Peculiar Parchment

Perhaps due to the arrival of the letters, the time leading up to Hogwarts seemed comparatively shorter than the rest of the year. Due to the fact that their daughter was unbelievably excited about the prospect of going to a school she'd been hearing about for more than two years, and was extremely reluctant to part with her best friend, namely, Severus, Rose and Mark Evans caved in to Lily's demands and agreed for her to go to Hogwarts. Now, all they had to do was wait for Minerva McGonagall to return.

During the intervening period, Severus noticed Lily's parents go through the stages of suspicion, acceptance and, finally, the previous trust. For the first few weeks following the incident, Lily wasn't permitted to go to the park as much as usual, and Severus wasn't invited round to her house either. After a month had passed, however, the unofficial ban was lifted, and Severus was invited back to the Evans' abode. He guessed that it had most likely been the protective Mr Evans who had issued the ban, and the trusting Mrs Evans that had had it lifted.

On his first visit, however, Severus discovered something strange. He hadn't really been prying, but all but he and Lily were out at Petunia's Parents' Evening, as Rose finally felt they were old enough to be left at home alone, and so Severus was taking the opportunity to explore Lily's house. He looked around both floors with interest, curious to see what a middle-class household actually looked like. He had nearly finished his investigative tour when he saw something peculiar in Petunia's room.

"Lily, come here!" He called.

"What is it?" She asked, running up the stairs. She had been making cookies downstairs.

"Petunia has a letter from Hogwarts," he breathed, eyeing the familiar parchment with an unusual trepidation.


"I said_"

"I heard you," Lily cut him off as she stalked towards the letter.

He held out an arm to stop her.

"We shouldn't," he said. She stared at him weirdly. "It's her private correspondence," he added, as though she ought to understand.

"But it's Hogwarts," Lily replied, in a way which implied that Hogwarts was hers, and hers alone.

Sensing that this was one thing he wouldn't be able to stop, Severus merely watched as Lily opened the letter and began to read aloud:

Dear Miss Evans,

I regret to inform you that those, such as yourself, without magic, cannot currently attend Hogwarts. We call your kind Muggles, and unfortunately the Wizarding World has a very dim view of Muggles. If, at any stage, this view changes for the better, I would be delighted to grant your request for a place at my school. Don't begrudge your sister's magic; it was not her who decided she would get it.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

"She wrote to Dumbledore," Lily gasped in a hushed voice, as though somebody might hear them.

"Asking for a place," Severus nodded. "I suspected as much."

Lily turned confused eyes on him. Severus hastily explained.

"Lily, Petunia's jealous of you; she always has been. But, however envious she is, she also wanted to still be with you. So, she wanted to attend Hogwarts so that she could both be your equal, finally, and your sister."

Lily's eyes widened comically. Then, suddenly, she pinched her nose.

"Can I smell burning?" She questioned.

A few moments later realisation dawned.

"The cookies!" They spoke simultaneously.

Then came a mad rush for the stairs, and the letter was soon forgotten.


A.N. Diagon Alley is next, and then Platform 9 and 3/4! 

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