Part 6

The next morning Dev was having a bath. He had just walked out of the shower when he slipped and his right leg got sprained. " aahhhh"  hearing his screams Sonakshi immediately  runs toward the room and Knocks on the door. " Dev... Are you alright what happened"  " Sonakshi aah I slipped and I think I sprained my ankle I am unable to stand please help me"
" Dev Re you having anything on or at least a towel... "
"  no....  I am uhm completely nude"
" what how can I come in "
"  Sonakshi  you're my wife you have the right to see me like this please come its painting "
"  but how the door "
"  is not locked "
Sonakshi enters the bathroom  and saw Dev flat on his back and his manhood pointing towards her. She first wraps a towel around him and then helps him walk to the bed. Dev was holding her tightly for support. She has him lie down and then goes to bring the sprain bandage ms he does the dressing and then walks to the cupboard she take out another towel and his clothes
" Dev do you... Mind if I help you get dressed.. As you won't be a le to your self" he simply nods and sits up.  Sonakshi uses the towel which was actually hers and dries his abs and hair. Dev who was relishing her touched left out a moan. Sonakshi at first glared at him " sorry actually your touch is.." " it's OK " and she pecks his forehead she helps him wear his vest and t shirt ND then glances towards the towel he was wearing. Dev understands and says"  no worries I'll do it " he tries standing but falls back. Sonakshi catches him but his towel slips of in between. Sonakshi looks down as she felt something poking her but as soon as she realize the thing she quickly glances up blushing."  Dev... Uh I ll help you.. I promise I won't look  but you're going to have to guide me if I won't see. ""  no problems " he was quite happy to be dressed by her. She slides on his underwear and track pants with his guidance and then calls shravan and informs about what happened all of them agree to go some other  time."  I am sorry because of me ""  it's not your fault OK now rest I am bringing breakfast upstairs. She hangs the towels in the balcony and goes to get the breakfast.  She feeds him while he feeds her. The love which she was taking care of him was sensed by him. The way she was massaging his sprained foot and everything he felt pain the way she soothed him. After a while Dev was asleep with his head in her laps while she was web surfing something. " Dev is doing so much for me I should gift him something hmm a symbol of our love"
She thought as her eyes fell on a ring she ordered it after doing some alterations. . The following day she woke up early and went to the door to collect her gift. She wrapped it up with a small card and placed it near the table and went down to make the breakfast.  Dev woke up and glanced around for Sonakshi when his eyes fell on  the card he picked it up
Dear hubby
I know that you know that I love you but today I want to express it.  The day I met you I thought that you were pretty rude bit slowly as we became friends I realized how cute and kind you are. Somewhere in my heart I always wanted you to prove me wrong which you did. The day when you proved that our love was true, the day when you saved me from the terror I literally thanked God for sending you here. You have always kept me safe and looked after my small desires. You made me feel like the luckiest  girl on earth and today now that I have got a chance to shower my love on you I will. Open the box and I am sure you would love it.
And Haan I almost forgot Happy birthday my love. Hope God gives you a part of my life and keeps you happy and healthy. I was planning to take you out but you sprain is not better but no worries you'll still have a special day as more surprises await.
Yours lovingly
Dev had tears in his eyes when he opened the box. Inside lay to rings each one with  Devakshi  written on the rings. Just then Sonakshi come up with the breakfast and of course not to mention the cake. Dev was mesmerized with her and the cake as if he had two weaknesses it was her and cake. Sonakshi had draped a saree ( the one with Dev gifted her during the their romance)  and the cake was of his choice a  chocolate black forest heart shaped cake with happy birthday hubby written in the Centre Sonakshi came up and place the tray on the table and pecked his lips " happy birthday Jaanu hope you love your gift"  Dev pulled her down and crashed his lips on her soft petals " I love them"  saying so he made her wear one of the wings while she did the same then she made him cut the cake. He fed her a piece and she did the same and then applied some frosting on his nose.  Dev twitched his nose causing song to chuckle. The  she liked it of making Dev blush. They then had their breakfast. Sonakshi had made his favorite foods vara pav cutlets dosas and of course pakode. " wow tumne yeh say jab banaya" " aaj subah 4 o click so lagi hoon. How is it"
"tasty" just then he notices a burn on her hand " you burnt your hand na"  " hmm but I am okey"  she said releasing her hand only to be held tighter by him pulled out the antibiotics cream and applied it to her burns. They fed each other and after Sonakshi helped him downstairs for him to receive the shock of his life.  All down the stairs there were picture of him when he was a child when he was in college his inauguration  of the company their marriage.  Heart balloons were floating all over the place and candles were lit till the end of the staircase. Many small notes were stuck on the walls each of the vow taken by her during their marriage and  in the center of the house was written happy birthday with his favorite flowers. Sonakshi made him sit on a couch and she presented him with another gift. He opened it and saw a sketch of himself,  and a sketch of their marriage " I made them myself"  she exclaimed proudly. " Deb just pulled her down and Hugged and kissed her."  Sonakshi this is wonderful you make me feel so loved and important. You made my day in fact you make my day everyday. I love you" " I love you too"  she said as she Hugged him both had tears in their eyes.
At night Dev was wide awake while Sonakshi was asleep in his arms as she had spent whole night and hardly slept as she was planning all this. After a while Dev also falls asleep not before pecking her forehead causing her to snuggle more into him
