Night, Red eyes

When I returned home I saw Charlies cruiser pulled up on the driveway and cursed myself mentally.

Why didn't I keep track of time? The sun set like an hour ago so it must be at least eight by now, Charlie gets off his shift at seven!

I dove down, expecting the door to still be absent but to my surprise, and slight horror, somehow it had managed to be salvaged and reattached to the door frame. My amazement didn't last long however as despite my attempts, I flew straight into the door with a loud bang. I heard Charlie mute the game from inside before quick footsteps made their way to the door. A second later it was opened to reveal Charlie, his expression changed from worry to confusion as he saw no one in his line of sight. Squawking loudly, his gaze instantly snapped down to me, his eyes widening as he took me in.

"B-bella?" He asked, stuttering slightly while moving out the way and opening the door a bit more.

I gave him an annoyed look which must have been quite funny to see on a bird before looking at my little legs then back up at Charlie.

"Oh, right, sorry Bells." Charlie said sheepishly, being down to place me onto his right forearm.

He walked us into the living room, kicking the front door shut behind us before placing me on the sofa that I had been sat on earlier. I quickly shifted back before stretching my limbs out and sighing in relief. I was so tired, yet I knew I would have a lot of explaining to do.

"Well, first, you can shit now? Second, what happened to my door?
Third, where were you! No note, not text, no nothing! I was worried out of my mind Bella! I got back from work, to see their was no door and your wheelchair and crutches were here, but you weren't! I was ready to call the station when you flew into the door!" Charlie ranted while pacing the living room. "The only clue I had to the fact you had shifted and might have been okay was this!" He held up a single feather. What? A feather?

"A feather? " I asked uncertainly, leaning forwards in the chair to try and get a better view.

"A phoenix feather"

"Oh, wait? One of my phoenix feathers? Let me see!" I exclaimed gleefully.

Charlie sighed before walking over and handing me the feather. It was a dark red in the centre which gradually blended into a dark orange, right on the very tips of the feather was a light yellow patch, up and down both sides. It was beautiful.

"Wow. I think I'll make a necklace from this." Mumbling to myself, I turned the feather in my hands a few times before placing it down next to me.

"Yes, yes, you do that. Now? What happened to the door?" Well he's not wasting any time.

I sighed loudly. "You might want to sit down, it's a long story."

With that I proceeded to tell Charlie the events of the day, leading up to and after the explanation of the previously missing door. I told him about how Peter and Charlotte arrived and told me Jaspers story, I didn't tell him Jaspers story however. I didn't feel it was my place to do that. Three hours and a lot of talking later, I had finished.

"Wow, that's a lot in one day, but Bella, I wouldn't worry about Jasper, he seems like a nice guy. Give him a chance, he is your actual Imprint and you his mate. He would die for you without a second thought if it ever came to it. I've seen him, I've seen his scars and I know he must have been through a lot to be able to receive them and live to tell the tale."

I listened to Charlie and understood it all in a new way at last. I knew I had to give Jasper a chance, I'd been unfair on him and simply acted from fear. "I'll go and see him tomorrow it's late now, night Ch-Dad" I decided, before heading upstairs to my safe haven, A.K.A my bedroom.

Quickly brushing my teeth on the way, I went into my room and began stripping. I quickly changed into my pyjamas which consisted of a light night dress and panties before pulling my light curtains across my window.
I got into my heavenly bed and pulled the duvet up to my neck. I was on the brink of sleep when I heard my window slide open, instantly I sat up and switched on my bedside lamp, just in time to see a figure sliding in through my window. I instantly recognised him. Jasper.

"Bella... I thought you were asleep... " He spoke.

"Well, I almost was but now you're here I think I'll be able to sleep even better." My words were slurred my sleep. I patted the space on my ed next to me and he quickly joined me in bed. Hesitantly wrapping his arms around my waist. I shrunk into his chest, letting him know I was comfortable and he seemed to relax.

A second later I heard a click and the room was plunged into complete darkness. "Night, red eyes." I mumbled sleepily.

He drew in a sharp breath from being me. "I didn't think you'd noticed." He whispered in a fragile voice.

"Of course I noticed, I think they're beautiful. "

Double update because I felt so guiltyyy hope you enjoyed it ☺
Alsooo, I've uploaded the first chapter of return to olympus, ( Bella the demigod sequel) so go check that out
