Chapter V: Death becomes bead

Through the skull came out a black smoke, it filled the ari like clouds. Philip felt a dark and evil presence coming through the black fog, but it wasn't Death no. It was Ramson, he emerged from the fog with a hideous grin on his face "Hahaha what a shame you couldn't stay for dinner, well now you cannot stay ALIVE!!!!!" screamed Ramson, with a crack in his voice he charged at the boy with all his might. "NO!" the boy screamed whipping out his sword in a flash, Ramson studied the move and quickly used his dark magic to push him out the way, "you ratchet boy how dear you try to behead me" Ramson said with a snarel. Philip charges at Ramson with all his force he plunges the sword straight into Ramson's chest. Philip fills with pride but is also confused, how  the  sword went through the armor. Philip stared at the corps for a minute then realized, that's not Ramson's body, it was a clone. Behind Philip was the real Ramson and with a mighty laugh stabbed Philip through the heart, Philip fell on his knees with a grunt, his eyes looked as if he had no soul. The sword Ramson used was no ordinary sword. It was the one and only sword that could kill anything, even if there immortal. "Hahahahaha, I am thrilled with how this plan has turned out",  said Ramson. The red creature from last time stood behind Ramson with a long face. It was sad, the red beast was confused what he was feeling sense Ramson has always told him he had no feelings. He said his only perpus in life was to do whatever he said, even if that ment murder but half the time he didn't want to kill. Philip woke up in a black void. Nothing existed there just darkness, what was Philip to do than to just float into nothingness.

Where is Philip?
Well he make it out of the void?
What was the red monster feeling?

Find out in Chapter VI: The void
