
( tw !! abuse and suicide is mentioned. please skip if you're not comfortable or if any of the topics mentioned are triggering !! )

"I regret skipping lessons now..."

"Hey, it's fine. I was there for all the classes and I still don't understand." Youngmin shrugs, earning a chuckle from Jihoon. "I'm serious, all these formulas make me wanna throw up." Youngmin rolls his eyes, getting a nod of agreement from Jihoon. "Oh my god, did you hear? Jooheon got the entire math exam on his phone."

"What- How?"

"The little bitch snuck in the teachers room and took pictures." Jihoon laughs upon hearing Youngmin speak, not being abke to believe him. "No way."

"Yes way! Go ask him if you want."

"Please I-"

"Oh, so you left our group to hang out with this thing?" A voice spoke, Jihoon immediately recognised the voice. Yoohyun, Kim Yoohyun. Youngmin sighed, looking at the boy with a tired stare. "He has a name, it's Jihoon."

"Do I fucking look like I care? Do you wanna be like him? A complete loser who's cared by absolutely no one?" Yoohyun spat out, pure disgust on his face. Youngmin laughs, leaning back on his chair. "You're wrong there, dumbass. I care."

Yoohyun scoffs, a smirk playing on his face. "You're just as bad, Youngmin. Just as bad." He gets ahold of Youngmin by his collar, staring right into his eyes. Youngmin looks right back, smiling softly. "Don't keep staring, you don't wanna fall in love, do you?" Youngmin asks, leaning closer to the other boy. Jihoon purses his lips, trying not to laugh as he saw Yoohyun visibly gulp. With their lips just centimetres apart, Youngmin smirks before whispering, "How pathetic..."

Yoohyun clenches his jaw before his hands came in contact with Youngmin's chest, pushing him harshly. Jihoon, once seeing what happened, punched Yoohyun's face. Yoohyun, who was now on the floor, looks at Jihoon, anger running all over him. He stands up, punching Jihoon's stomach. Youngmin kicks him from behind, glaring at him once he came in contact with the floor. What they didn't noticed was Yoohyun's little minions entering the room, each with one bat. Youngmin's head shot up once he saw them, his heart racing with fear.

One of them dragged Jihoon away, throwing him to the ground before putting his foot on Jihoon's chest. Youngmin tried to throw a punch despite his hands not helping him, only to end up being smacked on the head with the bat that was being held. Jihoon pushed himself up, trying to fight the others as Yoohyun, wiped the blood that was leaking from his nose.

His eyes laid upon the unconscious Youngmin, scanning his face. He noticed how weak he looked compared to how he had seen him before. Yoohyun looked at the guys who were beating Jihoon up and called out to them, "Guys, that's enough for today. Leave."

His head followed the direction of their footsteps before his eyes trailed back to Youngmin. "Fuck's sake." He mumbled, shaking Youngmin a little to try and wake him up. He heard Jihoon let out a breathless chuckle, smirking at him. "You still care about him despite kicking him out, huh?"

Yoohyun scowls, ignoring Jihoon's words. "Don't fucking ignore me, you piece of shit."

"What do you want?"

"That's what I should be asking you. What do you want from me? Why're you fucking hurting me like this? What the fuck did I ever do to you?" Jihoon asks, his voice cracking towards the end. Yoohyun avoided all sorts of eye contact, keeping his eyes focused on the floor. All he heard were sniffles coming from the boy who previously spoke. "You make me want to fucking kill myself. Fucking shattered me to pieces. I'm tired of fighting back, Yoohyun."

He pursed his lips once he heard sobs coming from Jihoon, clenching his fist. He didn't know what to say, all he could do was continue to wipe away the blood on his hands. "Please...please just tell me one thing. Why're you doing this?"


Jihoon furrowed his eyes, looking at the boy. "Money? From whom?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

Jihoon looked at Yoohyun, who looked at him, his shaky breath entering his ears. "Yeah.."



im really sorry for the lack of updates, everythings been a lil too stressful so i needed a break
anyways, um i decided to change the plot a little more for fun 🤩🤩
hope you have a great day !! <33
