A Stolen Hunt for Food

Meanwhile, Angelique was busy hunting for all the Diablangelianan residents' dinner with her fellow saints. They all shapeshifted into the forms of mountain lions as they all hunted a nearby group of deer. 

Ashton Killem (continued): Looks like we're gonna be eating some of the good venison tonight, boyos! 

Not long after Ashton's announcement that Diablangeliana was all set to eat venison for dinner that same night, Devlin poked his sausage fingers at Ashton's left shoulder blade as though he were trying to tell his friend and his triplet brothers something. 

Devlin Diablo: Hey! Hey! 

Much to the surprise of the other three present at the time, Devlin, in fact, was trying to tell Ashton and his brothers something. It even had something to do with the turn-out of Angelique's own hunt for the deer with the other saints in mountain lion form. All four of them saw other mountain lions approaching their hunt from the other side of the valley. It was two other angel saints hunting in from back over in the kingdom north of Diablangeliana. 

Ashton Killem: I'd know those shapeshifted colors anywhere. Magnumdeviosian saints. 

The incoming hunting saints had indeed come from within Magnumdeviosia, a kingdom just on the northern side of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners in which both Magnumdeviosia and Diablangeliana had resided. Diablangeliana existed in the southern side of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners. Magnumdeviosia resided north of the St. Diabolos River which divided the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners into two kingdoms. 

Meanwhile back on her little hunting excursion with the other Diablangelianan saints, Angelique suddenly noticed that she and her own hunting party had a couple of competitors for the meat that had almost belonged to Diablangeliana and its residents had the other mountain lions not shown up. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Hey. Lucien, Gabriel, Matthew, we've got company. 

And as Angelique thought they would, the Magnumdeviosian saints wearing the same mountain lion forms were just about ready to snake hers and the other Diablangelianan saints' hunt for the deer out from under her, Lucien and Gabriel. It was not long before the Magnumdeviosian saints had done the unwise thing and jumped out at the prey to get a head start on the competition for the deer. Of course, Angelique, Lucien, Gabriel and the fourth Diablangelianan saint in the form of a mountain lion, Matthew, had no choice but to improvise their plans to go after the much-desired deer for their kingdom's dinner. 

Meanwhile, Ashton and his devil friends watched the scene from atop the cliff which they all stood. Devlin was the only one to speak up about the Magnumdeviosian saints basically snaking the deer hunt out from the devils and angels of Diablangeliana. 

Devlin Diablo: Great! Just great! There goes the kingdom's dinner for the night! 

Naturally, Devin and Lúca were both pretty worried about the kingdom's dinner for the night. Of course, the only thing that Ashton could really focus on at the time was the way that his angel friend, Angelique, looked as she chased after their kingdom's dinner in a race against the two Magnumdeviosian saints in mountain lion form. 

Ashton Killem: And there goes Angelique. 

Of course, it was not very long before the tables wound up getting turned between the hunters and the hunted just because of the Magnumdeviosian saints suddenly needing to go after the same deer as the Diablangelianan saints were after for their dinner. The deer herd suddenly started a stampede in the middle of the chasm in which Angelique and her fellow saints were busy with their hunt for the kingdom's food. 

Meanwhile, it did not take all that long for Ashton and his devil friends, the Diablo Triplets, to notice the stampede of deer heading towards their princess and the rest of her hunting party of Diablangelianan saints. The stampede even looked as though they were ready to run their own hunters over with their stampede. 

Ashton Killem: Holy___ 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Deer stampede! 

Just as Angelique and her hunting party of Diablangelianan saints in mountain lion form were busy running away from the stampede of deer, the leader of said hunting party gave the rest of the Diablangelianan mountain lion saints an order. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum (continued): Quick! Scatter to the sides of the chasm! 

Of course, since Angelique was their princess, Lucien, Gabriel and Matthew had to obey their hunt leader's orders. They did not just obey her orders because she was their princess, though. The three of them also obeyed the leader of their hunting party because it was the smartest thing they could do to not get killed by the deer stampede. 

