Need a job

kayla decided she planned to work

not that she needs money just to have an occupation so she talked to rachell her friend

kayla: rachell i need a job can you help me

rachell: you're rich why do you need a job kyky

kayla: because yes you can help me

rachell: of course, here comes they need  someone to work as a personal assistant

kayla: whose personal assistant exactly

rachell: i don't know you'll accept it or not

kayla: okay when do i start

rachell: here it comes, whoever wants it has to be there by tomorrow

kayla: ok i'll be there tomorrow. can you send me the address

rachell: sure

i went home i took a shower

I was looking forward to starting work

you may wonder why I don't work at my father's company

So it's because I don't like the way the others talk about me and my father said I'm going to start working there when I'm 20
this job as a personal assistant  it will not last long but it will be good

on the next day

I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast when a girl my age came out of my father's room.

like always

since my mother ran away he has "a half-defected brain"

so I was already used to these behaviors

the two were coming  down the stairs

they walked into the kitchen and my dad said

"this will be your new mom"


her: hi darling

me: dad you're crazy she and I are the same age what do you mean, and you're 30 years old

dad: are you calling me old

me: no sorry dad

dad: u need to respect her

me: yes dad

the three of us sat in the kitchen to eat and I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she was wearing my shirt

I went to take a shower to go to school, I couldn't stand even a minute in this house

at school

rachell: glad you came the person replied and said you have to be there at 5pm to work

kayla: no problem my dad traveled with "my new mom" to meet her parents

rachell: omg how old is she💀


rachell:omg 💀💀💀

kayla:ugh let's go to the classroom

at the end of classes

rachell: good luck on the first day

kayla: thank you

I dressed normally

I entered the car and went to work

at least this job will keep me away from that house

I got to the place rachell sent

I rang the bell

oh my days!!

he was shirtless
only with shorts

He is Sooo fine

me: hi im kayla

??: you may come in.
he said in an arrogant voice


I saw a girl I think she was 20 or 21
sitting on the sofa wearing only a big shirt

and her underwear was on the floor

I don't know if I can handle working here

she looked at me and said
"who are you"

before i answered he said
"she is my personal assistant"

Her: I don't want her here

I didn't even know what to say
Spoiled brat

Him: shut up next thing you say you will be out of this house

"ok" she said in a scared voice

to be honest i was too
But that was funny until...

"coming back"
he said looking at me

"you arrived 2 minutes late"
He said

me: um i.....

"I don't care what happened next time you're fired"

I know I could resign but I don't want to look at my "parents"

so i decided to forget

me: sorry

he called a girl who introduced me to the house and she said

"he can be a little crazy sometimes...
Be careful
And you CANT wear short clothes"

me: what do you mean crazy

"it's just a warning"

and she took me back to the living room

nobody was there

I didn't know what to do

when jude appeared behind me

the girl told me his name
His name was Jude Bellingham

"she told you about the clothes?"

me: yes she did

jude : don't break this particular rule,and don't touch anything inside my house only if I tell u to do,not even the walls

this guy is not ok


He just starred at me
Is it because I called him Jude

he looked at me with a disgusted face

WHO TF DOES HE THINK I AM no need of looking at me like that
