-'✮'- 2 -'✮'-

an alarm rouses y/n from sleep, his hair sticking up in all directions.

he slouches over himself rubbing his palms into his eyes in an attempt to rid them of sleep.

he yawns loudly stretching his arms up and over his head, groaning when his back cracks lowly.

y/n eyes the clock blinking away any remains of sleep, bleary eyed he reads it.


it glares angrily at him in bold red numbers. he sighs and drags himself to the bathroom, showering quickly and brushing his teeth.

he attempts to fix his hair, running restless fingers over it to try and smooth down the stray pieces.

making his way back to his room he runs into his sister who grumbles out a low 'morning' followed by a yawn as she takes his place in the bathroom.

y/n gathers his supplies, he'd skip school the morning before so now he'd have to make up for it with extra homework. shoving his papers into his skate bag he tugs it over his shoulder and heads for the entrance.

he slips off his slippers and trades them for his outside shoes, then waits for his fathers arrival.

as if on cue his father stumbles his way into the kitchen, lunch prepared for him on the counter. he's dressed and ready, he'd probably been awake for a few hours earlier then his son.

"ready to go, squirt?" his fathers stands above him, ruffling up the hair he tried to fix before.

"daaad i already fixed my hair stop that." y/n whined, swatting his fathers hand away and accepting the lunchbox he's handed.

"okay okay, that's right you're sooo old now huh?" his father grins, switching his slippers for his outside shoes and making his way towards the door.

"i'll never be as old as you," y/n sings in a mocking voice and follows his father out the door and to their family car.

"hey watch it! i might just cut you off for saturday rides," he tsks and gets into the driver's seat, y/n following into the passenger side.

"and i might just take that key back if you keep skipping school." his father eyes him, setting the car in drive and beginning their way to the family's skating rink.

"sorry.." y/n manages a huff, he'd been so worked up that he'd wanted to get all of those feelings out through practice.

"i was no better, but that doesn't mean you follow my example. i want better things for you, you deserve them n/n" y/n smiles, imagines of childhood flashing through his mind at the nickname.

"i know it's just, i feel so out of place when i'm at school, like i'm just floating around and i have no purpose or place. but on the rink i just.. i feel at home." his dad sighs in response and turns into the rinks staff parking lot.

"i get how hard that can be.. you just have to try and put yourself out there, make friends, find a girlfriend.. or boyfriend? whatever you're into doesn't matter," y/n laughs brightly, god he loved his dad, he loved his family!

"but just try, coach emi mentioned that volleyball team coming in to practice with you and whatnot, start there! take advantage! befriend them, don't let possible relationships slip through your fingers."

they stare at each other for a moment, twin pairs of e/c's meeting together.

"you're right.., okay i'll try.." y/n sighs and opens the door. "cmon i need to get on the ice before i lose my mind." his dad laughs in response and they both exit the car.

y/n practices for about 2 hours, rehearsing his program over and over again, trying his hardest to land all of his jumps flawlessly. he finishes for the 4th or 5th time, could have been more he just can't seem to remember nor care to.

the h/c haired boy huffs loudly, puffs of smoke lingering in front of him, his lungs burned and his legs ached, the jumping and landing straining his muscles. his arms lower, his eyes still screwed shut as he tries and catches his breath.

y/n's head turns his eyes fluttering open, his chest still heaves but he hears voices. there's two of them, one is definitely recognizable, the flare and dramatics of his coach's way of speech echo off the walls. they're far off enough to know they had just begun to walk into the building.

the other voice was familiar as well but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. masculine and gruff, a sultry chuckle follows a stupid joke.

"oh! y/n!" his coach shouts, eyeing him as he stands in the center of the rink his program music still humming through the speakers.

"practicing already!? didn't i tell you to take it easy!?" she yells the blonde beside her jumping a bit from the raise of her voice.

familiar was right.

"mini mart guy?" y/n mumbles to only himself as he glides closer to the edge of where his coach stands on the other side of the railing.

"i just needed to practice to wake myself up," she cocks her head to the side.

she doesn't buy it.

"sure you did, well since you're here i suppose it works out." she slaps a hand against the back of the man beside her and he startles a step forward.

"y/n this is ukai keishin, ukai this is l/n f/n! the student i was talking about for your team." the blonde nods in understanding and extends a hand in greeting.

"it's nice to put a face to the name, emi only talks wonders about you so i'm glad to be meeting you." y/n shakes his hand sheepishly, the indirect praise from his coach makes him all the more confident.

"it's nice to meet you too ukai, i look forward to teaching your team." a smile is plastered across y/n's face, practiced and polite. in reality he would rather spend all of his time practicing his routine than teaching a volleyball team to skate.

coach emi is restless, she tips back and forth on the balls of her feet and waits for the introductions to conclude. after everything was all said and done they bid goodbye and she drags the blonde; now know as coach ukai, around the building in a casual tour.

y/n finally and reluctantly leaves the rink after some convincing from his father. he detours his way home to peer at small shops and other vendors along the way.

he comes to a stop at a small cafe, pastries and cutely displayed drinks plastered the windows, he steps inside.

y/n makes his way to the main register and orders a latte hoping for a cute little design in the foam. he sits at a table and pulls out a notebook awaiting his drink.

he scribbles out schedules and lesson plans for his 'classes' if you could call them that.

when his drink arrives he pauses his work and snaps a quick picture of the cute little cat doodled in the foam.

y/n crosses out and rewrites lines over and over on the page, deciding on what would be too hard or too easy on the team? how should he manage the time? how will he present himself to said team, he taps the pen restlessly against his temple the drink long gone beside him.

y/n hums and declares his plans good enough for their first lesson and sets the notebook messily back in his bag. he turns out of the booth he was seated in and makes his way toward the exit, messing around with something on his phone and ignoring everything around him.

he bumps into someone, which is to be expected seeing as he decided now was a good time to ignore his surroundings.

this person is tall and broad, scrambling out an apology as the two people behind him snicker. the boy reaches out a hand bending over to catch the notebook y/n was just scribbling in.

y/n looks up, rubbing his forehead, and accepts his notebook when it's pushed back into his hand.

"it's alright i wasn't watching where i was going, um are you okay?" he questions, e/c eyes meet deep dark brown ones.

"i'm okay! you collided a bit harder than me i just wanted to make sure you were alright." y/n just laughs and smiles.

"i'm perfectly fine, don't worry, no signs of a concussion i'm sure" the other laughs lightly, his face is all bright and sweet.

y/n studies him quickly, longish brown hair tumbles behind his ears, half of it held up with a cute clip. he looks older, like way older than y/n.

"um thank you for my notebook. i'll be going now," he bows his head in thanks and turns to walk out the door. but something makes him linger for a moment turning his head back towards the brunette.

y/n takes in one last glimpse. he is being laughed at by a shorter guy with silver hair all while a raven haired male slaps his back to get him to stand up straight.

hm, weird.

y/n walks home.
