Chapter II: A warriors Truth

Philip continues his journey through the great kingdom, Anglía. "Wow it's beautiful here, the flowers that grow up from beneath the ground are nothing I've seen before," he says with amazement in his voice. As he looked around some more, he noticed an homeless man run through the kingdom. He seemed to be screaming something, but Phillp couldn't understand what the man way saying. The man got closer, and a faint raspy voice was heard saying "HURRY HE'S COMING!!!" Philip was extremely confused who "he" is. As the man ran faster and faster, he bumped into Philip. Than faded into the fog, The sound of trumpets in the distance got Philip's attention, a crowd of men and women dressed up in armor surround a huge throne carried by slaves. Who sat on top of this throne did not look friendly, his white hair that connects with his beard, with horns of a ram that curves at the end, a crown with a frog sits on his head, and his long sharp dirty nails look like claws.

Pic of king Ramson

Everyone stands stil like a statue facing the all mighty king. But Phillp doesn't, he looks around at everyone confused on why everyone is so still, and quiet. "You there" the king says. "Who are you," Philip waves and answers "I'm Philip, I've lost my village. I was gonna stay here until the sun rises once again". "Well Philip I'm King Ramson, I feel you and me will get along just fine. I invite you to dinner". I'll be there, answers Philip. The slaves carried the throne back to the castle, guards opened the door as they carrie the throne into the castle doors. The darkness fills the room, as a red man appears behind Ramson. A monster like creature a merges from the darkness, "My king. What are your orders for when the boy arrives", asked the creature. "Try everything you can to kill him, when I saw him I felt a powerful present. He is immortal", do anything and everything you can to put his head on my plate.

Is everything going to be okay at dinner?

Will Philip survive the attack by the King?

What happened to that old man?

Find out on chapter III: Sheep skin
