Costumes and Candy





3rd person POV

Stephen was in a light sleep state.  The sun was casting it's morning rays through the window, and a certain de-aged Tony Stark was wide awake.

Tony had gotten into the habit of climbing out of his crib when he didn't want to be in it.  Instead, he would wander around (which scared the crap out of Stephen the first few times), or he would crawl into the bed with Stephen, who would smile in his sleep and just cuddle him.

Tony climbed out of his crib, using the railing to get onto the bed.  He crawled up to Stephen, the sorcerer still sleeping.  Tony nuzzled his hair, which always seems to make him happy.  And it also brought Stephen back to the land of the waking.

Stephen yawned then smiled, slowly opening his eyes to see little Tony giggling at him.  He sat up, and propped himself up on the headboard.  He pulled Tony to his chest, cradling him.

Tony happily nuzzled Stephen's chest, cooing with obvious delight.  Oh, Stephen just wanted to squeeze him, he was so cuddly and cute he just couldn't resist.  So he did.

He sat Tony up in his arms and hugged him, squeezing him slightly.  "Happy Holidays, Tony," Stephen murmured.  It was Halloween, which the Avengers were extremely excited for.  Before the whole 'Ultron Incident', the Avengers would throw big parties to celebrate the holidays.  But since Tony was a baby, they were going to have to be extremely smart about how they planned it.

Tony just cooed, loving Stephen's cuddling.  Stephen snuggled with Tony for a while, just enjoying the moment, enjoying Tony.  "When we change you back," Stephen said, "I'm going to do this everyday."  If you remember this...

Tony's eyes light up at that.  He melts further into Stephen's strong hold, closing his eyes.  Stephen decide to lay back down, watching Tony with a smile as the little boy pressed up against him.

I'm in love. I'm a goner, for sure, Stephen thinks as he just holds Tony gently.  Stephen wondered if it was a good idea for him and Tony to sleep in.  His phone went off, and he grabbed it from the bedside table.


(9:43) Hey, you two up? We're going to get stuff ready.


(9:44) Actually, I think we're going to be here for a bit.  Don't wait up.


(9:44) Alright, I'll let you know when we get back.


(9:45) Sounds good.

Stephen set his phone back down, and pulled Tony closer to him.  Tony is such a cuddle bug as a baby, Stephen observed with a chuckle as Tony snuggled him.  

Oh my God, he's going to be the death of me.  He's so cute and cuddly, my God, he's literally going to be the end of me.

Tony continued his little noises as he kept snuggling Stephen.  He could swear his heart had exploded at least twice since Tony started his adorations.  "You're way too cute like this," Stephen told him, his tone was accusing, but his royal red blush said something else entirely.

Tony just giggled, and finally settled with a content sigh.  Stephen sighed as well, petting Tony's soft brown hair.  Stephen suddenly felt the urge to sing to him.  Sing him a song, so he would fall asleep.

(Okie, really quick just imagine this, but more lullaby-like.  Just...Softer XD)

"You and I,"

"We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky."

"With you, I'm alive,"

"Like all the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide."

"So stop time right here in the moonlight,"

"Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes."

"Without you, I feel broke,
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold."

"Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm."

"Without you,"

"I'm just a sad song.
I'm just a sad song."

"With you, I fall."

"It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall."

"With you, I'm a beautiful mess."

"It's like we're standing had and hand
With all our fears up on the edge."

"So stop time right here in the moonlight,"

"Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes."

"Without you, I feel broke,
Like I'm half of a whole."

"Without you, I've got no hand to hold."

"Without you, I feel torn,
Like a sail in a storm."

"Without you, I'm just a sad song."

"You're the perfect melody,
The only harmony I wanna to hear."

"You're my favorite part of me.
With you standing next to me,
I've got nothing to fear."

"Without you, I feel broke,
Like I'm half of a whole."

"Without you, I've got no hand to hold."

"Without you, I feel torn,
Like a sail in a storm."

"Without you,
Yeah, I'm just a sad song."

"Without you, I feel broke,
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold."

"Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm."

"Without you,
I'm just a sad song.
I'm just a sad song."

Stephen is shocked to realize that he had started tearing up.  He loves Tony with everything he has, he doesn't want to let him go.

Tony fell asleep about half way through the song.  He is so perfect, angelic even.  Stephen just couldn't afford to let him go, and he never would.  By the Vishanti and God himself, he made a promise that he would not let him slip away.  Not again.

With a soft sob, Stephen hugged Tony tightly.  He would have to get up soon, but this is enough.  Just being here with Tony, it's more than enough.

Tony is eye level with Stephen's chin.  So he's angled perfectly for Stephen to see.  His face is completely relaxed, his entire body is.  He's completely out, so he wasn't going to wake up for a while.

As Stephen studied his peaceful features, Tony's face suddenly scrunched up.  Stephen didn't know what to do, was he having a nightmare?

Tony shivered, and grabbed Stephen's dark, navy blue t-shirt.  Dragging himself closer.  Tony sighed happily, his breathing returning to a deep and even pattern.

Stephen was amazed by him.  His breath seemed strained as he sighed, nuzzling his love, his Tony.  Stephen checked his phone again to see Rodgers had just texted him.  


(10:07) Hey, just got back.  You up?

Stephen sighed again, but this was an annoyed one.  He wants to stay here with Tony, but duty calls.  He slowly got out of the bed, careful not to disturb Tony.  He made his way downstairs and saw that the team was already getting prepped for their Halloween party.

"Tony still asleep?" Bruce asked.

"Well, he was up for a bit, but he went back to sleep a few minutes ago."

"We should enjoy while it lasts," Clint said, which near set Stephen off, but he continued before he did, "He's in a really bad mood when he doesn't get any sleep.  It's best if he sleeps as much as possible."

