S1 E2 Tag

It had been about one day of adding Y/n's friends to the team and they started living together in the mall where they were staying before. Y/n had a little talk with everyone and decided to keep clearing games due to him thinking that they could maybe find a way out of Borderland if they kept clearing the games. Arisu and his friends were in a bathroom as well when everyone disappeared. The woman, who they now know as Shibuki said she was working when they disappeared. Y/n and Alice explained their stories and that they've cleared some other games already. Karube and Arisu thought of going to get in the game the night and Y/n volunteered to go as well. Alice felt like taking a break from all of this and decided to help keep an eye on Chota.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It came night time and a teenage girl went through the laser border into a game that seemed to take place in an apartment building. When she ascended the stairs to the building, she noticed quite a few people already there.

Most of the people just looked at her with weird looks on their faces telling her that they know what could happen. She picked up a phone from the table and her facial recognition was done.

Woman's Voice: Please wait until the game commences. There are currently 10 participants. 1 minute until registration closes.

A guy with a hat then spoke up.

Newbie: Uh, excuse me. W-where did all the people in Tokyo go?

Just then another participant came in and it was none other than Aguni. He grabs a phone and leans against a wall to wait.

Newbie: This thing here-

He gets interrupted hearing a voice.

Karube: There's a lot of people here. Maybe one's a doctor.

Y/n walked up with Arisu and Karube right behind him. Arisu had his eyes on the teenage girl for a second then looked away. Y/n grabbed a phone and handed one to Karube and another to Arisu. Their facial recognitions were complete and they began to wait for the game to start. Y/n's eyes were caught on Aguni for a second and he kept looking at the other players. Most of them were strangers, but a guy with a white hoodie and blond hair caught his eyes.

Y/n and Arisu heard music coming from the earbuds he had in. They even looked near his feet to see some sort of device plugged into the wall.

Y/n's thoughts: Of course. Make due with power while you have it.

Y/n: Is that you Chishiya?

The blond heard his name and looked over and recognized Y/n immediately.

Chishiya: Ha. What coincidence running into you here.

Arisu: You know him?

Y/n: Yeah. He's a friend of mine.

Chishiya: Feel like working together N/n?

Y/n: Sure. You still never change. Calling me that.

Everyone then heard the tune from our phones.

Woman's Voice: Registration has closed. There are a total of 14 participants. The game will now commence.

Newbie: U-Uh excuse me? What is this? I was brought here..uh..and I don't know what's going on.

Y/n: It's a game.

Karube: Shut up. Newbies will slow us down. They might hate us..but I think it might be a good idea to do what Shibuki did.

Y/n wasn't sure about that. Especially that another one of his friends are here.

Y/n's thoughts: If I tell them Chishiya's a doctor then they'll ask him to help us. But these days he doesn't help anyone with injuries. I might as well keep my mouth shut for a bit.

Woman's Voice: Difficulty: Five of Spades.

Y/n: Yes! A bit harder than the last but still easy.

Y/n sees the girl they passed earlier doing stretches.

Karube: Five of Spades? What does that mean?

Y/n: Oh yeah. I never told you guys.

Right before he could talk, another guy steps in.

Nitobe: It's going to be physical. Only the strong will survive. I'm Nitobe, nice to meet you.

He held out his hand expecting Arisu to shake it.

Arisu: The suit means something.

Nitobe: Exactly. *Said happily* The suit of the playing card usually means what kind of game it's going to be. Clubs is a team battle. Diamonds is your wits. And as for Hearts.

He hesitated for a slight second.

Y/n: That's the worst one.

Arisu: Why's that?

Y/n: Tell 'em.

Nitobe: Because you play with people's hearts and tear them APART.

Y/n: It's also about trust and betrayal. I still haven't played a Hearts game though.

Arisu: And the number?

Y/n: Difficulty.

Nitobe: The higher the number on the card, the harder it is.

The phones ding once again.

Woman's Voice: Game is: Tag. Rule: Avoid whoever is IT.

There was murmuring of confusion going through the players.

Y/n: Are you kidding me? This is one of the most typical games. I feel like this is no time to read a book! I'm not talking to you. You keep reading.

Jacob Kirby: Hey you! Don't break the Fourth Wall!

Y/n: Whoops.

Jacob Kirby: Ahem. Let's get back to it.

Arisu: So who's IT?

