8 - Tooni's Story

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

Fade groaned as he stirred awake, his senses becoming alert. "Yes?"

"Your Highness, the ship just hit an unidentified object! Tomi said I should come and get you as water is already entering the ship!" Ara said, shaking him awake.

Fade jumped to his feet as her words sunk in. "What?"

"T–the ship hit an unidentified object and it tore into the hull of the ship near the bottom. Water is already filling the ship and Tomi said we have to evacuate as soon as possible before it completely goes under water."

Fade barely waited for her to finish before flying out of the room. She could hear him barking out orders, his voice fading as he moved further away.

Ara wiped her forehead even though she wasn't sweating. Just when she thought she'd managed to escape death at the hands of her grandmother, she was to die at sea.

No. She wouldn't die now. Not at this age. Jesus had taken the power of death from the devil, so he couldn't inflict her with it anymore.

She drew in a deep breath and then began to fling her belongings into a small iro. She looked at her Bible and the three ileke that belonged to her mother, father and brother. She'd taken them along, so that she would have something of theirs with her.

<<Iro means wrapper. It is worn by women to cover their bodies from the waist down. It could also be used to pack things or to cover oneself while sleeping>>

<<In ancient times, Ileke was worn only by royals and priests. Ileke is beadwork that is worn around the neck, the wrists, the waist or the anklets. It is worn around the waist and anklets by women only>>

Upon stepping out, she noticed the crew scurrying about in a bid to salvage the situation.

At that moment, the skies opened and it began to rain. It first started out as a light pitter-patter that everyone ignored, then the tempo increased till the raindrops were beating down on them.

The rain pelleted them, but they used that as motivation to work harder since no one wanted to go down to a watery grave.

Ara went to stand beside Fade, admiring how he remained calm despite the terrible situation they faced.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She shouted so as to be heard over the sound of the rain.

"Tomi, drop two more anchors so that we would be able to buy more time!

"Saheed, raise the sails higher. No, higher than that. Way higher. Yes, that's alright!

"Anike, go grab the non-perishable edibles and keep them with you!

"Damilola, drop those ropes and go get your medicines now!

"Kola, Lanre, Olu and Bayo, go and start preparing the lifeboat so that at the right time we would lower it, and flee to safety." He added the last part to lighten the mood, but no one cracked a smile, not even Fade who said it.

To them, this was a matter of life and death.

Ara was beginning to think that Fade didn't hear her question, until he looked down at her.

"Ara, just stay by my side."

Perhaps it was the dark blue skies, or the turbulent seas that rocked the ship, or maybe it was even as a result of the ongoing mayhem, because she could swear that she saw concern shining in his eyes when he looked at her.

She nodded and stood by him all through the ordeal while everyone carried out his instructions as fast as possible.

She watched as Saheed raised the sails, as Tomi lowered the anchors, as Dami and Anike came out with the medicine and food wrapped tightly in animal skin, and then Kola, Lanre, Olu and Bayo as they began to lower the huge lifeboat to the raging waters below.

All of a sudden the ship creaked and began to tilt to one side, such that all of them had to hold on to something to maintain their balance.

Without thinking, Ara latched onto Fade while she clutched her belongings with her second hand.

Fade held onto the side of the ship and wrapped his other arm round her shoulders. "Everyone into the boat now! Thank goodness I listened to my father and brought the biggest one."

He looked down at her wet face, not knowing whether she was crying or it was the rain. "Don't worry, we won't drown."

She gave a slight nod, thankful for his words at a moment like this.

The ship titled the more, and all of them began to slide down to the side that was sinking. More water rushed into the ship through the opening the unidentified object made.

Ara shut her eyes and hugged Fade all the more, her heart racing as she imagined how terrible it would be to die at sea, where the creatures would swallow her up and crunch down on her bones.

He wrapped his arms around her, his chest rumbling against her cheek as he yelled, "Everyone, into the boat now! Drop whatever you're doing and get into the boat. This ship is a lost cause!"

