Chapter 5: Infect

(Also can be called, Infected's befriending one another more at 11)

Infected Guardian (Walten my Beloved <3)

My paws hit the floor as I walk. Silently stalking my prey, my prey who brought this upon itself by entering my territory. My red eyes watch as it wanders around, picking up scraps. Last time a prey entered my territory they were trying to stop the custard from flowing, unlike this one who's picking up scraps of metal and then dropping it when it doesn't satisfy it.

Curious little thing isn't it.

I begin walking following it. Eyes narrowed and ears twitching, as it picks up another piece of metal before dropping this one as well. It then sees something that appears to interest it, it picks up a piece of metal that had bolts sealed onto it.

I got closer wanting to know what it was going to do with it. It's red fur that had some scars littered here and there, a bigger scar around its neck as well, and it appears to be a female. Watching in confusion as she puts the metal around her neck as though it was a necklace or neck brace.

Her ear twitches in my direction and I hide. She turns towards where I was just standing. I'm then filled with disappointment, she's infected. I prefer my prey to be filled with warmth.

Hmm, I do believe I know this infected, from before I became a reborn. Still, she's in my territory and the last time another infected wandered around here that wasn't one of the newborns, it was a weird scaled one that tried to swim in the custard, it's still here but purple fog appeared and it turned into a headless green tubby.

What am I supposed to do? Tugging at my hat anxiously, why does everything have to be difficult? My ears twitch as another set of footsteps begin running in this direction. It's the headless one. He waves at me, then he seems to notice the red one, who also notices him.

I stand up revealing myself, seeing no need to stay hidden. So now the three of us are just awkwardly standing around.

"Hello. I recognize you, both of you." The red one says motioning to the two of us before rolling her shoulders. The green one waves once more and then gives her a thumbs up, unable to talk because he is headless, after all.

"How exactly..." I question her. For some reason I wanna keep an eye on both of them, I don't wanna fail them again. Fail them again? Oh dear.

"You, I was there when you became a reborn. Him, I just feel like I know him, from before I became a reborn." She explains. After she explains, the green lifts his hands.

'I sorta recognize the two of you also.' He signs at us. We bring our attention fully to him. 'Also the hat, I know that hat. I think I chased someone with a similar hat.' He finishes signing and brings his hands back to his side.

"Hey I sorta remember my time before becoming a reborn." Both of them look at me, or at least I think, the headless one just sorta turned his neck. "I remember a dark room only being lit up by screens on the side of the room, on the screens was this grass house looking thing." I tell them.

"Hey white, Okay I'm not just going to keep calling you white, do you two have names? I'm Po, At least that's what the boss called me." Po says, her red ears twitch.

Every time I hear her talk, I can tell she's still quite young. For some reason that upsets me, just like how the newborns make me sad. I know newborns are supposed to be children, young tubbys. Whenever a newborn comes back from the hunts they go on, I would help them clean up. It just feels wrong not to.

'Dipsy, I think. Can't really remember.' Dipsy signs to us, Po smiles slightly.

"Guardian or Watcher are the only names I can remember at the moment." I tell the two. Po lifts an eyebrow at that before her eyes go wide.

"Wait, You're the one that Noo Noo called the new order aren't you!" Po claps her hands in joy.

I nod. "I was the new order, I still am but someone took my title. This someone has been an absolute menace in my eyes." I growl in anger. This 'New Order' wannabe has been tearing through almost every infected it comes across. I rubbed at the top of my muzzle where claw marks lay after the wannabe attacked me.

"Ah, apologies if this is a tough subject we don't need to talk about it." Po waves her arms in a way to defuse.

"It's fine..." I tell her, lowering my hand from my muzzle. Dipsy waves again, catching my attention.

'Dian.' Dipsy signs at me. Lifting an eyebrow and tilting my head. 'I'm calling you Dian.'

I just shrug. Turning to look at the exit of the facility, a frown makes itself known. "I want to leave this place... I'm not needed here anymore."

"Then let's leave." Po says. I turn towards her to protest. She lifts a hand, stopping me. "You're right you aren't needed here and neither are we. Let's go find that grass place you saw on those computers."

Dipsy's neck moves, he might be nodding or he might not. I don't know. Po turns away and motions me and Dipsy to follow. We both follow her. I stop at the exit and look back once more before shaking my head. I jog to catch up to the other two. I'm not trapped here anymore. I can be happy with these two, I can keep them safe this time.

3rd Person

A machine wearing a cow pattern hat similar to the Guardians, watches them leave. It nods, It was made to copy the Guardian, so like its counterpart it too does not like the 'New Order' wannabe. It thinks it'll join the rag tag group of infected later on.

It first needs to find some people and keep them safe till its counterpart learns about them. It turns away and leaves, not glancing back.


Another machine was watching, the blue being rolled about as the three left. He was mad, well mad is an understatement. He did not want his New Order to leave the facility and now his Order was running off with his runaway bodyguard and another. His Order cannot be allowed to remember. He won't allow it.
