chaptertwo: reminice.

Kacchan's POV
I graduated high school and got into U.A's
Hero Academy ( Hero and Health Academy are in the same college, just split into different sections of the campus )

' all these other heros but ILL BE TOP! '
( he's a top in bed thats fo' sho, Deku WATCH OUTTT 😉 )

I walked in the hallway where my class was

' Class 1A where the FUCK is it '

" U-Uraraka your face is too close "
i recognize that stuttering ANYWHERE

' Deku? '

roundface was staring at Deku's face veryy


' DEKU?! since when could she call him Deku, that was my nickname for him! '

i rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth

' Tch it shouldn't mean anything he's just a Nerd. '

i stared at Deku for a bit

his fluffy green hair.
his green emerald eyes..
the little freckles on his cheeks...

same old Deku, same old smile

i stared down his body and he changed.

he grew a little more muscular

i blushed a little as i continued to stare
' fuck when do i ever blush damn it! '

" BAKUBROOO whatcha lookin at? "
Shitty hair leaned on my shoulder

" Don't call me that Shitty Hair its stupid "
i snapped out of my thoughts and pushed him off of me

" Next door is the Health Academy class, i saw a cute guy in there bro "
he moved his brows up and down with a smirk on his face

' Shitty hair knows about my sexuality, but i could smell his gayness from a mile away anyway '

" Tch whatever lover boy "


" your hair is still shitty and you're a shitty lover boy too "
he looked a little hurt and i laughed

" ouch how FRIENDLY, but his name is Kaminari he's pretty hot bro "

there's someone in there i have my eyes on too..

but we haven't spoken to each other ever since i told him to stay away..

' i didn't need his help, so he SHOULD stay away. he's just a shitty Nerd..'

but i still wanted to see a few things though..
that little smile he'd give me days after i bullied him.
how he always stuttered when he called me Kacchan.
his face when he would cry over the smallest things.
and that small tint of blush when someone got too close for comfort

the old Kacchan huh?

ill think about that one.

Deku's POV

Uraraka kept staring at my face as soon as I walked into the class

so i walked into the hallway hoping she'd back up a little bit

do i really look THAT different?

" U-Uraraka your face is to close.. "

she screeched loud enough to draw the attention of everyone around us

I felt eyes on me but I pushed it away and tried to convince Uraraka to be quiet and back up a little bit

but then she started fluffing my hair

" Uraraka I won't let you FaceTime Asui if you keep getting so CLOSE "
i stuck my tongue out at her and she quickly moved away from me

" FINE FINE, you better let me talk to her or i will gladly yell out Bakugou's
name so he could come right here "
she smiled at me and rocked herself on her heels

' She knows about how I feel towards Kacchan'

I really missed him. I avoided him so he could focus on his Hero studies, plus I would've been a burden to him if I stayed around any longer..

I'm gonna do my best to get closer to Kacchan again.. so I could take care of him during battle and support him just like before

just like before..

the class bell rang and we started our lesson

( everyone who's in the health academy, ex: Uraraka she still has her quirk but chose to be in this academy for this story! except for Deku since he's quirkless for this story )

First Lesson: Procedures During Battle

- The Health Academy students go into battle with the Hero Academy students.

- Act fast when another student is injured during battle while keeping ourselves safe
at the same time so we are able to aid the injured.

- Before going into battle hide away from the villains as the Hero's charge in, and ONLY go out when a hero calls for help.

- Health Academy students are required to have a device that sends out a vibration and name of the hero who is in need of medical assistance

- If YOUR injury during battle is serious, call for help for both you and the hero if unable to move.

- put the heros before you, treat them quickly and carefully.

- put Kacchan before you.

| end of class |

i grabbed my bag, getting ready to head out the classroom door

until Urakaka asked
" Deku? "

" Hm, whats up? "

" Can I FaceTime Asui now pleaseee? "
she pleaded with her cheeks puffed out

Asui moved away and the only way she can contact her girlfriend is through FaceTime

" Fine, here "
i pulled out my phone for her and waited for her outside of the classroom

Everyone seemed to have left already so the hallway was empty
I sat criss crossed on the floor with my back against the wall, hugging my bag and resting my head on it. slowly drifting off to sleep

Uraraka will wake me up when she's done anyway
A little nap won't hurt

Kacchan's POV

Me and ShittyHair had to stay back in class for a bit

" ShittyHair I swear I will blast you again if you keep it up "

" I can handle it BakuBr "
Handle it hmm?

I stood up quickly and turned back to ShittyHair

" WA-HA WOAH i'm sorry BakuB- Bakugou i'm kidding dont blast meee "

" Can't handle what now? That's what I thought ShittyHair "
i stuck out my middle finger and turned to Mr. Aizawa

" OI its been  10 minutes can we fucking go now "

" Whatever, just let me sleep "
he said rolled up in his yellow sleeping bag

' Looks like our fucking college hobo '

ShittyHair got in front of me and stood right in front of the door

he shushed me and slowly walked over to a figure next to the Health Academy's class

" Aye, shutup and look who it is "

He scooted over for me to see Deku asleep

his mouth was slightly open as he was asleep, his lips look so soft.. i wond— no i can't be FUCKING THINKING LIKE THIS!

" And what do you want me to do with him? "
i tried to get rid of the blush i knew DAMN well i had on my cheeks

" Take him home bro, you know where he lives, its close to your house "

" THE FUCK i cant do tha- "
and by then ShittyHair was out of sight

' He really just fucki- '
' you know what nope, im too tired to be angry '

i kneeled down so my face was lined up with Deku's
his hair was drooped over his eyes so i fixed it and.. smiled.

' He makes me soft.. he could put me at ease. just by looking at him. wow.. '

without noticing Roundface came out of the classroom

" HEY angry hedgehog, are you smiling?! "
she excitedly whispered

" ShutUp Roundface, i wasn't! "

" Your mouth said otherwise, i didn't know you smiled till now and the person who COULD make you smile "

" Listen RoundFace tell no one or i will blast you up to space! "
i tried to whisper so i dont wake Deku

" Whateverrr, sooo i can't carry him so IM GOING NOW BYEEEEE "
she threw his phone at me and ran out the door

' they really fucking left me with Deku Tch whatever ' 

i moved his bag away from him slowly so i dont wake him and placed his arms over both of my shoulders

i lifted him up and held onto his thighs

" mpfh comfortable "
he mumbled as he snuggled tighter onto me

" hm cute Nerd "
my heart raced

' the one kid who can make my heart race, was the Nerd i pushed away.. '

i smiled and carried him all the way home

' FUCK where are his keys? '

" crap crap crap "

Aunty Inko would leave a key under the mat for us when we were kids because we'd play outside even after the sun set.

i used my foot to lift the mat

there's still that fucking key

i unlocked the door and closed the door behind me quietly

" k-kacchan "
i froze but he was still asleep

" Are you dreaming of me Nerd? "
Tch Deku..

i really do like you huh?