Meanwhile, Angelique used her mountain lion reflexes to escape the deer stampede and get a clear view of the chasm's layout at the same time. Of course, she did so if only to ensure that her entire hunting party of Diablangelianan hunting saints got away from the stampede safely. It was not as though she was trying to capture his attention, however, but Angelique's mountain lion moves caught the eyes of her devil friend, Ashton, anyway. 

Ashton Killem: Look at those moves. 

Of course, just as Angelique made it to the top of a ledge which overlooked the entire chasm in which she and her entire hunting party of Diablangelianan hunting saints were getting their kingdom's food for the night ahead of them all, she noticed that while her own hunting party had gotten away from the stampede of the deer, the northern Magnumdeviosian party of hunting saints was still in danger of the deer stampede at the time. Angelique knew it was all up to her to rescue her hunting party's enemies. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Settle the score after you've rescued the enemy, Angelique. 

Of course, the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints just had to have been in danger of getting stampeded by the deer even in their own animal forms, that of which had been wolverines at the time. Angelique rescued the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints on her own when she had brought them out of the danger of the deer stampede by shoving the two northern hunting saints underneath a hollowed-out log on the field for the rival hunting saints' safety. Not one bit of it could have been done without Angelique passing over her own devil friend, Ashton Killem, and his fellow devil friends, the Diablo Brothers. Although, she did not even notice them as she leapt over them in her mountain lion form. Meanwhile, Ashton was the only devil amongst himself and the Diablo Brothers to give any sort of comment on Angelique's mountain lion reflexes from when she jumped directly over them in the form of a mountain lion. 

Ashton Killem: Whoa! 

That was when Angelique finally made it to the rescue of the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints. Needless to say, however, said northern hunting saints were ironically less than grateful to Angelique's rescue of the two of them when she saved them from being stampeded in their wolverine forms, especially after the dust had settled and the deer stampede had come and gone. Even more ironically than that alone was that as soon as everyone had all but changed back into their angelic forms, Gabriel was the only southern Diablangelianan hunting saint who actually showed any form of concern for Angelique's well-being at the time. 

Gabriel Archangel: Are you alright?! 

Gabriel's concern was appreciated, but Angelique had absolutely refused to have been doted upon by anyone other than that of her own father. So, she chose simply to give Gabriel a short, to-the-point answer. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Yeah, I'm fine. 

Lucien and Matthew, however, as the far prouder hunting saints, cared more about telling off the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints than that of tending the well-being of their southern kingdom's princess, Angelique. 

Lucien Angelonia: Hey, what's your problem, you stupid northern one-wing? That was our deer hunt! 

Naturally, Matthew, himself, had also wanted to deliver a piece of his own mind unto that of the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints. 

Matthew Anglo-Saxono: Yeah! You can't just snake our hunt out from under our noses! 

But of course, Angelique, being a future queen of Diablangeliana on the southern side of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners which lay south of the St. Diabolos River, wanted to avoid any possible conflict which she could have between the south and the north. Needless to say, Angelique knew quite well that a Civil War between Magnumdeviosia and Diablangeliana would have been a catastrophic mistake of epic proportions. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Lucien, Matthew, back off! 

Meanwhile, the minute the evident danger to their shared safety with their Diablangelianan rival hunting saints, the Magnumdeviosian angels were more concerned with defending what of their Magnumdeviosian dignity they still had left than they had been about that of having been grateful, at all, to even needing to have been rescued by their rivals' lead hunting saint, and while in her animal form, no less. She had been in her mountain lion body, to have been specific about her rescue of them both. The female Magnumdeviosian hunting saint from the northern side of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners, however, was only northern hunting saint to speak up against hers and her male hunting saint partner's Diablangelianan rivals' aggression from the southern hunting saints. 

Female Magnumdeviosian hunting saint: You better listen to the girl. 

