August 18, 2019

Mrs. Davis Knows!!!!!!!!

I can tell when they Know, even when they try to hide it. Mrs. Davis isn't trying to hide it, though. When she walked me home today, she kept looking me up and down and making a sound with her mouth that sounded like tch-tich.

We got home and I thanked her like I always do, and she said "do you know you say that every day?" and I said I guess so, and she said "why do you say it, then?"and I said that's just what I'm supposed to say, and I think that was wrong because her face got grim and she did the tch-tch sound again.

Then she said "I've known your type and you always make a mistake" and I said that everyone makes mistakes but my cheeks were getting red and I don't think I was saying the right things. Then she said "I will be back with a bag of salt," and she left without saying goodbye or kissing me.

I went on the internet (I know Mommy's password) and looked up what she meant, even though I thought I knew. I learnt that they have lots of names for us but nobody really knows jack shit about us anyway. Some people think that rings of salt stop us or make it harder for us to eat. But salt is just

in chemistry, a substance produced by the reaction of an acid with a base

and it doesn't hurt me, which is what Mrs. Davis wants to do. I am so, so mad with her today. I thought she loved me lots, because she always says she does, but she's a fucking dirty liar whore and she doesn't care about little girls like me.

I can't go over there, though, not without Mommy or Daddy. It's too far away and they watch me close before bedtime. I could go later but I need that time to eat.

I HATE calling the others and they hate when I call them, but since Mrs. Davis Knows, that's what I have to do. I am worried and I don't like it.

Today I made sugar cookies

If the old cunt wasnn't so addicted to fucking Jeopardy maybe then s 

Hugs and kisses,

Annie Roberts, Age 7
