August 20, 2019

I waited until Mommy and Daddy were asleep the other night and I opened my window and I called for Marsha. That's not her name but it was her last name and we don't use names so that's what I'm calling her

I thought about calling Carl but I still like Mrs. Davis a little bit, even though she wants to hurt me, and Marsha is quick like me. She's not as quick (I'm fast!!!) but still pretty quick. I whispered to her and told her what to do and she did it right away. Mrs. Davis wasn't there to walk me home yesterday and today Mommy said that the police were at her house.

I hoped Marsha would show up at our house and pretend to be Mrs. Davis, but she didn't do that. I don't blame her because we don't like being old. Sometimes the brains are bad and even when they're good they have




to take in all at once. I will tell her about Ryan Ortiz when I'm done with him and maybe she can be him for a while. She would like him I think.

Tonight Mommy picked up the phone and started crying and told Daddy something and he looked sad for a long time. They didn't read me my bedroom story which made me sad, but when I was getting ready for bed Mommy came in and told me that someone had hurt Mrs. Davis. She said there aren't too many bad people in the world but some of them are really bad and I'm old enough to know about it now.

I told her there were lots of bad people but Mrs. Davis was good and I liked her. She said "I know honey" and stroked my beautiful red hair. I felt happy when she did it but then she stopped and asked me what I meant when I said there were lots of bad people and I should have said I dunno cause that's what old Annie would have said, but I felt so good and I got dumb and said that I knew there were lots of fucked up people, more than you ever fucking know, and you've got to watch your ass. I thought Mommy would like that because that's the truth.

I shouldn't have said it though because she asked where I learned those words and told me never to say "fuck" or "ass" and she cried more and then she left the room. I acted sad that I said bad words but when she left she looked at me for longer than normal. I hope I didn't fuck everything up!!! I really like Mommy and she can't Know. She can't Know.

I don't want her to Knoww :(
