S3 E2 Zombie Apocalypse

The game started and Hikaru was released from the glass box and started looking for his prey. The screen showed a percentage scoreboard to show how much percent of the city's population is a zombie or human.

🧟‍♂️ = 1%

Players = 99%

Y/n: I'm thinking that we shouldn't use guns. That's the first rule of a zombie apocalypse! Maybe while there's only one zombie, it would be our chance to kill it and end the game.

Asuna: He's right.

However, some players went back to the glass box to see if there's something they could use.

Man: Could the answer be right at the beginning like in most games?

Man 2: You could be right.

The first man went into the box and didn't speak.

Man 2: Hey man. A-are you okaaaay?

He walked up to the man. He then turned around and roared.


He was now a zombie!

Man 2: No! Wait wait wait!!


The zombie bit the second man and he fell down and got back up to reveal a third zombie. The infection started spreading already. People's screams are heard all over the city.

Eugeo: What's going on?

Kazuto: It must already be spreading.

Arisu: Oh no. We can't be scared. Karube said that I could maybe outsmart them.

Y/n: Remember. Zombies don't have brains. And I've read a comic of Plants vs Zombies that showed Patrice using a fake brain on a fishing pole over a trap to trick Frog pants.

Niragi: So you're suggesting we see if they're dumb?





Niragi: Count me in! Wahoooo!


Usagi: Don't waste bullets!

Niragi: Sorry!

Selka: Let's do it.

Zombies were roaming around on search for food.

Woman's Voice: 1 hour has passed.

🧟‍♂️ = 8%

Players = 92%

Woman's Voice: The Player Team is currently in higher numbers by eighty four percent.

The five zombies saw a trail of fake brains hanging on fishing rods and walked towards them.

Y/n: Just a little closer.

The zombies were right under the brains.

Y/n: Now!

Kazuto and Asuna threw daggers at the zombies and cut their heads off.

Kazuto: Yes!

Ronie: That's my mentor!

Arisu: Great work!

The game went on and nighttime came with zero deaths from the friends. They were walking through the city in a cautious manner.

Y/n: Hey guys. I know that zombies are sometimes normally active at night. We need to keep our guard up.

Chishiya: Yep. The top of a building with a sturdy concrete foundation can help. Top floor would be risky but that's the safest.

Kuina: You know your stuff.

Y/n: Let's go.

They made their way to the top of a building with no zombies in it.

Woman's Voice: 12 hours remaining. Bonus action will be added.

Aguni: Wait what?!

Y/n: That's definitely something a Joker Game would do.

Woman's Voice: A large mob of zombies have been in the sewer system since the game began. Every manhole cover in the city will be unlocked now and introduce the wave of zombies.

All the manhole covers opened and zombies came out like geysers.

Y/n's group: AAAHHHHH!!!

Some people were being devoured by waves of zombies.

Y/n: Wait guys I have an idea! See that music store?

He points at a music store in the distance.

Arisu: Yeah.

Y/n: My gut says that there has GOT to be amplifiers in that store! If we can get over there, we can use all of them into each other and send out a huge sound wave blast! I've heard that we can shatter zombies' skulls with very loud sound.

Tatta: Why can't we just use one and wipe them out one by one?

Y/n: Because we have to get every zombie in the city to explode at once. Otherwise the contagion could start again.

Arisu: Good idea.

Alice: Yes.

Eugeo: But how do we get all the way over there with all those zombies on the streets?

Y/n: Good question.

Group: Ugh.

Y/n: We use parkour and jump across the buildings.

Kazuto: But some of us aren't able to do that.

Ann: That's okay. Those who are strong enough can go and the rest can find somewhere safe to hide.

Asuna: Good idea.

Sinon: Guys we should get moving!

Simon is trying to hold off the zombies from ascending the building they were on.

Niragi: We can't hold them off much longer!

Y/n: Okay. Strongest of us go to the store and the rest of us head to the underground subway station!

Chishiya: I'm smart, not strong so I'm staying.

Kazuto: Tiese and Ronie should stay too.

Ann: I'll stay and look after the weak.

Y/n looked at his collar and had a backup plan in mind.

Y/n: Okay let's go!

The strongest in the team made their assault across the buildings.

Y/n: Bercouli to your right!

Bercouli slashed a zombie.

Bercouli: Thanks kid!

The team continued their quest across the buildings while killing some zombies along the way.

Arisu: Okay. There it is!

They were one building away.

Aguni: The entrance is blocked by those undead freaks. I think we should use more fake brains and make a distraction.

Eugeo: Good idea. I still have one. And the fishing pole.

Aguni: Good. Me and Eugeo will distract them. The rest of you use every amplifier you can.

Kuina: You got it. Stay safe.

They lead the zombies out of the store.

Y/n: Now we can make our move. Ooh.

Arisu: What?

Y/n: The sun's coming up.

Woman's Voice: 3 hours remaining.

They set up speakers at the roof and comected every amplifier they could find.

Arisu: And we're live.

Y/n: People of Tokyo, cover your ears quickly!

All survivors listened and Y/n turned up the volume to max.

Y/n: Hey zombies! Haaaaaaa!!!!!!!

All the zombies held their heads in unbearable pain and their heads started blowing up one by one. There were explosions heard all over the city.

🧟‍♂️ = 34% 22% 10% 3% 1%

Players = 99%

Group: YEAHHHHH!!!!

Tokyo Citizens: WHOOO!!!!

Y/n: Wait there's still one percent zombies.


Hikaru was the last zombie and had found Y/n and his friends.


Y/n: I got this!! Haaaaaa!!!!

Y/n tackled Hikaru to the ground and Hikaru bit him.

Group: Y/NNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

They watched as Hikaru let go.






Y/n wasn't growling or acting like a zombie at all.

Y/n: Haha! My plan worked! Take this!

Y/n stabbed his sword into Hikaru's head. The main zombie went down with no motion and the scoreboard showed the final score.

🧟‍♂️ = 0%

Players = 100%

Woman's Voice: No zombies remain. Game cleared. Congratulations. There are a total of 26,054,962 survivors.

Everyone in the vicinity of Tokyo cheered.

Arisu: Yes! But how'd you survive.

Alice: Yes. We clearly saw Hikaru bite you.

Y/n leaned his head up and showed the collar around his neck had a bite mark.

Y/n: I thought that he'd go for my neck if I had him pinned on the floor. So I used the collar for defense.

Aguni: That was smart.

Asuna: You never disappoint.

Sinon: You're always that amazing.

Alice: Ingenious!

Y/n looked out the window and at the street next to the building he saw something. He and the group walked outside. They saw one Joker card on a circular table like in Borderland and Y/n picked it up.

Woman's Voice: All survivors must prepare for the final game. Commencing in 24 hours.

Y/n: We better go meet up with the others. It's time to prepare to finish this.

To be continued
