Magick Moste Pleasant

Lily met Severus at the park most days. He was often there by seven in the morning, having happily escaped his father before he had left for work. Lily had always visited the park to take a turn on the roundabout before school began. Now, she included speaking to Severus into her daily schedule.


"Hmm?" The boy was currently reading a very complex-looking textbook with a frown of concentration on his face.

"I was wondering... oh, never mind."


"How do you stop doing accidental magic?"

Severus finally looked up. He showed no sign of bewilderment at the odd question.

"You made the branch hit your sister," Severus stated flatly.

"Yes," Lily sighed. "I did."

The other had gotten to his feet.

"But I didn't know – I couldn't stop it!" Lily exclaimed, scrambling to her feet as Severus made to walk away. "How did I know it wasn't you? You're the expert here!"

Severus turned back to Lily, a hard look on his face.

"If Muggles don't like the concept of magic from the off, their brains refuse it." Lily was confused. What was he talking about? "They come up with reasons, excuses." His tone was bitter. "I was the 'spawn of the devil', a 'freak'. I haven't performed a spell in years." Lily opened her mouth, shocked into speaking, but he interrupted her. "I know the theory – yes, I know – but my mother warned me against using magic from an early age.

"I used it against my father, you see, and he in turn went for my mother. Then I struck him, using magic. I was a mere toddler. Later, I was told to never use it on a Muggle again. They're inferior, and when they are afraid, they attack. I've tried to fit in with their lowly world; I've studied Muggle subjects – mathematics, the sciences, history. I plan on getting my O-levels. If I don't belong here, I don't belong anywhere."

He walked further away.

"Finding out about magic sparks a light. That light becomes a flame and then that flame is a roaring fire, tearing through your heart and soul. Then the fire is extinguished. Life itself is pointless." He let out a deep breath. "Never let that flame get extinguished, Lily. Never let it go. It can tear you apart, limb from limb, but it can also piece those limbs back together."

With that, he vanished off into the distance. And Lily thought she saw a flash of white before he was gone, blending into the murky landscape.


A.N. I apologise for the abysmal length of this chapter - this was all my brain could come up with.

For those of you who think Severus' speech are a tad grown-up for the young boy, think again. This Half-Blood Prince has already faced far more than most - poverty, abuse, neglect - and this means that he gets to have the best speeches.

This chapter is dedicated to CharaXFNAF for her perpetual voting - go follow her!!!!!!

Thank you for reading and please WRITE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!! :)