Karube: How should I know?

Y/n: For all I know, none of us are IT and someone who works for the games will be IT.

Woman's Voice: Clear Condition: Discover and touch the symbol hidden in one of the building's rooms. You clear the game when this objective is fulfilled. Time Limit: 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the time bomb hidden in the building, will explode.

Y/n and Arisu started thinking about that last bit. The scene showed the time bomb hidden in a dark unknown location.

(An: I'm going to skip the lemon that I know is in this episode. As you may have noticed, I try to make this as appropriate as possible.)

Alice knew what Shibuki was going to be doing with Chota, so she just stayed away from them.

Meanwhile. The game was getting close to starting. Y/n told Chishiya a plan that he can do while he goes with Arisu. The phones dinged.

Woman's Voice: The game will commence in 2 minutes.

Y/n and his friends were ascending stairs and Nitobe keeps following them.

Karube: *Walking* Stop following us.

Nitobe: *Walking* *Laughs* Just feeling you guys out. I'm thinking you 3 might be suited to be my allies.

Karube: *Walking* *Sarcastically* Lucky us.

Y/n: *Walking* I don't think a large group of people together is a good idea in this game. A tagger could easily get a large amount of people in hallways this small.

Arisu: *Walking* He's got a good point. Are you a doctor?

Nitobe: *Walking* Nope, real estate agent.

Arisu: *walking* How many times have you played the game?

Nitobe: *Walking* Uhhh let's see, maybe five times?

Arisu: *walking* And you've always won?

Nitobe: *walking* I guess so. Yeah.

Karube: Well don't get upset cause Y/n here cleared the Seven of Spades and the Nine of Clubs.

Arisu: He even helped us get through the Three of Clubs.

Nitobe: Man kid I gotta give you great praise.

Y/n: Thanks for the compliment.

Meanwhile. The teenage girl from earlier was ascending stairs as well and heard some girls voices through some walls sounding like they were wondering where to hide.

Teenage Girl: You can only rely on yourself.

She then ran down the hallway. Meanwhile.


The elevator arrived at the 7th floor which is the highest. Chishiya exits the elevator and goes to a spot which will make his and Y/n's plan work.

Chishiya's thoughts: If I wanna see where everyone is, this is the perfect location. Your plan might just work Y/n.

He began his lookout and saw Aguni and another man come from the hallway that he did. All he did was wave at the two. All they did was walk away however.

Chishiya's thoughts: Yep. I got a weird feeling about this.

He then continued his lookout.


Y/n: Hey. Come here.

Chishiya walked over to him.

Y/n: I bet you're thinking what I'm thinking. So we may have the same idea that seeing where everyone has been and searched could give us a process of elimination to find the symbol.

Chishiya: Ha. Yep. Great minds think alike.

Y/n: I vote that you keep a lookout at the 7th floor and wait for the time to reach about 6 and a half minutes. Then use the info you got to find the symbol.

Chishiya: Good plan to me.


Chishiya: Hmmmm. Looks like everyone is about to bite it just like they always do.

A few more minutes passed and it seemed like it was time. The phones then got their attention. The teenage girl looked at her phone.

Woman's Voice: The game will now commence. The time limit is 20 minutes. Commence..now.

The scene showed the bomb start to count down.






The scene switched to Y/n and the others.

Woman's Voice: The tagger is on the move.

After about 3 seconds, the team heard a trumpet sound that they play at the start of a horse race in the building and it was one of the most typical trumpet sounds for a game.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It seemed like a signal that the game was starting. It went quiet and the scene kept switching between players. It was quiet throughout the building. The scene then switched to the elevator on the 6th floor.


It opened up and a figure offscreen came out. It to show the figure peeking around a corner. The scene then went back to Y/n and the others.

Y/n: The tagger is of course on the move so we should be careful. I think I heard a ding come from above us. Let's steer clear of there for now.

Arisu and the others nodded in agreement. Aguni and the other man seemed ready for this. The teenage girl started hearing footsteps coming her way from around a corner and started backing up away from it. Little did she know was the tagger was right around the corner. The footsteps came closer and she started to flee. She used her mountain climbing skills and dropped down from the hallway to the floor below her. The tagger luckily didn't see her.

Arisu: Alright. Let's find a room we can get into.

Y/n: Right.

Arisu tried one door which turned out to be locked. Y/n tried the next which ended up locked too.

