah, he got the flu, It kinda sucks we were supposed to go on a date today too!" Tajima said with a slight disappointment. As the two keep going with the conversation, Abe got to listen and was quite happy to hear that Mihashi did love him so he didn't have to worry, but their was all ways a feeling in his stomach when Tajima was hanging around his boyfriend and he didn't like it.

As they go separate ways~

As Tajima and Mihashi were going there separate ways, Abe thought it was a good time to catch up with Mihashi.
"Hey, Ren" Abe says as he puts his hand on Mihashi should making him stop. "A-Abe-kun, when d-did you get here?" Mihashi asked with a small blush, "umm, to tell you the truth I was following you and Tajima the whole afternoon" Abe says bluntly as he stares at Mihashi. As Mihashi heard this he thought 'does he not trust me...?' "A-Abe-kun do... do you n-not trust me...?" Mihashi asked with a slight frown. "I do! I just... don't like it when you hanging around Tajima alot..." Abe said as he put a hand behind his head slightly scratching it. "Oh, so your jealous...?" Mihashi replied back with no hesitation, "wha-!?! no I'm not jealous! I just don't like the feeling that's all! I swear I'm not jealo-"
Abe got cut off by a unexpected kiss from Mihashi, it was a smooth peaceful kiss which turned into a dominant one, till both of them were losing oxygen so they broke away leaving a connection of saliva between both of them.
As Mihashi was blushing madly, they started to walk to Mihashi house in silence, but Abe broke the silence
"You taste like Blueberry...
Let me taste again" Abe quickly said as he pulled Mihashi into another sweet kiss~


615 words for the story sorry if it was short ran out of ideas, gomen. Next is going to be HanaixTajima~

M. Misaki~
