In the Beginning...

It all began on a quiet day in the kingdom of Diablangeliana, which had been settled a long time ago by both angels and devils. Like with all kingdoms on the planet, the angels were the royalty of the kingdoms while the devils were at the bottom of Diablangeliana's hierarchy food chain. The royal angels, however, were generous rulers in their kingdoms and shared their wealth with their countries. The devils were quite lucky that the angels thought of them as equals and not as mere servants, slaves or serfs. 

Now of course, the devils did not mind all of the angels being in charge, but every once in a while, rarely, they would gain the need to just let loose and blow off a bit of steam towards one another in terms of being devils. Naturally because the angel rulers allowed the devils to do misdeeds in their cities solely for the sake of letting off a little steam so long as they did not prank their angel rulers, the kingdom's only true conflicts were with other kingdoms from where other angels who did not get along with the kingdom's angelic royals resided. 

One day on the slopes of the not-yet snow-covered Diablangelianan mountains, a group of young devils were trying to have a little fun that would not involve the angelic royals under any circumstances. They all laughed up a storm at the fun they knew they were about to have by then. Their leading devil was a young devil named Ashton Killem. He was a brunet with brown eyes and tan skin. He had the most rebellious streak of all of the young devils who were going through a rebellious phase of some kind those days. 

Ashton Killem: Time to ride the slide and taste the wind. 

The rest of the young devils were a trio of brothers under the names of Devin, Devlin, and Lúca Diablo. All three of the triplet brothers were friends with Ashton. They would all get along with Ashton whenever it came down to having a ton of fun. Devin was as skinny as a pencil and as smart as a whip and dressed like a goth. Devlin was as fat as a rhino yet still as bright as a three-thousand-watt bulb with a one-sixty-four intelligence quotient. Lúca was as short as a dog but as intelligent as a human with a two-hundred intelligence quotient. 

Devin Diablo: Ashton, you are total genius incarnate. 

Ashton Killem: Come on, guys. Let's do it. Air Devil! 

They were all just about to take off on their double tandem bicycle just after giving themselves a little push, when Ashton realized that something had gone wrong with his little experiment with his and his three friends' bike. 

Ashton Killem (continued): Guys. Guys! 

It took the triplets a bit more time than it did for Ashton to realize that none of them were actually in motion on their bike. 

Ashton Killem (continued): We're not moving! 

That was all of a sudden as to when Ashton and the triplets' double tandem bicycle suddenly took off on its own and went down the hill as Ashton, himself, had finished speaking to his friends, the Diablo Triplets. 

What the Diablo Triplets all had in common, however, more than anything else, was that while they were not very good with them, all three of the brothers were a lot smarter and better than their friend, Ashton, in terms of girls. Specifically speaking, the princess of their little kingdom of both angels and devils. Now of course, it was not as though she did not like him in return. It was just that as her name and title had stated, Angelique was an angel and Ashton was a devil. They were better off being just friends as it were. 

Meanwhile Princess Angelique Tannenbaum, herself, was busy playing around with her younger adoptive devil sister, Princess Ashley Tannenbaum. Ashley was taken in by the royal family after her devil parents died in a terrible incident at the local lake, Lake Angeli. The lake might not have been very harmful to the angels, as its own name had suggested, but to the devils, it was a death wish because the devils lived from the heat. While the angels could simply tolerate the water, the element itself would have been fatal to the chemical composition of the devils. 

Back in the present day with both Ashley and her adoptive angel sister, Angelique, the two adoptive sisters were both having a fun day playing with predator and prey with one another. The two adoptive sisters drew straws earlier in the day to see who would shapeshift into the form of the predator and who was going to shapeshift into the prey. As usual, Ashley lost because she drew the shorter straw. As a result, Ashley was stuck being a reindeer while Angelique got the privilege of being a wolf for their little game. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum (in wolf form): This reindeer is mine. 