Meanwhile, the male Magnumdeviosian hunting saint growled in his and his female hunting saint partner's Diablangelianan rivals before he sent a dirty look the southern hunting saints' way. 

Of course, what else did the prideful Lucien and Matthew do but shapeshift into wolf form and begin an argument with the two Magnumdeviosian hunting saints as the northern hunters took wolf form, themselves. Angelique had hoped that Gabriel would have stayed away from the conflict, but he quicky proved as soon as he demonstrated to her that not even the mild-mannered and even-tempered, such as him, could ever not want to have fought for what he knew needed to have been done. As a future queen in the works on her first hunt for her own kingdom's dinner that same night, Angelique tried her hardest to break up the squabble between the two parties of hunting saints from both the northern and the southern sides of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners, divided into two sides by the St. Diabolos River. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Hey, break it up. Lucien, Matthew, Gabriel, break it up! 

The only thing that Angelique could do, if anything whatsoever, was watch as the two hunting parties torn one another apart at the seams right in front of her, no less. 

Luckily for Angelique and the other Diablangelianans, help at dealing with the Magnumdeviosians was a lot closer than any of them had even begun to have ever counted on at the time. 

Ashton Killem: All right, Fuddy Devils, duty calls. 

Meanwhile back on the valley floor, Angelique still tried her hardest to stop all the squabbling between her own Diablangelianan southern hunting saints and those of the rivaling Magnumdeviosian northern hunting saints. Although all of it was done in vain, Angelique refused to give up her trial to stop an all-out Civil War between Diablangeliana and Magnumdeviosia. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Stop it. Lucien, Matthew, Gabriel, stop! Hey! 

That was when Angelique finally heard from the help for her and her own party of hunting saints against the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints from the northern side of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners divided between north and south by the St. Diabolos River. That was when a voice called out to them all, a male voice, to be exact. It was none other than Angelique's devilish childhood friend, Ashton Killem. 

Ashton Killem: Candy! 

Ashton and the three Diablo Brothers then slid directly down the hill from atop which the four of them had been watching the whole occurrence happen. 

Ashton Killem (continued): Angelique! 

Of course, Angelique was as quick as she had ever been to have mistaken her friend, Ashton, and the trio of devil siblings that was the Diablo Brothers' shared attempt to help her with her dilemma as nothing more than that of the group of devil friends' want to have nothing but a ton of fun. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Ashton?! 

Meanwhile, the rest of the Diablangelianan southern party of hunting saints had just ignored the devils who were trying to help the leader of their own hunting party tame the beastly wolves into which both they and their two Magnumdeviosian hunting saint rivals had transformed for the fight, especially Lucien and Matthew, but Lucien more than Matthew. 

Lucien Angelonia: I'm still gonna tear this fool apart. 

Of course, it had obviously been the male from the Magnumdeviosian party of the northern kingdom's hunting saints of whom Lucien had spoken at the time. Then, just when Angelique thought she, her hunting party and her kingdom were about to have had a Civil War with their own neighbors to the north of the St. Diabolos River, her best devil friend, Ashton, got ready to have done the very last thing she would have ever expected of a devil like him or the Diablo Brothers. 

Ashton Killem: Guys, feel free to lower the boom at any given time, now! 

Angelique, as serious as she had always been which simply came with her territory as angelic royalty in Diablangeliana, just continued to mistake her playful, devilish best friend, Ashton's, intentions to help her handle hers and the rest of the southern hunting saints' collective situation with the two Magnumdeviosian hunting saints for his and the trio of devil brothers who were his devil friends' want to have a good time with their day. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Ashton, we haven't any time for fun. 

Of course, the fact that Angelique misunderstood the intentions behind what he had in mind as an action taken by Devlin, Devin and Lúca Diablo in the interest of keeping the peace between the two neighboring kingdoms was anything except lost on Ashton. The lead silly sinner had actually planned to drop Devlin, his fattest and heaviest devil friend, onto all of the feuding hunting saints as a means to get them to stop their meaningless fighting for his royal angel friend. 

