twenty six

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

"He killed my brother! Why am I blaming me for all of this? What I did was right!" Jihoon says, pouring out his anger. "Exactly! This is what I've been trying to tell you." Meili says, making Jihoon nod. "I'm sorry for putting you guys through so much trouble-"

"Shut up, you didn't cause any trouble. You're our best friend, Jihoon! We'd do anything for you." Minhyuk smiled, giving Jihoon a hug. "Right, I got the stuff we need. Time to turn into Doctor Kwon." Soonyoung says, entering the room with a bunch of medical supplies. "Ugh, he's an amazing dancer, has the most beautiful voice, a whole ass comedian, a great boyfriend and a doctor? Jihoon, you're a lucky piece of shit." Meili says, earning an eye roll from Jihoon.

"I'm quite flattered, Miss Zhang." Soonyoung giggles, cleaning out some of Jihoon's wounds. Jihoon watched Soonyoung clean the wounds on his leg, smiling a little. "This is giving me flashbacks to when we first got to know each other." He speaks, making Soonyoung smile widely. "It took so long to convince you that I'm actually your dream guy. Ugh, you're so hard to get." Soonyoung sassily scoffs, making Minhyuk laugh.

"Jihoon's an ass, don't be surprised." Minhyuk says as Jihoon glares at him. "Minhyuk, sweetie. Why don't we practice some guitar later on tonight? I'm sure I can help you get better at it." Jihoon says, gritting his teeth but smiling at the same time. "Oh fuck no, I don't wanna be a Youngmin 2.0" Minhyuk shivers as Meili laughs, calling him a pussy.

"Alright, big boy. You're all done. You'll have to pay me a million kisses for that." Soonyoung says, making Minhyuk and Meili scream. "In your fucking dreams, you dumb fuck." Jihoon smirks, a pouty Soonyoung sulking after he said so. Jihoon chuckles, not falling for Soonyoung's tactics. "Oh come on!" Soonyoung says, giving his boyfriend puppy eyes. "Not here, Soonyoung." Jihoon mumbles, rolling his eyes.

Meili, who heard it, started to hit Minhyuk from excitement. "What the fuck? What?! Why the fuck are you hitting me? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Minhyuk yells, pushing Meili off of him. "So fucking chaotic." Jihoon scoffs as Soonyoung nods along in agreement. "Oh fuck I think I burnt the pasta!" Minhyuk, who suddenly remembered that the stove was on, pushed everything aside and dashed to the kitchen in order to save his food.

"So, I invited someone over. He was super worried when he didn't get a reply from you." Meili says, making Jihoon raise his eyebrow curiously. "Is it that kid who just keeps apologising to him?" Soonyoung questions Meili as he got the hint that it might be who he was thinking about. "Huh? Youngmin? You invited him-"

Jihoon was cut off by the doorbell. Meili rushed to the door, opening it for the person on the other side. Youngmin waved at Meili with a little smile as she guided him inside. Once he saw Jihoon, he quickly went up to him and engulfed him in a hug. "What did you do to deserve this? Oh god, I'm so sorry this happened." He says, pulling back from the hug. "Youngmin, it wasn't even your fault. Don't apologise!"

"But I just feel so damn bad. Like, you don't deserve-" As he spoke he turned his head to the side a little, Soonyoung catching his eye. He stumbled back, his eyes wide. He pointed at Soonyoung, stuttering something no one could understand. Soonyoung who seemed a tad bit confused, simply chuckled at how the boy was freaking out. "You know him?" He asked as Jihoon tried his best not to laugh. "Yeah, he's my cousin."

"Ew, Jihoon. That's incest!" Soonyoung pretends to stick his finger in his mouth, gagging. "Play along, fucker!" Jihoon snaps, confusing the poor boy who seemed to have his mind all over the place. "Wait, are...are you real? Is this a dream?" Youngmin asks, his hands shaking. "See for yourself." Jihoon chuckles as Soonyoung holds out his hand for a handshake. Youngmin, who wasn't expecting anything like this, shakes his hand with Soonyoung, almost tearing up in the process.

"He's literally shaking." Soonyoung giggles as Youngmin internally screams. As through something hit Youngmin on the head, he turned to Jihoon, checking if he was alright again. "You're okay, right?" He asks, genuinely worried for his friend. "Youngmin, everything's fine. Please stop worrying, I'm fine." Jihoon smiles, calming Youngmin down.

"Alright then..." Youngmin mumbles, awkwardly looking at the floor, trying not to look at Soonyoung. "You know you can look at him right?" Jihoon, who noticed, says, making Youngmin panic a little. ", I guess?" He spoke with an uncertain tone, not lifting his head up at all. "Hey, I'm not that scary..." Soonyoung sighed.

"Yeah, he's the biggest dork known to humanity." Meili laughs, earning a frown from the idol. "Fuck you, Meili." He snapped.

"You got Jihoon for that."

"W-wait. You guys are dating?" Youngmin looks at Jihoon and then at Soonyoung with wide eyes. "What? Haha, no-"

"Yes." Soonyoung cuts Jihoon off, making him purse his lips. "Congrats!" Youngmin smiles at the two, genuinely happy for them. "He's so awkward, I can't! Youngmin, bud, loosen up! We're all friends here, yeah? Don't be so intimidated!" Meili smiles, patting Youngmin's shoulder. The boy simply smiles sheepishly as Minhyuk brings out his food. "Y'all wanna dig in now or..?"

"Fuck yeah." Youngmin shoots up once he smells the food, the nervousness in him disappearing within seconds. Meili's eyes widen as she looks at Youngmin who now had the biggest smile on his face. "Let's fucking get it!" Soonyoung exclaimed before getting up and running to the dining table. The rest sighed before nodding,

"Let's indeed fucking get it."


hey there,,,this chappie was so unplanned and shitty, i'm sorry ):
i'll try to be more active on here again