As Angelique chased her adoptive devil sister around the kingdom, the two of them had both managed to knock over almost everything in sight. Of course, because one of them was an angel while the other was a devil in reality, neither type of eternal being had the nerve to complain and could only find it completely amusing as the two of them played with one another. Of course, Ashley did not feel as though she had been given a fair shake at doing what she wanted to do simply because of having to play predator's prey with her older adoptive angel sister. 

Adopted Princess Ashley Tannenbaum (in reindeer form): Come on, Angelique. I'm not a real reindeer, I'm your sister. 

Of course, wearing the body of a wolf, Angelique was slicker and faster than Ashley, who was trapped at the time in the form of a reindeer. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum (in wolf form): Gotcha! 

Ashley tried and tried to escape from Angelique, even in the form of the natural prey to the beast into which her sister had shapeshifted at that time, but try as she might, the young devil just could not get away from her elder adoptive angel sister. 

Adopted Princess Ashley Tannenbaum (in reindeer form): You're an angel, Angelique. You're not supposed to be playing like this. 

Of course, Angelique was not willing to let her younger adoptive devil sister go anytime in the immediate future at the time. Ashley was near cornered in her reindeer form by Angelique in her wolf form. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum (in wolf form): Try as you may, devil reindeer. You can't escape the greatest angel ever. 

Angelique, however, should have paid better attention to her surroundings as she ran into a tree on her way to catching her own sister in reindeer form. Angelique knew that wolves were known for their speed, though they were not very good at recovering from a failure of any kind. Ashley even chuckled at the game having to have finally been going her way just before she responded to her sister's comment about being the self-proclaimed 'greatest angel ever'. 

Adopted Princess Ashley Tannenbaum (in reindeer form): Well, I just did. 

Of course, Angelique, however, was quick to recover from her daze just short of letting her sister, Ashley, get away from her as they both played predator's prey. 

Meanwhile back with Ashton and the Diablo Brothers, they were all but zooming along the path in the Diablangelianan mountains and were just about to hit a sharp turn. They still managed to keep their double tandem bicycle steady like racing champions. In the midst of the ride, however, the Diablo Brothers had been knocked off of the bicycle. 

Ashton Killem: That was great. We are flyin' today, guys. 

He had barely even noticed it, but all three of the Diablo Brothers had fallen off of their double tandem bicycle behind Ashton while he just continued to soar on the wind. 

Ashton Killem (continued): Whoo-hoo! 

That was when Angelique happened to run into Ashton while still wearing the body of a wolf. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum (in wolf form): Ashton? 

Angelique quickly shapeshifted back into her clean as a whistle angel body with her surprisingly natural fuchsia pink hair and her beautiful baby blue eyes. 

Ashton Killem: Angelique? 

The pair of friends grabbed onto one another as they both started to flow with the motions of being up in the air as their wings helped the two of them to take flight. They even started to hold hands with one another in mid-flight. Naturally to Ashton, it was very romantic, and the world seemed to just stop rolling for him. To Angelique, however, it was nothing short of a friendly gesture. They were after all a devil and an angel, respectively. As such they were just from two different worlds. That very fact finally seemed to catch up to Ashton as he and Angelique's flight started to get out of their control. 

Ashton Killem (continued): What are you doing up here? And why were you wearing the form of a wolf, anyway? 

Princess Angelique Tannebaum: I was playing predator's prey with my sister, if you have to know that badly. What about you? 

Ashton Killem: I was just riding my bike with my guys, the Diablo Brothers. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Those devils were on your bike with you? That really was a double tandem bicycle. By the way, what happened to them? 

It was a rather inconvenient experience to have completely forgotten about the three brothers with whom he was the closest of devil friends, but Ashton suddenly remembered that he had left the Diablo Triplets back where he had to have lost them. 

Ashton Killem: Aw, shoot. I must've lost 'em back when we hit that sharp turn. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Hopefully, your best devil bros remembered that they could have just flown through the air with their wings had they fallen off of the bike. 

As soon as the two of them finally made their safe landing onto the ground, Angelique was ready to let go of Ashton. If only Ashton was ready to let go of Angelique, though. It was not until they heard a deep adult male voice that Ashton finally let go of Angelique. 