Ashton had seen that his friend from the angelic royal family of Diablangeliana, Angelique, had very clearly needed help to stop the squabble. That was when it became all too apparent what her devil friend's command towards his devil brother friends to have lowered their boom, as he termed it, to his royal angel friend at the time. It had been very true that they all needed to have chilled out, even if only a little. 

The Diablangelianan hunting saint party's help in the matter against the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints may have just been that of a mere four simple silly sinners instead of the more plentiful and more desirable entirety of all their southern kingdom's own hunting saints, but it had been as the famed hunting priest, Buddhayasi, the Great and Mystical, had once said about the need to accept help wherever one could get it; one must not look a gift horse in the mouth. 

Besides, the devils from within both of the two kingdoms who constantly screwed around had always had a way with having been just as affective when needed to prevent an all-out war between the two kingdoms as a hard-working angel had been. 

Luckily for Gabriel, he saw where everything was headed as soon as he heard the command from Ashton out to his devil friends, the Diablo Brothers, as had Matthew. Unfortunately for Lucien, he and the two Magnumdeviosian hunting saints were a lot more concerned about personal pride than they were about safety measures and paid for their own forms of arrogance when they failed to get out of the way in time to avoid getting slammed by Devlin's body weight. 

That was when Ashton first stepped forward to talk about how ridiculous they had all been with their stupid squabble, particularly the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints. Gabriel and Matthew even sent smiles in Ashton's direction as the lead fuddy devil spoke to the hunting saints from the northern kingdom. 

Ashton Killem: Guys, guys, come on. Don't get your robes in a knot. You northerners are making us look bad. Come on, guys. You're making us so bad, that even the deer we were supposed to have for dinner tonight are laughing at us. 

Ashton even pointed into the direction of which the deer that was supposed to have been their kingdom's main course at dinner that same night were all, as a matter of fact, blowing raspberries then tauntingly shakingly their butts in their own predators' collective faces. And when even your meal is poking fun at you, it truly is as humiliating as humiliating can ever get. 

Ashton Killem (continued): Oh, now that's the kind of moon I would never howl to, even if I were stuck in my own wolf form. 

It was not very long before Gabriel, Matthew, even Lucien all started to just laugh at the joke told from the very same mind that held Ashton's sparkly wit. Angelique was also amused by her devil friend's hearty joke, herself, and sent Ashton a good-natured chuckle as her response to his joke. 

Of course, that was all good and well for the Diablangelianan hunting saints until their angelic king, JeanÁngel, ordered the hunting saints from within his own kingdom back to their homes, foreseeing the response coming from the Magnumdeviosian hunting saints who lived north of the St. Diabolos River. Needless to say, King JeanÁngel foresaw that the northern hunting saints took quite a bit of offense to Ashton's joke about them making even what was supposed to have been the main course at dinner that same night laugh at them all. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum: Diablangelianan hunting saints, get back to our kingdom. 

The Diablangelianan hunting saints all headed back to exactly where their king told them to have gone, including Angelique. Then, JeanÁngel ordered something out of the two Magnumdeviosians who had tried to compete with his daughter and her party of the southern hunting saints for the deer that started laughing at them all when things got too physical for everybody's own good. JeanÁngel knew what the two Magnumdeviosians thought of the leader of the group of devils who helped Angelique and her party of hunting saints handle the duo of northerners. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): And the two of you, go home to Magnumdeviosia.  

The two Magnumdeviosians still wanted to get Ashton back for his order at his brotherly trio of devil friends to jump on them. JeanÁngel needed to prevent that from happening at any time in the not-very-distant-at-all future between the two neighboring kingdoms separated by nothing more than a lukewarm river. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): NOW!!!  

