Do I make you feel uncomfortable?

~Your POV~

Taiju and Senku are both off to the cave to get some nitric acid for the depetrification formula. I, on the other hand, am taking a break as Senku suggested. Right now I'm headed to the river to bathe myself since the cold is coming soon I have to bath when it's the hottest out. I hope we can come up with the formula soon but I and Senku been trying forever to get it right, he did say that it would take a long time. I reach the river and start to take my clothes off, I put one foot in too test the waters. I flinch on how cold the water really is "Gya! Fuck Jesus Christ that's cold" I'm gonna have to boil some water for now on, I'll easily get a cold if I don't. I start to hum my favorite melody getting lost in my surroundings.

~Taiju's POV~

Senku and I are walking back from the cave of miracles making our way back to base I suddenly stop at the sound of someone humming, I call to Senku "Psst Senku. You hear that? It sounds like humming. Where's it coming from?". Senku just sighs in disappointment "It's the wild woman. Who else do you think it is? You big oaf". Wild woman? Does he mean Y/n? "Her humming is really pretty. Can she sing just as good?". Senku response "Of course she can. She gets anxious a lot so she'll be doing it a lot". Wow, I didn't know that. She didn't seem that much like an anxious person "Wow Senku you know a lot about Y/n don't you?". Senku scoffs "It's pretty obvious to pick up some things about a person when you're around them for 3 months". Senku speeds me up "Come on you big oaf we don't have all-". We suddenly hear a high pitch screech which sounded a lot like Y/n "GYAAAA!". We run towards the sound to see what's up. I yell out to Y/n "Y/n! What's wrong-". We see that Y/n had a snake wrap around her, without thinking I quickly grab the head of the snake and (Yeeted it) threw it far away in the distance. I asked if Y/n was okay until I noticed she was completely naked. I turned around poking out Senku's eyes out "S-Sorry!! Y/n are you okay?!". I hear Senku groan in pain "What the hell Taiju?! What was that for?!". I respond back quickly "What do you mean 'what' Y/n's naked!". Senku rubs his eyes "So? Were in the stone world nobody cares if you're naked or not". Y/n finally responds back to my question "Taiju I'm fine! I just got a bit distracted is all". Senku turns to her "Well be careful next time. What are you even doing over here? This isn't usually where you bathe". Y/n responds back "Like I said I got distracted and now I have to walk back to get my clothes". Senku sighs and puts a hand on his neck "I can't be helped. Taiju go down stream you'll find Y/n's clothes". I ask Senku "Huh? Why me?". "Because it's getting cold now. If she walks back she'll get even colder" Senku says answering my question. I nod but then I see Y/n's trying her hardest to cover herself up with her hands "Senku! Look away you're making her feel uncomfortable!". Y/n turns red from embarrassment "I-It's okay Taiju! Just go!". I hesitantly nob and start running to Y/n's usual bathing area.

~Senku's POV~

I see Taiju run off to the distance, leaving me and Y/n left alone together. I'm facing the other way from Y/n as Taiju told me to do. We just stay there in complete silence until I decided to speak up "Hey wild woman". Y/n gives me a small "hm?". I hear her get a bit closer, probably so she could hear me better. I start to speak again "Do I...." I paused for a minute "Do I make you feel uncomfortable?". Y/n's immediate response is "What?! Of course not!! Why would you think that?!". I breathe a sigh of relief "Well that's good I guess, can't have you feeling uncomfortable around me when we're working together. I only asked because ever since Taiju broke out of his stone you've been getting awfully close to Taiju without any personal space". Y/n looked confused "Getting close? Taiju?" Y/n looked like she reached some realization "Oh-oh! No-No-No. I wasn't hitting on him or anything! Y-You-Taiju's just a really friendly person-like a dog even!".

I burst out into a fit of laughter "Pffhahaha!!" Y/n snaps at me "What so funny!?". Y/n puffs her checks in frustration "You know Senku you can be a real asshole sometimes". I laugh but she continues talking "You know Senku you may think I look uncomfortable around you but to be honest I'm uncomfortable all the time not just around you". I look at her confused "Senku you may not know this because you didn't know me back in the modern age but I'm kind of a tomboy. I'm not very comfortable wearing woman's clothing like this dress. I like being more covered up". So that's what she means "Look I know it may be new to you but know that it's easier to move around in that dress if we made some pants for you now out of our materials with how much you move they might rip but you don't have to worry too much about upgrading our clothing is also on the list of things to do in the future". Y/n sighs "Well if you say so. It still sucks that I have to wear a dress". I laugh a little "Well at least you got that cool looking lion cape going for you wild woman".

~Your POV~

Taiju comes back with my clothing with his eyes covered so I can change. We head back to the base so we can prepare for lunch. I feel a bit better about my clothing but I still rather wear my comfy sweat pants than this. I still don't know why Senku asked me if I was uncomfortable around him, it doesn't seem like something he'd worry about.

I make the food and we start talking about how long it will take to finish the formula. Senku says it's hard to say. Maybe 2 months, 6 months, a year. I feel a little sad not for me but Taiju, he's been wanting to see Yuzuriha for a long time now and to finally confess his feelings for her. However long it takes I'll work my hardest! One day, one day, ONE DAY WE'LL FREE HUMANITY OF THEIR STONE WALLS!!

Hi everyone! I know this chapter isn't all that good but I wanted Senku and the reader to talk more. I promise the next chapter will be more exciting. The next chapter will be on Monday. Thank you to the people who voted!
