Part 9

Dev was sitting beside Sonakshi who was deep in her slumber. Dev was sipping his coffee and was busy doing his work when he heard
" Dev please do not go anywhere I am sorry "
He was astonished and continued hearing her." don't go please " she was sweating badly and tears were rolling down her eyes
" please don't go "
" Sonakshi "
" please Dev don't go I promise I won't be a burden please "
" Sonakshi "
" please Dev don't go please "
" Sonakshi wake up... Sonakshi..... Aahhh"
Sonakshi got up with a jolt thus pushing Dev of the bed
" Dev "
" Haan ow"
" tum girls kaise Gaye "
" cause of you "
" what"
" yes you were saying something don't go please Dev don't go and then when I tried to wake you up you pushed me down what is this "
" sorry "
" it's OK " he gets up
" Sonakshi what happened why we're you saying such things? "
" Dev it must have been a nightmare"
"yes that I know but I also know that you do not get nightmares without a reason... Now tell me"
" Dev I also do not know please believe me "
" OK I do but are you OK now... Here drink this water "
" thanks "
He peck her forehead and takes the glass and keeps it on the table
" now sleep " he says while pushing her down on the bed
" Dev you also sleep please... Here beside me "
" OK,"
He lays down beside her and covers themselves with the duvet. Sonakshi Hugged Dev with a lot of pressure Dev also said nothing as he knew she was scared of something and the question was what but he did not nag her to tell as he wanted her to feel comfortable not uncomfortable and also he did not want her to get sadder than she already was but one thing was clear that it was something related to their relationship and he was going to find out what as he promised that he would not let anything happen or traumatize her.

The next morning the sun was shinning bright and was trying to wake up kumbkaran and his wife but failed, Dev turned to face Sonakshi and Hugged her while she had herself in his chest. Her mouth was slightly open hence saliva was trickling out and dropping down on his naked torso thus giving a tickling feeling due to which he woke up and saw her sleeping peacefully. She was looking much more cuter than a baby rabbit. After an hour so she woke up and saw Dev watching her
" what "
" nothing I was just admiring my baby rabbit who was tickling me with her saliva"
" what?! Oh no! I.. I am sorry "
" are why sorry I found it quite cute
She turned redder than a beat root.
" what happened sonakshi"
" Dev nothing "
" no something is wrong tell me you can't hide anything from me I am your husband"
" Dev uh I am how should I explain "
" just tell me for God's sake "
" Dev I am on my periods that is why I am having cramps" she said it in one go and turned bright red and so did Dev "oh" was all he managed to say. After some time " here let me help on subsiding tour pain"
" what how " asked an amused and embarrassed Sonakshi
" just do as I say "
" but "
" do you trust me? "
" more than my self "
" then lie down "
She obeyed and lied down and Dev pulled her shirt up just till beneath her breasts and shorts down to her lower waste and started massaging a few points on her lower abdomen
" Dev it's actually quite soothing "
" told you"
"yeah did I tell you that you are the best"
"many times "
Now I am fine freshen up and come down for breakfast

After while Dev came down and both of them had their breakfast.
