2 | fishy

"Don't drink the champagne."

"What?" Elijah asked.

Stevie shook her head, "Trust me. Your mother is up to something and I don't know what it is but she's got the doppelgänger helping her. I don't like this and I don't want you guys to get caught up in it so trust me. Please?"

Elijah stared at his sister in slight shook, "Of course." He had always trusted Stevie and knew she wouldn't have asked him such a thing if she wasn't sure.

"Good. Now go tell the others, they will listen to you." Stevie ordered as he walked away without replying.

"What was that about?" Jeremy asked as he walked up behind her.

Stevie jumped slightly, "Not cool, Gilbert. Nothing, just family business."

"Anything I should be worried about?"

"With me around? Never."

"You know I'm glad I came tonight." Stevie sighed as she rested her head on Jeremy's shoulder. The two had been dancing for a while, lost in their own world, not that either of them minded. It did, however, surprise Stevie that his sister hadn't intervened, considering how much she hated The Mikaelson's. It irked Stevie how little his older sister cared about him and his safety, especially around vampires.

Jeremy pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, "Me too. I hope we have a chance to do mor-" Before Jeremy could continue, they heard a commotion outside and they followed the crowd.

"What the hell are you idiots doing?" Stevie yelled as she noticed Kol and Damon fighting while Matt laid unconscious on the ground. She sighed heavily before turning to the Mikaelson's, "Get Kol and Rebekah inside, I'll deal with them in the morning. Stefan, take your brother home before I snap his neck." Everyone was quick to follow the orders of the terrifying woman. Elijah escorted Rebekah inside while Klaus grabbed Kol. Stefan left with his brother and Elena, who once again forgot her brother.

Stevie walked over to Matt and pressed a hand to his forehead. The human quickly jolted awake and looked at the witch in confusion.

"What did you do to me?"

"I healed you and made sure there wasn't any damage from the concussion Damon gave you. I suggest you let Jeremy take you home." Stevie spoke softly to him.

Matt frowned, "Why would you help me?"

"I'm not like other supernatural creatures you've encountered with before, I'm part of a group that protect. Especially humans. I'd never hurt you Matt and I'll sure as hell make sure no one else does. You should let Jeremy take you home and stay with you. You shouldn't have to be alone." Stevie sighed as she helped him stand up. Matt nodded but smiled gratefully as he walked towards his car.

"He'll be fine." Jeremy spoke as he stood next to her.

Stevie shook her head, "I know. I can just feel the sadness and pain that he's been through and I want to protect him from everyone and make sure no more harm comes to him. Please make sure he gets some rest tonight. I'll check up on him in the morning."

"I promise. You should get some rest too." Jeremy spoke concerned. He couldn't explain it but he could feel exactly what she was feeling and it wasn't good.

"I will."

Jeremy cupped her face before pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Sweet dream, my love."
