
"Come on Bella. You can do it. Five minutes more and we can call it a day." My trainer, Ethan encouraged me.

It had been a month since I woke up from my coma. A month since I found out I had what they called paraplegia paralysis, or in shorter terms, I was paralysed from the waist down.
I couldn't walk.

The doctors thought I never would be able to again but I demanded to be given a chance and after my dad arrived they caved. I knew with my shifter healing I would have a higher chance of walking again but I couldn't realy tell them that, could I? I wanted to go back to Forks but apparently they didn't have the facilities for my rehabilitation back there. It wasn't particularly surprising but still disappointing. Charlie updated me of the latest news from forks and the guys from the rez did the same every time they visited. Angela and Eric had visited once but said that it was hard and expensive to get here so we agreed to keep in contact over phone.

Sighing, I withdrew from my inner rambling and tried to gather my strength. I was about three months along a human rehabilitation course already and all the doctors were shocked. I held on to the bars on either side of me, supporting most my weight on my arms before slowly willing my leg to move. To start with it didn't and I panicked. Yet again my legs had just seemed to switch off.

"I'm sorry, I can't. Its gone." I apologised weekly.

"Hey, its fine, honestly you're doing amazingly well. I've never seen anything like your recovery before.". Ethan said to me while helping me into my wheelchair.

He began to push me down the familiar corridor back to my recovery room, chatting the whole way. I didn't pay him much attention, I never did but suddenly something caught my interest. " so, I was speaking to Genna and guess what she said! She said that by the end of the week you should be able to go home and then just have rehabilitation three times a week in Seattle! Isn't that amazing?" He exclaimed happily.

"Wait- what?" I asked.

"You're going home!" He beamed as he helped me onto my small bed.

"What? I'm going home... I'M GOING HOME!" I screamed with excitement, bouncing as much as I could in my bed.

"Hey, maybe I should have told you that earlier... Its sure made your legs want to co-oporate." He mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh shut up." I said loudly, flapping my arms.

"Okay, whatever you say princess, see you later!" He called while abruptly leaving my room.

Rude much? My wolf said, startling me.

Oh so now you decide to show up again, I thought you had died or something. I said, irritation leaking into my tone.

Yea whatever, I've been busy. She replied and I could feel her mentally rolling her eyes.

Doing what exactly I snapped.

Talking to the fates. We didn't imprint on Edward.

What? I asked, freezing.

You should of read the god damned letter. She snapped once more before disappearing.

The letter. The letter. I knew where it was, I just wasn't willing to get it. It wasn't that I couldn't get it I jus didn't want to. Yet, against all my will I somehow found myself reaching into the small bedside draw and pulling it out. I sighed and accepted my fate. I was going to have to read this one day, I just didn't really expect it do be today.

'Dearest Bella, I am so sorry you are having to read this.
Oh Bella, why are you so difficult! Did it seriously take you a month to find the cottage to read on? Edward realy did destroy your spirit.
Anyway, sorry for that, I'm sorry for a lot actually. I can't help but feel I am to blame for all this. I should have seen it but I didn't. I know that you are parilised but I can't see anything else. You silly shifter. I can't see much about you, I'm surprised I saw what I did in the first place.
Now, please don't be upset PR panic when I say this but... Well you see, Edward's gone. With the Denalies he admitted Tanya was his mate, I'm so sorry. He rean off with her an hour after you and we haven't heard of either of them since. Three days later me and jasper had an argument, I don't know what happened but when he came back from ripping up the Forrest the sparks were gone. Our bond was gone. Everything is so confusing and Carlisle is having to deal with it all. With the Denalies gone (by the time you are finally reading this) rose and Emmet on their latest honeymoon and me and jasper no longer mates he is so stressed and its scaring everyone. Please come back here as soon as you can. I can feel the tension building. I think something bad is going to happen. Something very, very bad and I get the feeling we will only be able to stop it of you are here. With us.

Alice oxox'

Oh. My. God.
What the hell is going on?

Mwahahahahahahaaaa I'm so sorry this is so late but for once I have a valid excuse, I've been having to do a tonne of stuff to do with my GCSE options. I had to hand them in today but I have no idea when I will find out what I get.
Anyway, see what I mean about the constant steam of drama, I think this book is about half way to 3/4 of a way done!

So yea, see you soon my duckings.