Fade pulled away from her. "We have to go now."

She nodded, her face ashen with fear.

With measured steps they moved towards the boat, but everytime the ship creaked and titled, Ara's heart lurched and she clutched Fade all the more. She was sure his clothes would be in tatters afterwards with how tight she held him.

Just as they reached the edge of the ship and were about to enter the boat, Ara and Fade locked eyes, the same thought running through their minds.


"Your Highness, we need your help to steady the boat!" Tomi yelled, using his hand to shield his eyes from the rain.

Fade was torn, glancing between Tomi and his cabin where he knew his sister would be.

Upon noticing his dilemma, Ara dumped her items in his hands and made her way back to his cabin.

Fade watched her go, before climbing into the boat. He grabbed a paddle and rowed to steady the boat. The rain blinded him, so he wiped his face and watched as Tomi, Olu and Bayo also paddled, their faces strained.

Their clothes clung to their bodies, the cold seeping in to their bones. But no one paid any attention to this as they worked in silence to keep the boat from overturning.

Ara ducked as a piece of wood skidded past her into the water below.  Watching her steps, she felt the ship tilt once more. She reached out to hold on to the side of the ship, using it as a support till she got to Fade's cabin.

Flinging the door open, she scanned the room, finding Sewa sitting on the table. Her knees were drawn up and her head was resting on them while the water rose up all around her.

Pieces of clothing and parchment were floating around as Ara waded to meet the little girl. The table itself would have floated if not because it was nailed to the floorboards.


The girl looked up, relief flooding her face.

"Ara." She cried out. "Please help me!"

The water was knee deep, but was rising in rapid succession. By the time she carried Sewa on her back and made it to the door, the water was swirling at waist level.

"Hold me tight, okay?"

Sewa nodded into the crook of Ara's neck, refusing to lift her head so she won't see how fast the water was rising.

Then she noticed a necklace hanging on a nail by the door. She grabbed it, unzipped her pocket and put it inside before zipping it back up. Thereafter, she waded out, taking one step after another. The water swished against her but she held into the side of the ship and made her way towards the boat.

Sewa tightened her arms around Ara's neck and her legs round her waist, but still left enough space so that Ara could breathe.

Soon they reached the edge of the ship and she handed Sewa over to Fade who in turn gave her to Dami.

Fade nodded at her, signalling for Ara to join them. At this, she lifted her leg and placed it over the side of the ship. The rain didn't beat as hard as before but her clothes still clung to her body. She pushed her gown up a little and proceeded to lift her other leg.

Just as she was about to do this, the ship creaked, like the shriek of a woman in labour. With a heave, the side of the ship that water had rushed into began to sink.

It titled all the more, causing Ara to lose her footing. Her eyes widening, her body trembling as she hugged the side of the ship she was hanging from.

More and more, the sea rushed into the ship. Soon, one side was submerged with the other one almost in the same predicament.

She tried to call for help, but an equipment left behind on the ship flew past her and hit the back of her head.

A groan tore through her lips as she rubbed the place. With only one hand holding unto the ship, she lost her grip and slid down into the frothing waters below.

Ara shut her eyes, a gasp tearing through her lips as the water submerged her. She rose up to the surface, then ducked sideways to avoid a piece of wood that came hurtling towards her from the ship.

The water was icy, like needles pricking her skin. She kicked against the waters and flapped her arms, but the sea managed to pull her under.

Rising to the surface, she took in air while her limbs worked hard to keep her above the water.

The waves crashed against her, as if
punishing her for entering into it. Once again she went underneath, this time with her mouth still open from trying to take in air. Breaking through the surface, she burst into fits of cough, her body growing slack as exhaustion overtook her.

With a bout of strength, she pushed herself upwards and tried to stay afloat. But the sea mocked her efforts, proving that it possessed greater strength when it pulled her down once again.

This time, she didn't come back up.

