
Blame dean_loves_pie_1967 They did this to me. XD


Tony was casually fiddling with his tech in his lab. He sighed as his thoughts bounced around in his head. Like they didn't always do that...

His thoughts suddenly drifted to a certain sorcerer. Ah, Stephen Strange, his facial hair bro, and secret crush. Oh, what a disaster it would be if Stephen found out.

The man in question had just arrived in Stark's lab at the compound. Unsurprisingly, he was thinking the same thing. He believed Tony was too far out of his league, too far for him to reach. It would be embarrassing if Tony found out.

So both kept their mouths shut. Neither saying a word to the other.

Stephen waltzed into Tony's lab with his usual swagger and flair. "Stark," he acknowledged, nodding slightly to the mechanic. "Strange," Tony replied, baring the slightest hint of a smile as he continued to work.

"How long have you been working?" Strange questioned him, getting straight to the point. Tony looked up at the clock and his eyes widened slightly.

"Huh...Only 6 hours..." Tony shrugged and continued with his work. Strange was a bit surprised but quickly snapped out of it.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked. Tony started laughing, "Oh my God, you're such a mother hen."

"Well, douchebag, I have the right to worry, sometimes." Tony froze for a split second before continuing, "Couple hours ago..."

Stephen sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get a better answer than that, and hovered cross-legged beside the mechanic. Watching him work had always been something that fascinated him.

Stephen suddenly heard the sound of sparks. His eyes searched the area, before landing on a project he and Tony had been working on together.

"A fusion of top-notch tech and freaky magic." Tony had said. Stephen shook his head slightly, but he still agreed to it.

The thing sparked and seemed to start up. "Uh...Stark?" Tony quirked an eyebrow, before eyeing the malfunctioning piece of tech. His eyes widened and he took a step back towards Stephen.

The thing charged up, growing energy surrounding it. Tony shifted a bit closer to Stephen, and the taller man drew closer to him as well. Neither could get their bodies to move, to run, or dodge or hit the deck. They were rooted to the spot as it charged up some sort of beam.

The thing sparked heavily, and Tony shoved Stephen away, finally getting his body to do something. The ray collided with Tony and sent him flying across the room. Stephen shook himself out of his shocked stupor, he sat up eyes scouring the room for Tony.

He caught sight of Tony's clothes, his view cut off from the table in the way. "Shit," he mumbled, racing over to Tony.

"Stark? Tony?!" He called, his panic increased when he didn't see Tony, just his clothes. A small lump under Tony's shirt began to move. Stephen reached for it, carefully removing the shirt. His jaw hit the floor when he saw what it was.

A baby, no more than 2 or 3, was curled up on the floor. Dark brown hair was just long enough to come down over the little thing's eyes. Stephen reached out, slowly.

"Tony?" He whispered. Small, honey brown eyes blinked open and focused on him. That was what immediately told him that this was Tony. "Tony," Stephen breathed, relieved that Tony hadn't been hurt.

Tony began to whimper, reaching for him. Stephen carefully wrapped him up in his shirt and scooped him up off the floor. Tony whimpered and buried his face in Stephen's neck. His small body trembled and was dangerously cold.

"Thank God, you're okay," Stephen whispered, rubbing his small back as he buried his nose in Tony's hair. He held Tony close to him, hoping that his body heat could provide Tony some much-needed warmth.

"Jesus, Tony, you're freezing!" He whispered, his worry no longer masked or pushed away. Tony needed him, and he was going to do everything he could to help. Anything for Tony.

Tony sniffled, pressing closer to Stephen. Stephen held him tightly, his mind running through ways to keep Tony warm.

"Could you...?" He asked the cloak, but it was already moving by the time he asked. Swaddling Tony up, resting the small child in his arms again. Stephen cleared his throat, "FRIDAY, you there?"

"Of course, Doctor Strange. Need anything?"

"Yes, um, could you call Pepper and ask her if she could come to the lab?"

"Of course."

Stephen sat down on the sofa Tony kept in the lab, holding Tony close to his chest. He felt protective and attached to the toddler, which came as no surprise. He gently ran his thumb across Tony's chubby cheeks, smiling when Tony nuzzled his hand.

"You are adorable, did you know that?" Tony giggled, babbling a bit before snuggling closer to Stephen, humming in delight. Stephen's heart melted, he smiled at the boy. Continuing to stroke his cheeks and hair.

Pepper burst into the lab, startling Tony and Stephen. Tony whimpered and hid his face in Stephen's neck. Pepper eyes locked onto them. She raised a brow, "I didn't know you had a kid."

Stephen's face flushed, "Uh, I don't. This is, uh..." Tony slowly came out of his hiding place, and Pepper gaped at him. "Is that Tony...?" Stephen nodded, subconsciously rubbing circles on Tony's back to soothe him.

After a long explanation of what had happened and a few small reassurances on Stephen's part, they focused on the matter at hand. When Pepper came close, Tony would whimper and bury his face in either the cloak or Stephen's neck.

"Seems he doesn't trust anyone, but you." Pepper observed. She smiled when Stephen shifted to hold Tony a bit better, still rubbing his back.

"I don't know why. He's known you a lot longer than me."

"It's probably because he doesn't remember us, or it might be that you're the first person he saw. The first person to care for him."

Stephen considered her words. It didn't look like Tony would accept anyone else, so he was stuck with him. Not that he minded.

"Well, Tony," the toddler looked up at him, "I guess it's just you and me..."
