
Noel didn't know why, but he decided to keep the feather with him. 

He didn't know why he kept the burnt and charred feather with him at all, the feather being a pleasant heat in his pocket while he went to school, work and his dorm with Josh. 

One night, Josh saw the feather and groaned, 

"You still have that thing?" 

"Huh?" Noel asked, looking up from his Irish book and he looked at the feather which was resting on his side table, "Oh...oh yea, I guess I do" 

Josh reached over and touched the feather, yelping and backing away as though he'd been burned and Noel got up, worry written across his face, 

"Josh? what's wrong?" 

"That stupid thing burned me!" Josh exclaimed, pointing to the feather and Noel looked confused, picking it up easily. It was still just the same pleasant warmth. 

"I don't get it" Noel muttered and he looked up at Josh who rolled his eyes, 

"It's probably just cause the devil gave it to you" Josh said, grabbing his bag, "either way, I have a class, I'll see you later".

With that, Josh left and Noel was left alone, he laid back on his bed and closed his eyes before he heard a deep voice, 

"Hello again doll" 

Noel's eyes snapped open, sitting up and he looked over at Dobium who was sitting on Josh's bed, one knee hiked up, Dob's arms wrapped around it with his fingers laced and a large smile on the Devils face. 

"Oh...Hello" Noel said, laying back down, "Why're you here?" 

Dobium shrugged, "Figured I'd visit" 

"Well hello then" Noel said, sitting up again and laying against the headboard, "Can I ask you a question?" 


"Why does your feather burn everyone else but not me?". 

Dobium fell silent, pursing his lips, "It doesn't burn?" 

"No" Noel said, "Why?" 

"I need to ask around" Dobium said and with that, he snapped out, Noel rolling his eyes, 

"Bye then" he said and laid down, curling up under his blankets and figuring a nap couldn't hurt as he waited for the devil to reappear.   