Deep adult male voice: Angelique! 

Upon looking up into the direction of the voice, Ashton and Angelique both saw none other than Angelique's wise and just father, the king of their kingdom, JeanÁngel Tannenbaum. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum: It's time to go. 

After having heard what her father had to say to her, Angelique, being the good little girl she was as an angel, walked towards her father, secretly knowing what he was expecting her to do by then. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Oh, I'm coming, dad. 

It was quite natural to see that Angelique was her father's daughter, what with the way she had always behaved towards everything in her life. Other than all of the roughhousing with her younger adoptive devil sister, Ashley, Angelique was a perfectly good golden child of an angel princess. Of course, that was all but the case of if Ashton would have let her tend to what her father had wanted from her in life. 

Ashton Killem: What? Where-where are ya goin'? 

Of course, Angelique was only too willing to answer her devil friend, Ashton's, question not long after he had asked her where she was even headed with her father, JeanÁngel. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Angel School. It goes on for the next ten years of my life. 

That was when Ashton had finally managed to grasp onto the gravity of their situation. He would not see his friend for the next ten years to come. 

Ashton Killem: The next ten years? But that covers our entire college lives with one another. I thought we agreed we were gonna go to school together under the same collection of roofs. 

That was when Ashton was stopped by Angelique's own father, JeanÁngel. As kind a king as JeanÁngel was, he also needed to constantly be firm with his subjects, regardless of whether they were angels or devils. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum: I know you're Angelique's friend, Ashton. But come ten years from now, she will be a well-trained angel princess, the future queen of our kingdom. 

Then, JeanÁngel just chuckled good-naturedly at his young devil subject. 

King JeanÁngel Tannebaum (continued): And no doubt, you'll be quite a clever little devil when you're all grown up. Learn to keep the peace between our two kinds of people. 

Of course, Ashton, however, only seemed to have nothing but Angelique on his mind even as King JeanÁngel talked to him. Then, however, JeanÁngel moved his arm in front of Ashton's view of his daughter and obstructed said view to get the young devil to pay closer attention than the angel king had seen him pay attention. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): And Ashton! 

Upon having finally moved his arm in the young devil's way of his view of the angel princess of their kingdom, JeanÁngel finally got Ashton's attention off of his daughter, Angelique, just long enough to tell the young devil something else. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): Remind us all to have fun. 

As much as Ashton wanted to loathe JeanÁngel for obstructing his view of the angel king's daughter, Angelique, the young devil knew first and foremost that the angelic king of the kingdom of Diablangeliana was simply being dutiful as to keep the peace between the angels and the devils in his kingdom. 

Ashton Killem: But, but_ 

Of course, JeanÁngel had a lot more left to say to the young devil from within his own kingdom. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum: Angels and devils can't ma_ 

Of course, JeanÁngel did not really know how he was supposed to term it for a young devil like Ashton. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): How do you say it? 

Of course, Ashton could only give JeanÁngel an innocent expression on his face before the angel king was finally ready to at least try to explain it further, only to realize almost immediately that there was no such way to explain it to a young one in his country. JeanÁngel cleared his throat upon the realization of the fact. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): That's our custom. The law of the world in which we live. 

That was when JeanÁngel started walking away, and the Diablo Brothers had returned to Ashton after having been lost for so long. As it had turned out, they did remember that they could have just flown away from the danger of falling to the ground just before they were about to hit said ground. The trio of triplet brothers had all but snuck up on Ashton when they had finally made it back to him. As soon as they revealed themselves to their best devil friend, they piled atop him like a dogpile wrestling move. 

Devin, Devlin, and Lúca Diablo: Devil pile! 

Meanwhile back with Angelique, she was well on her way to Angel School when she heard everything from behind her with Ashton. 

Angelique Tannenbaum: Silly devils. 

Of course, in the midst of his laughter with the Diablo Brothers, Ashton had finally managed to notice that Angelique was already on her way to Angel School for the following ten years. The poor guy felt pretty heartbroken that Angelique had barely even made the time so much as to say goodbye to her friend. 
