Hunter, Gatherer ~ 1

Marisol had been told her whole life not to go into the woods. 

She had been told by her parents and then once they had died, she'd been told by strangers and then once she was taken off the streets she was always told by everyone in the school. 

"Don't go in the woods" 

Marisol had no idea why. The woods seemed peaceful enough and they weren't all that thick but everyone was so adamant about not going in. 

So she had done what she did best. Annoyed the ever loving fuck out of someone to tell her why she couldn't go. 

His name was Jon, he was tall, skinny and had blond hair but his appearance didn't matter much as he broke all too easily with Marisol's yammering. 

"If I tell you, will you please shut up!?" 

"No promises!" Marisol chirped and Jon rolled his eyes, gesturing to the seat beside him which Marisol plonked down happily. 

"Alright...well...I don't believe it but it's better safe that sorry really" 


"They say there's a demon in the takes people who wander too deeply into the forest and does god knows what with them" 

Marisol raised an eyebrow, "That's it?" 

"What do you mean that's it!? What part of 'demon in the woods' do you not get?!" 

"Maybe he's lonely" Marisol suggested and Jon just stared at her like she'd sprouted another head. 

"Lonely...right, look Marisol, this demon is bad news...stay away from the woods" 

With that, Jon got up and left. Marisol watching him go before looking out the window at the forest, grinning slowly. 
