14 | future

Stevie's brothers and Kol had enjoyed their time torturing the Salvatore brothers before they finally chopped their heads off, placing them by their parents graves. Jared and Klaus took their time with Mama Mikaelson, allowing her children to get their grievances out with her while torturing her. Rebekah had spent days crying when she finally realised how horrible her mother was. Elijah and Finn had been silent as they listened to their mother spew her hatred for them but Kol and Klaus had been furious, resulting in them torturing her more. In the end, Stevie ripped her heart out but not before destroying her soul to ensure that she would never come back to hurt any of the Mikaelson's or anyone else for that matter.

"What's the plan now?" Jeremy had asked his girlfriend.

Stevie smiled, "You want to travel the world with me?"

"There's nowhere I'd rather be."

And travel the world they did.

Jeremy had finished school a few months later, giving Stevie the time to plan their travel. She had planned for them to visit various places all over the world, exploring the places that Jeremy had always wanted to. She couldn't contain her excitement when Jeremy had finally graduated and they were able to go on their travels. 2 years after they had started their adventures together, Jeremy had proposed. Of course, Stevie had said yes as she loved him more than anything. She had contacted the people they all cared about before they knew it, it was only a couple of weeks before their wedding.

Her siblings had gone back to doing what they were amazing at, saving and protecting other supernatural beings. Kol and Bonnie had join them, travelling the world using their powers and abilities for good. Elijah had decided he needed some alone time and brought a cabin in the middle of nowhere in Norway. Rebekah and Caroline had travelled the world too but for the hottest shopping destinations and they loved it. Klaus had gone to New Orleans, reconciling with Marcel and they turned New Orleans into a refuge for supernatural beings. Finn wanted to find his sister, at least her body but with Stevie's help, not only did they find her but they found her alive. Stevie and Magnus were able to wake up Freya and kill Dahlia, something Stevie definitely enjoyed, knowing that she had killed the most despicable sisters who didn't deserve their powers. Elena had decided to go to nursing school, wanting to help people. She knew she had hurt too many people and wanted to do some good after all the hurt she had caused.

Everyone had all been shocked when they had gotten the wedding invite but they all packed their things and made their way to Paris, France where the couple had decided to have their wedding. Stevie had asked Rebekah, Caroline, Bonnie and Elena to be here bridesmaids while Hannah was her maid of honour. Jeremy had asked Kol, Elijah, Ares and Ryder to be his groomsmen while he asked Magnus to be his best man. The two men had gotten close over the years and had become good friends. Klaus had been adamant about paying for the wedding and wouldn't take no for an answer, refusing to be in the wedding party at all. Stevie had asked Jared to walk her down the isle, the old man being the closest thing she had to a father.

Stevie stood with Jared at the end of the isle, ready to marry the man of her dreams. As nervous as she was, she couldn't wait to marry him and spend eternity with Jeremy. He meant the absolute world to her and deserved all the happiness in the world. "Don't let me fall, old man." As much as she trusted the man, she was not ready to humiliate herself in front of all the people she called family and friends.

Jared rubbed her hand soothingly, chuckling softly at her comment, "Never." The door then opened and they both slowly walked down the isle. Stevie's hold on Jared tightened, taking a deep breath.

When she looked up at her soon-to-be-husband, she began to tear up. He looked handsome as ever. Jeremy froze  in shock as he looked at his soon-to-be-wife, she looked absolutely stunning to him in the dress and was glowing. Both of their faces brightened with smiles as Stevie walked down. Finally she reached him, taking a hold of his hands in a slightly tight grip.

"Breathe. We got this." Jeremy reassured. Then the wedding had begun.

"Do you, Jeremy Gilbert, take Stephanie Williams to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jeremy grinned, "I do." Stevie could feel that he was having a hard time keeping his emotions in check. He was happy yet nervous but he couldn't wait to call her his wife.

"Do you, Stephanie Williams, take Jeremy Gilbert as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Stevie smiled, "I do."

"I now, pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jeremy didn't wait a moment before pressing his lips to hers. They both got lost in the kiss before breaking apart as they heard the cheers from their families and friends. They were both ready to start the rest of their lives together. Stevie knew that with Jeremy by her side everything was going to be okay and maybe something beautiful would come out of it. Jeremy knew he was a better man with Stevie by his side and would do everything he could to make her happy and just maybe he was ready for something he never thought he would have or deserved.

This wedding had been the start of something new and they both couldn't wait to find out what the future would hold for them and what their next adventure would be. They knew that as long as they were together, they could do anything and would do anything to protect each other.

the end!
