-'✮'- 3 -'✮'-

there's a constant knock at his door, and he startles awake.

"y/n! wake up! you're gonna be late!" his sister shouts through his door.

y/n shakes himself awake and takes a peak at his clock throwing his covers aside.



he jolts up and makes haste to gather his uniform. rushing to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he stumbles through the hallway as he attempts to pull his uniform pants on.

"why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he questions his sister who's busy applying makeup to her face.

"your alarm went off and i figured you'd wake up to it." he shuffles into the bathroom beside her and hurriedly brushes his teeth.

"gross.." she grumbles when he spits and shoves him out when he's finished.

lucky college students, they start whenever they feel like it. (not true)

y/n runs to the entrance of their home, throwing his slippers off and half hazardously slips his shoes on.

he runs to school.

y/n barely manages to make it to class, he's out of breath, sweating and worst of all his hair is in all sorts of disarray.

"y/n, good morning welcome in." his teacher says curtly and he nods ducking his head as he makes his way to his seat.

luckily no one cares enough to look at him, so he settles quickly. shoving his head in his hands. he sighs and waits for attendance to be taken.

the lecture is so boring. y/n struggles to keep his eyes open, blinking away the drowsiness he looks around the room in an attempt to busy his brain as the teacher talks on and on.

he knows most of his classmates, well knows of them. he could name some here and there, others he'd struggle a bit more but might get lucky if ever talked to by one of them.

hm, weird.

longish brown hair and deep brown eyes. he's broad and tan, a stubbled jaw and a strong nose. his lips are parted wrapped around a pen as his tongue pokes out to writhe against it. he has curls falling into his face, and he tucks one behind his ear.

y/n could have sworn he was past the age of a highschool student, but him being a third year makes a little bit of sense.

he stares, without meaning too. and maybe some god above or some weird spider senses kick in, the brunette looks to him. their eyes meet and y/n blinks owlishly.

the other boy blinks back in response and manages a small smile, turning back to his paper and avoiding y/n's stare awkwardly.

y/n snaps his head forward, cheeks flushed as embarrassment settles in, he forces his gaze out the window in mock disinterest but he knows for a fact his ears are red too, he can feel them warm.

i want to crawl into a hole and die, he probably thinks i'm some stalker or something.

the bell rings.

y/n had forgotten his lunchbox on the counter in his rush. he'd probably have to go and pop down to one of the vending machines and buy something to hold him off until he got home.

ugh but walking down was so much work, so he settled for resting his head against his arms and looking around the room.

mr tall, broad and, well handsome was still sat at his desk, scribbling away on some loose paper, probably taking notes of some sort. y/n was one hundred percent certain this was the same boy from the cafe he'd bumped into.

should i say something? like what 'oh i'm sorry for bumping into you the other day and you know, staring at you like some weirdo.' he shakes his head at the thought, who cares they'd probably never see eachother again outside of their shared class.

so y/n slumps forward, closing his eyes and sleeping off his lunch break.

finally the day was over.

y/n groaned stretching his arms over his head. he gathers his stuff to leave and asks a teacher to point him in the direction of where the boys volleyball team might be practicing.

he grumbles the whole way down, coach emi had asked him to introduce himself before they'd meet at the rink, or at least see who he was working with.

y/n continues his way, making his way out of the school and towards the gyms entrance, the squeak of shoes and the 'wack' of volleyballs told him he'd found the right one.

he stands at the door hesitating.

weighing the disappointment of his coach or the awkwardness of introducing himself to an entire volleyball team.

he wants to turn to leave and decide to just introduce himself at the rink, in his own comfort zone.

but a ball whirls past his head, the speed of it tousling his hair. it slams to the ground and rolls back towards his feet.

"i'll get it!" a shout follows, that makes him jump and come back into his body. a boy a bit shorter than him with copper hair comes dashing out.

"oh! sorry, did the ball hit you?" he tilts his head and points towards said ball.

"um, no. almost did though." the boy only bows in apology and makes to grab the ball. y/n finally shakes himself out of the shock. that ball would have probably broken his nose or given him a concussion if it had hit him.

"are you lost?" y/n looks to the boy, watching the ball bounce restlessly in his hands.

"i don't think so, is this where the boys volleyball team practices?" the boy's eyes lighten up a bit.

"yeah! are you here to join?" he asks excitedly and y/n hates to disappoint him.

