chapterseven: danger.

Deku's POV

Our class and the Hero class started training separated from each other. Working on our own strengths and weaknesses out on the battle field.
' I can't wait to work with the hero class, and hopefully be with Kacchan! '

our training included:
- self defense: if we ever encounter a villain
- increasing our overall physical strength
- mastering the ability to stay hidden: so we don't get in the way of the hero's in battle
- the emergency tools and how each of them function
- applying pressures to wounds
- how to treat all the different types of injuries
( etc. )

" This training is DRAINING, i'm sweating.. everywhere Deku. everywhere! "

" It's worth it though right! For the one's we love. "

" Deku. You're so fucking pure. Stop "
She fake cried

" Shutup and who said I was pure? I'm a good kisser when it comes to making out! "
I winked and she started covering her mouth to hold in a laugh

" You sure are Deku but i'm better. "
I jumped and Uraraka started laughing

" AH KACCHAN. Uhm I mean hi Kacchan! "
Flashing him a smile then quickly blushing
' Timing is truly NOT my friend! '

" Whatever Nerd, that fucking hobo sensei Aizawa said our classes are training together tomorrow. "

" REALLY! OH MY— wow I mean. I can't wait. "

" Stop tryna sound cool, you're my nerd for a reason. "
He chuckled and ruffled my hair.
i whispered back to him
" Then I can't wait to be on the same field as you! Just don't make me hard again, I WILL kill you. "
I smiled as he stared at me with his crimson red eyes
" Tch, you're a dumbass. But I can't wait to see you out there too Nerd. "


" Training is over, go back to your dorms and freshen up! Be ready for tomorrow, both of our classes will be training together! Meet inside of the arena at 8 AM. DON'T BE LATE! "
( I forgot to mention they've also moved into dorms just like the actual anime, Class 1A for both Hero and Health are on top floor while Class 2A is two floors below, leaving the teachers to be on the floor right in between )

" You're coming to my dorm Nerd, get your stuff ready. "

" Okay! I'll see you in a little bit Kacchan *whispers* I love you! "

" Alright Nerd *whispers* I fucking love you too. "

I walked back to my dorm and quickly gathered my things


" Izuku Midoriya "

" Who is this? "
read 7:16 pm

" Keep your eyes up when you're on the battle field Izuku. "

" What do you mean and what do you want? "
read 7:18 pm

" Just watch your back. We're coming for you and your boyfriend. "
' They won't touch my Kacchan. '

" Do not lay a hand on him. "
read 7:19

" What if we do? "

" Don't do anything to him. You hear. Come at me if you want. Just not him. "
read 7:21 pm

" Protective much huh? Fine. If you tell anyone we'll come for you AND him. If you keep this to yourself we won't lay a hand on him "

" Deal. Don't do anything to him. You better leave him out of this you bastard. "
read 7:23

" Little bitch. You better watch your back. "

" No one hurts him. Like I'd ever le- "
I paced around and spoke under my breath

* ring ring *

" If this is another unknown caller I swe- "

My Kacchan💥💗💘

" OI Nerd, are you coming? "

" OH, yeah! I'll be over soon! But, i'm like 2 dorms away from yours. You didn't want to knock instead of calling?"

" Shut up. I'm fucking lazy and I wanted to fucking hear your voice you Nerd. "
He slightly yelled into the phone

" Relax Kacchan, I'm coming! "

" You're coming ( wink wink ) huh? That'd be such a sight to see wouldn't it Deku. "
I blushed at what he was trying to say

" K-Kacchan you're so dirty~ "

" Whatever Nerd, you get freakier than me sometimes. But, Daddy always wins"
He just-

called himself.

" W-Whatever. I'm heading there soon! See you soon babe "

" Alright baby, don't take too fucking long! "

Call ended

I grabbed my things and headed to his dorm

* knock *

" Kacchan? "
The door opened and I saw Kacchan shirtless.

Oh My. He's a full course meal. DAMN!

" Take a picture Nerd, it'll last longer "

" You're hot. "
I said abruptly
" AH, I didn't mean to say that out loud!"
he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the dorm

" Hurry up and change if you're gonna change Nerd. I wanna fucking cuddle "

Kacchan's POV

Deku went into the bathroom to change.

' UGH, this Nerd takes so fucking long! '
I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked as I was getting very impatient

⚠️Warning: NSFW ( I have so much of these. I'm sorry! I made Bakugou & Deku hella horny in this book lol )

" Mpfh. "
Is he moaning?

" Deku~ Are you thinking of me? "


" You want me to help you with that Nerd ? "
I heard the bathroom lock click open.
He was sitting on top of the toilet cover with his shorts and underwear thrown to the side

" Damn Deku. You're so cute when you're like this. "
He buried his face into his hands
I moved his hands away from his face and started kissing him.
His hands running through my hair as I slowly sneaked my hands down to his crotch

" A-Ah Kacchan "
He moaned into my ear as I gently started stroking
" Mpfh. Kacchan, go faster. "

" What do we say first baby? "
He wrapped his arms around my neck, buried his face into my neck and started panting

" Agh. Daddy faster please! "
Without hesitation I went faster and he started moaning even louder

" Ugh Nerd, I love hearing you moan. "

" Mpfh. You m-make me like thi- Agh "
He wrapped his arms around me tighter as I felt him release

" You good now Kitten? "

" M-Much better Kacchan. "
He panted

" Dammit, you got it on my shirt! "

" Heh, sorry!! "

" Whatever, clean yourself up and get into bed! "
" Oh and I told you, that would be a sight to see. "
I said as I licked his residue off of my fingers

He looked at me with his mouth slightly open

" O-Okay "
I winked and waited for him on the bed

⚠️ End of Warning

I saw his phone on the desk so I picked it up, out of curiosity and I scrolled through his messages

' Hm? Unknown Number. Who the fuck is this.'

I clicked into the message and I saw a text from the Unknown number

' Little bi- '
The bathroom door opened, I quickly shut off the phone and placed it back onto the table

" You finally done Nerd? "

" Yeah! I'm sorry I took so long... "

" It's alright, now hurry up, we need to rest. "
I opened my arms and he quickly came onto the bed.
He laid his head into the crook of my neck and I wrapped my legs around his

" Hmph you're so comfortable! "
He chuckled

" You been using my shampoo Nerd? "

" Pft no~ "
I poked his side causing him to giggle and face his body away from me so I couldn't get him

" A little thief must've snuck in here and used it then huh? I've SOMEHOW been running low on my shampoo.. "

" Well it smells good! I'll buy us some more I promisee ! "
He turned his body back towards me and looked into my eyes

' Those beautiful emerald eyes. '

" What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine! "
He smiled

" Well, I'm yours "

" No one elses!! "
He winked and I kissed his forehead 

" You're my Nerd and I love you. "

" I love you Kacchan. Whatever happens I'll make sure you're safe. "

" I'll protect you forever Deku. "
He didn't answer me back, I looked down to see him already fast asleep

" I'll keep you away from danger. Always. "

' Goodnight Nerd, I love you '

that text still seemed to bother me before i could fall asleep..
he would tell me if anything was happening. right?