Stephen was surprised, Clint never dropped an opportunity to needle Tony, though most of it was joking.  Still, Stephen had never heard Clint like this before.  He supposed, though, that Tony being a baby has had a massive affect on all of them.

"Yeah," Stephen murmured.  He rummaged through the cabinets to find his tea bags.  "So what all did you guys get?"

Clint just shrugged, "Nothin' to crazy.  Just some decorations and stuff to make food and punch if anyone wants some."  Stephen nodded and turned the stove on.

"How's Tony been?" Clint asked, smirking.

Stephen couldn't even glare at him.  He just sighed and had a dreamy expression on his face.  "I don't I can fall any further than I already have," He whispered.

Clint grinned, "Well it's about time!  Jesus, watching you to maintain radio silence was AWFUL!  I swear I was about to just sit you guys down and make you talk about it."

Stephen just laughed, then little squeals echoed from upstairs.  Levi floated down the stairs, tickling Tony as it went.  The little boy was laughing so hard that when Levi finally stopped, he was heaving for air.

"What did you do to him?"  Stephen asked with a laugh.  Levi just shrugged, er, as much as it could anyway.  Stephen snorted, "Pfft, okay, alright, hand him over, you rascal."

Levi did as told and gently handed Tony over, like the little precious bean he is.  "Hi, Hon," Stephen whispered to Tony, giving a light kiss on his forehead.  Tony giggled, then gave Stephen one in return.

"God, you two are going to kill me!"  Clint groaned just as the others walked in.  This time, T'challa brought Shuri with him.  "What, Barton, are they being too sweet for you?" T'challa teased.

"Yes, in fact, they are!" Clint shouted, his head hitting the counter top with a dull thud.  Stephen laughed, while Tony giggled.  Shuri approached, "My brother informed me of everything, he is cuter than what I've heard."  Shuri held out her hand to Tony, who was a bit shy.  Tony reached out and spread his tiny figures across her palm.  "He's also sweeter than I've heard," She smiled.

Tony smiled back, and Stephen squeezed him.  "He's too cute," Stephen did anything but accuse, "He will be the death of me."

"I can see why," Shuri smirked, "You love him with your whole heart.  It's adorable."

Stephen grinned, "That I do."  Tony was glowing with happiness, he tucked himself against Stephen and just rested there.

"Well," Steve spoke up, looking at the clock.  "It's nearly eleven, should we get the food going?"

"Yeah, let's also get costumes set up!  This is going to be a weird one."


"There, I think you're all good!" Shuri and Peter had taken up the liberty to find Tony and amazing Iron Man onesie.  It was kind of expensive, but it looked great!

Stephen was finishing up with his look. He was going as a vampire.  Speak of the devil, he walked into the room,  buttoning his suit jacket.

"How does it look?" Shuri and Peter's jaws would have dropped to the bottom floor of the tower if they could.  Stephen was wearing a black vintage suit, Levi rested on his shoulders, looking a bit darker and it's edges now had points.  Levi also looked a bit darker with black lining.

"Mr. Dr. Strange?  You didn't accually turn into a vampire did you?" Peter asked.

Stephen laughed, "No, I didn't, Peter."

Stephen then looked to Tony, a little concerned about how he might react to him now.  Tony, again, proved to him that he didn't need to be.  Tony crawled to the edge of the bed, waiting for him.

Stephen smiled, picking him up.  "You look adorable, love," For that he got a face nuzzle.


Stephen chuckled, "Someone's affectionate today."  Peter and Shuri awed.  "He's so cute."  "I didn't know Mr. Stark could be like this!"

Stephen pulled up Tony's hood, and all of them made their way down the stairs to the others.  Everyone was in costumes, except Loki and T'challa.  The king was in formal attire, and Loki was just, well, Loki.

Everyone seemed to brighten even more as the small group entered.  "Awesome, now the real party starts!"  Music started to play through the speakers.  Stephen set Tony down in the large playpen in the center of he living room, Shuri and Peter staying with him.

Stephen began to converse with the others.

"So, Strange, you finally admitted to Tones that you love him?" Rhodey asked him.

"Yes, but I don't know if he'll remember any of this."

"He will," Loki sudden said, "Trust me he will."

Stephen looked at him suspiciously, but went ack to what he was doing.  When no one was looking, green wisps of light whipped around Tony before sinking into him.  Tony looked at himself, confused at where the light went, before getting distracted by Peter and Shuri returning with food for him.

The party was friendly, everyone was enjoying themselves, and Stephen was spending most of his time with Tony.

Bruce came over to them, "Hey, it ain't Halloween without candy, right?"

Stephen's jaw dropped and Tony squealed as Bruce revealed a king sized Hershey bar.  "Just don't eat all of it in one sitting.  We don't want you getting sick again," He patted Tony's head, and went to the kitchen.  Tony hugged the Hershey bar, then froze.  He looked up at Stephen, then at the candy.

Stephen laughed, and helped him open it.  He broke off a piece for Tony, but Tony surprised him, again.

Tony had broken off a piece for him too.  Stephen was literally seeing love hearts.  Here Tony was, in an Iron Man onesie as a baby, sharing his candy with him.

"I love yo, you know that?"

Tony beamed, and they ended up sharing the candy throughout the whole night.  When it was time for bed, and when Stephen was asleep, Tony once again crawled out of his crib and up to Stephen.  He curled up against Stephen, and the sorcerer shifted in his sleep.

Tony froze, thinking he woke him, but Stephen wrapped him in his arms, cuddling Tony in his sleep.  Tony snuggled up to him, and peacefully slipped into the dream world.