Y/n: I'm sure the symbol would be in the room that's unlocked. We find the room that's unlocked and we find the symbol.

Karube: We gotta get our a***s moving.

Karube tried the next door which was locked too. Meanwhile. The newbie was searching as well and kept getting locked doors. Another man was on a staircase and the phones dinged and got their attention.

Woman's Voice: 3 minutes have passed.

He just stood still until he felt someone's presence. He slowly turned his head and-





Back with Y/n and his friends. They were just searching when-




This made them flinch in terror.

Arisu: What the hell was that?!

Y/n: Sounded like a gunshot.

They started ascending the stairs that they were right next to very slowly. They rounded a corner to the next line of stairs about to ascend when they were met by a body of a man tumbling down the stairs. It landed in front of them with blood marks on his white shirt.

Nitobe: He's dead.

Nitobe didn't seem very scared.

Y/n: The tagger must be close by.

They decided to peek around the corner and saw nothing at the top of the stairs. They kept staring from the corner till they heard footsteps. They then saw a guy round the corner for them to see him. He was holding a gun and then looked at them. What they saw was really freaking them out. He then started to raise his gun and aim it at them and they saw his face was-


Karube: GUYS!!

He got them snapped out of their trance to started running away from the tagger barely dodging his shot at them. They continued scurrying down the stairs.

Karube: RUN!

Arisu: GO! GO!

Y/n: AHH!!

They kept on descending in a circle down the stairs. They made it to the 3rd floor which Nitobe kept going down, but-


He prevented them from continuing to descend. He then brought them down the hall.


Arisu: Cmon get in here!

They all hid in a small doorway.

(An: Same picture as the top.)

They kept quiet to be sure the tagger wouldn't hear them. The tagger just stared down the hallway the went down and continued by going left to look somewhere else. Meanwhile. Back on the first floor. A man with glasses was searching for the symbol until he heard yelling and saw Nitobe coming down the hallway towards him.


He was running from the tagger and his hat fell off. The tagger rounded the corner he did and shot Nitobe from behind making him eliminated. The man just looked in terror.

Man: Oh my god. I can't do this. I can't do this!!

He then ran out the exit which the laser border detected and buzzed and the man was shot through the head with a laser like back at the GM Building. The man's body just tumbled down the exit stairs. The tagger continued his hunt and went up a floor, chasing 2 girls.

The tagger was able to kill one of them and while he was reloading his gun, the other girl threatened to kill him and threw her shoe at him but of course it missed. She tried running but he was done reloading and shot her as well. Meanwhile. The trio were just in horror seeing what the tagger is doing.

Karube: What're we gonna do guys? ...... If either of you has got a solution, nows the time.

Arisu: *whisper shouting* I don't know what to do against something like THAT!

Y/n: I've never faced anything like this either! I'm surprised this guy doesn't have to touch us first to kill us.

Karube: Cmon guys think!

Y/n: *whisper shouting* Why don't you think of something! Said to Karube

They then saw the tagger started to look up towards them which they ducked down immediately. They thought they were caught, but they didn't hear any banging. Arisu and Y/n peeked back up to see that it looked like he was ignoring them. He turned back around to continue hunting.

Arisu: He didn't see us.

They thought about it for a second.

Y/n: His vision is narrowed because of the mask! That's his weak point!

Arisu: This might be a way to get through the game.

Y/n motioned for his friends to follow him which they agree. The made it to a balcony hallway.


Arisu: HE'S UP HERE!


Karube: You guys will get us killed!


The teenage girl and some other people liked that plan.

Chishiya: That's a good idea. But no one wants to help.

However the teenage girl saw the tagger.


Chishiya: Really?

The teenage girl made it to where she was and saw another woman.

Teenage girl: Hurry! Get out of here!

Woman: What?

It was too late as the girl saw the tagger approach from behind her.

Teenage girl: I'm sorry.

She managed to jump on the railing and climb up a pipe.


The tagger tried to target the girl but she managed to get high enough to escape. The tagger just continued firing at the dead body.

Chishiya: Oho. A climber. She's not bad.

The voice spoke up.

Woman's Voice: The game is over in 8 minutes. There are currently 8 survivors.

The scene switched to each dead body. The tagger continued to try and hunt the remaining people down. He stopped in his tracks. Meanwhile the newbie was about to open a door when suddenly blast were being fired at him. He ducked for cover.

