11 - Ara's Story

"Ara? Ara?"


She blinked, her eyes coming to focus on him. "Yes?"

"Is everything okay?" Dipo asked, taking her hand into his as they walked out of the cinema after the movie ended.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well–" He hesitated. "It's just that you've not really been concentrating."

She hung her head in shame and bit her lip. It was true. Ever since she left the house her mind had been on Fade.

Why was he looking at her like that earlier? Why did he call her name in that way? Perhaps...No, it can't be. They were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.


"Ara, you're not listening again." Dipo said, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips.

"I'm so sorry, Dipo."

"Is it...Fade?" He asked.

She cleared her throat and avoided his gaze. A bitter smile sprang to his face.

"You're here with me, yet you're thinking about him." He laughed, but there was no trace of humour in it.

"Dipo, I'm sorry. I–"

"Tell me Ara, just tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Am I a joke to you? All this time, I've shown you how much I care about about you, yet you keep turning a blind eye to it. I've served my heart on a silver platter for you, yet you keep cutting me deep. Is this how you are? A wicked soul? I mean, just how cruel could you get?!"

Ara swallowed hard as tears began to pool in her eyes. "No, it's not like that. It's just that I've only ever seen you as a friend, that's why."

"Only as a friend? After all I've done for you? How much I've shown you my true feelings? Perhaps am I not attractive enough? Huh? Or maybe I'm not your type?"

With a quivering voice, she said, "I'm sorry."

"It's Fade, isn't it? It's because of him you're not looking at me anymore. Ever since he came, you don't even spend time with me and my sister."

"Dipo, please–"

"Don't Ara. Just don't." He said, looking weary. Then he walked to his car, jumped inside it and placed the key into the ignition.

"Find your way back home." He told her, then revved the engine and sped out of the parking lot, leaving a crying Ara behind. She stood still for a few moments, wondering how everything could have gone wrong in such a short time.

She wasn't trying to lead him on, she just didn't know how to tell him she wasn't interested in a way that wouldn't hurt him. Well, she ended up hurting him still and felt terrible about it. After all, he was her friend even if there was no romance between them.

Wiping her tears, she brought out her phone from her purse and dialled her mum's number.


"Mummy–" Her voice broke and she had to fight a fresh onslaught of tears. "Please can you come pick me up?"

"What's wrong dear?"

"Dipo left me, and–and–" She couldn't continue, her chest heaving as she broke down in tears once again.

"Oh, sure darling. I'll be right there." My mum said, concern lacing her tone.

When her mum arrived, apart from the occasional hiccups by Ara, they drove in silence till they got home. Without even waiting for the car to stop, she jumped out and barreled into the house, her mum following after putting off the engine.

Jide, Fade and Sewa were sitting at the parlour, watching TV when they witnessed Ara running in with tears streaming down her face.

They all watched in bewilderment as she ran out to the backyard, the sound of soles hitting the floor eoching in the silence that followed after her entrance.

Nifemi dropped her keys on a couch and was about to go after her when Fade rose to his feet, the initial surprise of seeing her that way already wearing off.

"May I?" He asked Nifemi who nodded in affirmation.

When he went out to the backyard, he found her sitting on a chair, staring up at the night sky that twinkled with a billion stars.

Sitting on a chair opposite her, he also gazed up at the sky while waiting for her to be ready to talk. He wasn't going to pressurize her or anything. If she didn't want to share it with him, then he was cool with that. Although he'd prefer that she told him what was wrong, so that he could help her in anyway possible.

"Fade?" Her voice was soft, breaking into his thoughts.

"Hmm?" He matched her tone, none of them taking their eyes off the night sky.

"I like you."

"What?" He shot up and looked at her, nearly falling off the chair in the process.

She took her eyes off the celestial bodies and looked him straight in the eye. "I like you. It's okay if you don't reciprocate my feelings, and I totally respect that. I just wanted you to know."

Then she lowered her eyes and stared at her hands.

When Fade didn't say anything for a long time, she sighed and forced a smile to her face.

"I guess it was like this then. Both Dipo and I are suffering from unrequited love."

Clutching her purse in her hand, she rose to her feet and shifted from one foot to another.

"Please, don't feel obligated to give me a reply. In fact, I'll prefer we act like this never happened. Like you didn't hear anything, and I didn't say anything. I guess it'll be better that way, so I can get over you and so that you won't feel burdened to treat me in a certain way."

When he still didn't say anything, and also refused to meet her eyes, she sighed again.

"Goodnight Fade."

She made her way back to the house, but as just as she placed her foot on the first stair, she heard him say, "No."

Turning around to face him, her forehead creased in confusion. "What?"

He stood up and walked to meet her. "I said no."

"No? What for?"

By now he was standing in front of her, and because she was standing on a stair she was almost looking at him eye to eye.

"No, I'll not act like this never happened. No, I'll not act as if I didn't hear anything, or that you didn't say anything. Neither will I like it if you get over me, nor will I feel burdened about you or anything concerning you. Also, I feel obligated to give you a reply."

He said all these while staring into her eyes, their gazes locking.

"And...what is your reply?" She bit her lip, her heart growing giddy.

"I like you too, Ara. I don't know how and when it started, but I know you're the kindest human I've ever met. I know you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I know you're courageous, you speak the truth with boldness and you do not shy away from challenges. I know you love God with the whole of your heart, and I know you love your family and friends and you're always willing to keep them happy. I know you have a good heart, and you're a caring person."

Tears flooded her eyes while he spoke, but they were tears of joy. When she didn't say anything, he continued.

"I know all these about you, and for all these reasons and so much more, I really, really, really like you Ara Adesanya."

She choked back a sob and threw her arms around him. He staggered at the impact but managed to keep his balance. Then is arms also went round her, engulfing her in his embrace.

Her parents watched with a smile from the other side of the glass door while Sewa clapped her hands at the sight. Then they turned around and went upstairs, their smiles still in place.

