Chapter 6: Worry and Terror


I fix my visor and sigh as I walk back to my lab. Before I open the door, I freeze and listen. It's quiet, too quiet. Usually after I stop chasing Gary he comes back here and messes with my machines. By now he'd be whistling a tune, but I don't hear it.

I turn away from the door and run back the way I came from. This isn't good.

"Gary!" I shout running past other workers, stopping and asking if they've seen Gary. "Does anyone know where Gary is?"

"Lenny, Sir, We heard you are looking for Gary." I glance in the direction of the voice. Two Tubbys with dark gray fur wearing white gloves and white masquerade bird masks, stand in the hallway to my right, the twins. Eve and Eva, Eve had light gray splotches on her while Eva had stripes, their rabbit-like ears are down.

"Yes, have you two seen him?" I question the two, and they nod in response. "Where!?" I snap out, I didn't mean to snap out like I just did but I'm worried for my best friend.

"I saw him run towards the armory and then went to his room just to leave wearing a fur jacket." Eve says. Why would Gary need to go to the armory?

"I saw him go to the buggy garage. Then I heard shouting come from there and then tires." Eva points towards the direction the buggy garage is in. Behind my visor my eyes widened.

"Thank you, you two. Watch my lab, I'll be back." I hope so. I turn to run towards the garage, Gary please for fucks sake, please be in there. I ignore the confused shouts before I'm suddenly grabbed and pulled to a stop.

I get out of the person's grip and glare. The person who grabbed me was Conor, his armor was scuffed up and his fur was dirty, his ponytail was knotted. He looked out of breath too.

"Conor, whatever you need to tell me can wait." Before I can leave again, Conor grabs my shoulder.

"He's not here, Lenny." My ears flick back and I turn towards him once more.

"What..." I force out, my eyes narrowing at him. "What do you mean he's not here?" I grasp his wrist and flick my visor up. I looked at the slightly larger tubby, who was trying his best to be smaller.

"I mean Gary left, he took his dune buggy and chased after him but then he shot at my buggy's tires and my, er... put the dagger away," I lower my dagger slowly, "I then ran the rest of the way and found his buggy empty, devoid of his more important stuff. I couldn't find him so I sent out a search party." He finishes his explanation and I punch the wall. Conor backs up not wanting to anger me more. God damn it all. Gary, where are you?


I'm lost. Like really lost. Had to abandon my buggy to keep Conor distracted so that I could get away. But now I'm lost.

At the moment I'm wrapping my knees, which got scrapped. After I left the buggy and began walking for a while I tripped and rolled down a hill. Damn rocks. Thankfully by wearing a jacket my arms and torso didn't get hurt.

I look at the satchel and open it, taking out a water flask. I take a sip before I hear something. I put the flask away and peek around a rock I was sitting behind. Newborns, a whole lot of them. Ah, this isn't good, it's getting dark as well.

I duck down and press my back against the rock. I take out some night vision goggles and pull over my eyes and then I pull my hood up. I grasp my gun and look around for a safe escape.

There's a safe running area, on the other side of the newborns. I put my hand in my satchel and pull out a bomb. I toss it over the rock and peek over the rock once more, watching as the newborns and mutated newborns walk towards the bomb.

Get ready... "1.." Alright I got this... "2... And 3..." The bomb goes off killing the normal newborns and momentarily dazing the mutated ones, I take my chance and run. Pushing my legs harder as they protest and a roar is heard behind me.

I'm not going to be able to outrun it. I can't outrun it. I take one of my hatchets off and turn, throwing it at the mutated newborn which just had to be a berserker. My hatchet makes its mark, hitting the berserker in the arm. Sadly it doesn't daze it.

I take my gun off and begin shooting at it. It just gets closer, before it begins to run at me. I slide under it, confusing it. It looks around for me, I take the chance to escape. Forgetting my other hatchet, only focusing on getting away.

My legs were beginning to burn and ache. I collapse onto my knees, panting heavily trying to catch my breath. I push myself upwards, I have no time to rest especially with all those newborns that and the thing that has been eating other infected.

I noticed a cliff and up off the ground was a hole. I can get there before it gets too dark. I take off running again and my booted paws hit the ground making some rocks fly.

I make it to the rock formation and climb, scraping my hands and dirtying my fur. I drag myself into the hole and stand up once I'm in. I slightly dust myself off. I zip my jacket up, keeping the hood and goggles on. I slide down against the side and begin to fix my bandages.

I close my eyes, not before taking out Lenny's knife, just in case I'm attacked. My head lowers and finally sleep welcomes me.

3rd person

A small yellow tubby with a zig zag shaped antenna was sitting on a bean bag with her arms wrapped around a teddy bear. She didn't understand what was going on with the world. She asked Nom but he didn't know what was happening. Her and her friends were momentarily safe in their dome. All her and her friends are only allowed to eat anything beside custard, Nom won't let them have custards. He told them that his brother did something really bad.

So he then shut their main dome off from the rest of the area. Nom was worried, he couldn't contact anyone. His brother tried convincing him to harm the kids he was watching and now this strange robot came out of nowhere wearing a hat that Nom recognized. Nom just hopes that the quartet are alright, the Tiddly's are worried about their older sibling figures.

A magenta tubby with a triangular antenna skips up to the silent yellow one, the magenta looks as though she has a backpack on but it was just her xylophone on straps. She sits down next to the yellow one, and takes of xylophone. The yellow one watches as she plays a small tune on it, an off key tune but still.

The strange robot walks by its usually pink glow was a happy blue now. The magenta one just continues to play her tunes and the yellow one falls asleep. Nom calls them in and so they do. It was getting dark and they didn't want to risk anything. Whatever they were risking they didn't know.

They are just very terrified children who miss their siblings. They'd be horrified and even traumatized if they learned what had happened to the quartet.