"no." It comes out flat and the coppered hair boy deflates.

"oh.. so why are you here then?" y/n feels just the tiniest bit bad, but him? join a volleyball team? yeah right.

"my coach is friends with coach ukai and she wanted me to introduce myself to his team."

the boy tilts his head, confusion written all over his face.

"hmm, well i'm hinata shoyo!" hinata smiles in greeting.

"l/n f/n" y/n mumbles out and adjusts the strap of his bag.

"come! follow me in!" hinata waves his hand in a motion to follow and y/n does.

"coach!" he shouts and ukai turns towards him. the blonde smiles and beckons y/n over.

"y/n! i'm glad you could stop by, it'd be nice for the team to meet you now rather than wait to meet you on the ice." y/n only nods and stands beside ukai turning to face the court.

he watches for a bit, the others don't seem to notice him too much still so engrossed in their practice.

longish brown hair,

tall and broad.

deep brown eyes.

what the fuck?

he doesn't have enough time to stare at the boy as he sees hinata wiz by, he jumps and spikes a ball a thwap sounding throughout the gym. ukai only laughs at y/n's expression.

"pretty cool huh?" he motions to hinata who's cheering at the successful spike.

"yeah. that was.. intense..?" was that the right word? probably not.

ukai laughed again and clapped his hands to gather their attention.

"alright everyone gather around over here please, we're taking 5" y/n's shoulders tensed, all eyes were in their direction now.

they all follow instructions, grabbing water bottles on their way over.

"as i've told you all already, i have a friend who's given us permission to learn under her student regarding ice skating, does anyone remember that?" they all chorus out affirmative kinda noises and ukai gestures to y/n.

"this is said student, you might know him already or have seen him around the school. he's a third year, so treat him well" the blonde gestures his hand toward the group in a 'go ahead' kinda motion.

"n,nice to meet you all. i'm l/n f/n, you can call me y/n." y/n is sweating, he's nervous, they're all staring at him intensely.

they all chorus out a 'nice to meet you too' and a few 'thank yous' in regards to him teaching them.

"you can stay for the rest of practice if you'd like," ukai says and hinata is practically buzzing with energy.

"you should stay y/n! you can watch how cool we are!" a tall boy smacks him in the back of his head.

"he doesn't have to stay if he doesn't want to stupid hinata." hinata rubs the spot where the other had hit him and scowls in his direction.

"i know that dummyyama! i'm just saying it would be nice to have someone else see us practice!"

y/n lets out a little snort, dummyyama? what is he five?

"ignore them they're always like that," the silver haired boy waves a dismissive hand and greets y/n with a smile.

"i'm sugawara koushi, suga is just fine" silver hair. same boy from the cafe.

"nice to meet you suga.." suga slaps the raven haired boy beside him and scolds him for not greeting y/n properly.

"i'm daichi sawamura, nice to meet you y/n" he rubs the sore spot on his back with a nervous smile.

y/n smiles and bows his head receptively.

"and you! get over here!" suga shouts at the other boy from the cafe, the one he'd actually bumped into.

he scurries over, his face nervous.

"um, im asahi azumane.." he mumbles out and rubs at the back of his neck.

asahi azumane.


"nice to, formally meet you.." y/n chuckles, adjusting his bag strap once again.

"yeah.." they stand there for an awkward moment as two other teens come barreling forward.

"i'm nishinoya yuu! and this is tanaka ryuunosuke!" the smaller one shouts, they both give y/n a once over almost as if they're sizing him up.

"n-nice to meet you both...?" they both grin with a thumbs up and apparently deem him not a threat as they run off again.

he meets the rest of the team quickly, super tall blonde with glasses (tsukishima) little guy with freckles (yamaguchi) beautiful manager (kiyoko) dummyyama (kageyama) along with the more sane members ennoshita, kinoshita and narita.

overall they're a pretty well rounded bunch and y/n is less intimidated of them than he was when he first walked in.

practice continued and strangely y/n decided to stay, much to hinata's delight.

after they've all cleaned up the gym they begin their ways home. hinata rambles excitedly about volleyball to y/n who happens to be on the same route.

he surprisingly despite himself doesn't seem to mind the constant chatter from the shorter boy, he honestly rather likes it. it's better than walking in silence listening to his own thoughts.

if he were walking alone he'd probably be thinking of the lingering image of

longish brown hair,

tall and broad,

deep brown eyes,

asahi azumane.
