Stone World

~Your POV~

It was an ordinary day for me like always I spent my lunchtime on the rooftop of the school alone. Today was a bit different I don't know why but it was. I put my earbuds in listening to my favorite song when I'm interrupted by a shout "LISTEN UP, SENKU. I GOING TO CONFESS MY FEELINGS I'VE HAD FOR YUZURIHA FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS!".

I hear a loud male voice saying that form down stairs "Huuh. Well, that sure does sound interesting. Well, I'll be rooting for you." I barely hear another male student say.

A confession huh? Well, that does sound interesting. I hear some more back and forth dialogue between the two males until I now see, what I assume is the boy who's gonna confess. I hope things go well for him. I take a sip of my apple juice and see the boy jump in front of the girl he likes. What is he-I then see what the boy is panicking about. There's a green flashing light coming, in golfing the boy who I then see turn to stone but before I could react, everything turns black.

I hear a crackling sound then I see a very dim light shine through. I break from the shell I was encased for God knows how long. I wake up in a world that seemed to be completely surrounded in greenery. I start to panic "Shit where am I? Where is everyone?! What happened?!".

My thoughts were soon interrupted when my eye catches a campfire. I decide to follow where it's coming from since it's my best bet to get help, I get some vines to cover the bottom of my body but couldn't manage to get my top covered so I put some of my hair to the front.

I reach the campsite and call out "Hello is anyone there?" Oh, right I'm still in Japan, right? I shout again but in Japanese this time "Hello?" I see someone pop there head out of the little shed "Kukuku and here I thought the big oaf would be the first to break out of the stone but no it happens to be some random American girl" I hear and see a familiar face say.

What? Wait a minute I know this guy "Um hey I know you right?". The boy looks shocked for a bit but then smiles "You know me?" I answer back quickly in response "Well! Sort of. You see I've only seen you around the school but I know you're this super boy genius" The boy then again speaks "Oh really? Well then mind telling me your name".

I give him my name "My name is y/n" The boy then gives me his name "Well my name is Ishigami Senku, you probably have a lot of questions y/n" oh that's right "Y-Yes! I do! What happened? Where are we? How long has it been? Why are there so many statues? Are you the only-".

I was interrupted by Senku "Kukuku wow there. I'll answer all your questions but first, come inside you'll catch a cold, especially when you're still walking around naked" I look down at myself and realize I'm still naked.

I quickly cover my breast so Senku wouldn't see any more "S-Sorry I guess I was so lost that I barely even notice I was even naked. U-um do you have anything I could wear?" Senku gives me a sigh "Unfortunately no. I didn't think anyone else would break out of their stone at least so soon. I do have a blanket you can cover yourself with".

Senku heads into the tiny treehouse, I follow him up "Here" I grab the blanket and wrap it around myself "Thanks Senku. Do you mind telling me what's going on? I'm a little lost" Senku gives a little laugh "Kukuku, okay but brace yourself, for what I'm about to tell you will blow your mind".

I gulp and let Senku proceed "3,700 years ago all of humanity turned into stone, civilization as we know it is gone. The only humans left are you and me at least for now that is kukuku". It took me a while to take everything in. Life as I knew it was gone my home, my mom.

Tears threaten to spill but I keep it in and ask Senku something else "What do you mean for now?". Senku gives a cocky smirk and then speaks again "I'm going to restore all the petrified humans and all of the technology lost over the years with the power of science".

I stare at him in shock at what he just stated "W-Wait a minute! Are you insane?! You can't restore all of humanity all by yourself! That's crazy!-". I was interrupted by Senku's laugh "Kukuku of course not all by myself. You, me and once the big oaf wakes up are gonna do it together". I'm completely baffled and don't even know what to say Senku gives me another smirk and says "Welcome to the stone world".