After such a command from an angelic figure that they were naturally supposed to give the same kind of respect as the two of them gave to their own king, Ángelo Devereau, the two Magnumdeviosians quickly changed their minds about the devil with whom they had been out to have gotten even just a few moments before then. Ashton simply waved the two northerners good-bye as they went their way back to their home kingdom of Magnumdeviosia. 

That was when JeanÁngel actually gave his congratulations to Ashton and the three Diablo Brothers on their own job well done. 

King JeanÁngel Tannenbaum (continued): Devils, good job!  

Ashton was really quite proud of exactly how well he had done with the job well done he and his brothers from another devil mother, the Diablos. The dark-haired, tan-skinned devil felt as though he had really, truly impressed his home kingdom's angelic king. Of course, Ashton had seen Angelique as she passed him on her way back to Diablangeliana after her failed first deer hunt. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Great. Just great! My first hunt as a hunting saint, and I blew it. 

Of course, her best devil friend, Ashton, however, would have done anything for his royal angel friend, Angelique, that would have easily resulted in her most beautiful smile. 

Ashton Killem: Angelique. Angel, Angel, Angel, Angelique. Don't beat yourself up about your hunt. That's just crazy. You were really awesome on your first ever try. 

Of course, there had still been the issue that Angelique had still had a kingdom full of hungry angels and starving devils that she would need to have constantly fed every single night at everyone's dinner. It was not as though Ashton did not think that there were absolutely no substitutions for their favored meal of the usual venison that had always been a hit in the kingdom of Diablangeliana. 

Ashton Killem (continued): I mean, if any of the families in our kingdom are hungry, they can always eat... they can always eat... um...

Of course, it had not been as though Ashton had been prepared to console his royal angel friend, Angelique, by arming her with any knowledge of what food could have been available for theirs and the Diablo Brothers Trio's shared kingdom of Diablangeliana. So needless to say, it was definitely a moment in which Ashton had needed his brothers from a different devil mother to have been a source of solutions for the dilemma that was their kingdom's newfound food shortage. Of course, the three Diablo Brothers turned suddenly to the bloodberries which Rachel and Diane, the Reaperson vegan twins, were busy eating as when Ashton had first spotted Angelique who had just arrived back home in Diablangeliana from that of Angel School. 

Ashton Killem (continued): They can eat... berries. 

It was then and there that Ashton finally noticed that his brothers from another devil mother had handed him a handful of the bloodberries that Rachel and Diane had been enjoying earlier when the young devil had just noticed that his favorite angel in the kingdom of Diablangeliana, Princess Angelique Tannenbaum, had at last made it back from Angel School in the first place. 

Ashton Killem (continued): Yeah, bloodberries. Their juice smells like fresh blood, they're real pretty to look at, and like all other kinds of berries... 

That was when Ashton took a bite out of one of them, only to immediately regret his action and instantly wish he had never done so quickly afterwards. 

Ashton Killem (continued): They're really nutritious!  

Ashton tried to keep his face as upbeat as he could while eating the berries for the sake of Angelique's pride in her reputation as a future queen of Diablangeliana and as a hunting saint, but the young angel princess knew better than to have bought that of which her devil friend had sold to her just from the look on his face, alone. 

Princess Angelique Tannenbaum: Yeah, I dare ya to tell that to an entire kingdom both of hungry angels and starving devils. 

As soon as Angelique made it the southern side of the Valley of the Saints and the Sinners, the Diablo Triplets gave their devil friend, Ashton, the OK to have spat out the beyond disgusting bloodberries that the Reaperson Twin Sisters, Rachel and Diane, seemed to always enjoy for unknown reasons. Well, at least, Lúca gave their devil friend, Ashton, the heads-up that it was OK for him to have spat out the bloodberries. 

Lúca Diablo: It's OK to spit 'em out now, dude! She's gone. 

With the heads-up from Lúca that it was fine for him to have spat out the unpleasant bloodberries, that quickly turned into just what Ashton did with the bitter monstrosities. 
