can you stay like this forever?

they woke up at the same time and looked at each other kayla smiled at jude and jude too

They got up and found breakfast already prepared.

the two sat together and ate

after a while kayla found jude stressed in the living room with the phone on the floor and it was broken

kayla: what happened

kayla asked worriedly

jude: kayla take your nosy eyes and go get your stuff
you will live with me you can do what you want with your house but now you will live here

kayla: why am i going to live here mr.rude

jude: shut up kayla i'm trying to help you

kayla:huum ok but do you mind if my aunt's daughter spends a night here

first he just looked at me then he accepted

kayla: I'm going to get my stuff

jude: that's your problem n mine needless to say

i just looked at him


when i got to my house there was nothing i thought that jude sent my father's body to the hospital so i didn't care so much

I carried my clothes everything that was mine and I took all my father's jewelry that cost more than the house
those rats won't
find nothing

then I started to take my aunt's daughter Angela and I took the opportunity to tell her everything

went to jude's house with angela

we entered the house

jude wasn't at home he was at home he was. training because on Saturday he has a game

I took all of Kayla's toys out of the folder and started playing with her.

not to think too much about my father

and jude arrived

I heard him asking if I was at home one of the workers


jude's pov

I got home and found the room full of baby toys.

and kayla was there with angela ig her name is this

I went to take a shower and put on some simple clothes and went back to bed

kayla: back so soon?


me: when did you learn to take care of children

kayla: you are behaving normally as if nothing happened this morning

me: wtf dont you forget stupid girl

kayla: i was fine when you weren't here jude

me: haha ​​do I look like I care

kayla's pov

angela started to cry

jude got up and took her
and hugged her

kayla "couldn't stop looking at the two of them together"

jude: could be our daughter one day

he said smiling

I didn't want to smile but I ended up smiling

they had dinner and then

-- 8pm

angela fell a sleep so i took her to her room

then I went back to downstairs to prepare her milk because she usually wakes up at 3am

and i found jude in the kitchen he was... eating sushi hummm

jude: is our daughter sleeping

kayla: you're stupid that's what ruins everything

Jude: if I wasn't would u have a baby with me

Kayla:you're too stupid to stop being stupid

Jude: I'm not

he got up and approached Kayla

Kayla: jude don't start with your crazy things

Jude: cmon Kayla

Kayla: no!

Jude: ok just a kiss

kayla gave up denying it and gave him a kiss how we know jude he couldn't kiss her without squeezing her ass