Y/n and his friends noticed this and tried to stay hidden. Y/n and Arisu were very confused seeing how far away he was shooting from because he's never done that. The newbie held his head tight and stayed behind his cover as Arisu and Y/n approached it. They saw that the tagger was reloading and they took this as a chance to move.

Arisu: Hey! Yo! Over here! Said to the newbie Hey!

Y/n: He's reloading! Nows your chance to get out of there!

He wasn't moving and Y/n just put his phone in his pocket and tried crawling over to him. He kept low avoiding bullets from above him.

Karube: Leave him! We gotta get outta here!

Arisu: No he's doing the right thing.

Y/n: Cmon man you can't stay here!

They kept low avoiding bullets. One however hit Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n: AH!

Karube: Hurry up!

They reached a spot where the tagger couldn't shoot.

Arisu: Are you okay?!

Y/n: I'm fine. I can remove the bullet and put pressure on my shoulder later. Right now we have a game to clear.

They then made a run for it. The scene switched to showing the bomb.




The scene switched to Chishiya showing him looking at the timer.




Chishiya: And here we go.

He took his hood off and finally began searching for the symbol. Meanwhile. The friends were still running while Y/n and Arisu were checking the doors like crazy only finding locked ones.

Karube: Guys! Hurry!

They started hiding in a stairwell and Karube brought out a pocket knife.

Karube: This guys going down now!

Arisu: What?! But he's got a machine gun!

Y/n: Yes! I'm pretty sure that he's got something else up his sleeve if he loses his gun though!

Aguni: So? The tagger's human.

They saw Aguni round the corner.

Aguni: He's 190 centimeters tall and weighs 90 kilos. And he's right handed. He's a good shot too. Probably military or law enforcement.

His partner then came in.

Guy: Aguni. Here it is.

He handed Aguni a fire extinguisher. Y/n and Arisu noticed the bracelets they were wearing and wondered what they meant.

Y/n was sure he didn't remember seeing the bracelet on Aguni's wrist last time he saw him.

Aguni: Use this. Said to Karube

Aguni tried to give a fire extinguisher to Karube. He seemed to not wanna take it, so Aguni just walked down the steps and put it in Karube's hands.

Aguni: Let's get this guy. And you try not to die. Said to Y/n

Y/n: You too.

Aguni: You and your friend go look for the symbol.

Aguni started to walk off.

Arisu: What?

Karube: Hey! Why should we do what you say?

Y/n: We should listen to him. He's smarter than he looks cause I've played with him before.

Arisu: I got it. Me and Y/n will go up to the top. Cmon.

Y/n: Okay.

The two were gonna go passed the three others but Karube stopped them.

Karube: Y/n, Arisu! I don't like this.

Arisu: There's no other choice.

Y/n: Right. The symbol can't be too much harder to find since we've been searching for a while.

They heard a noise and saw the teenage girl drop down from the floor above them and on top of the balcony.

Teenage Girl: I checked the south side of the 5th floor and the south and east side of the 6th floor. Let's split up and find the symbol.

Y/n: We didn't check the 1st and 2nd floors.

Arisu: Yeah. Why not check those.

Teenage girl: Alright I'll go check.

She started dropping down some floors.

Arisu: Hey!

Karube: Hey!

They could only watch her continue going down.

Aguni: It's time to take this guy out.

Aguni and his friend started walking down the stairs as the voice spoke up.

Woman's Voice: 5 minutes remaining in the game.

Karube nodded at the gamers.

Karube: See you guys later.

Arisu: Yeah.

Y/n: Good luck.

Karube walked down the stairs as the twins started to go look for the symbol. The teenage girl started searching at the 1st floor walking passed Nitobe's dead body. The gamers kept going from door to door only finding ones that are locked.

Arisu: Where the hell is that symbol?

Y/n: The symbol can possibly already be in plain sight, but how can we tell what that sight is?

Arisu: Calm down, relax, and think.

Meanwhile. Aguni's team was getting ready to ambush the tagger. Aguni's partner was luring the tagger down the stairs.

Guy: Cmon. Follow me.

He continued going down till he reached the floor that the trap was on.

Aguni: He's using a MAC-10. He can go through a 32 round clip in 1.5 seconds. We'll take him when he's reloading. Said to Karube

Karube nodded as they heard footsteps and hid. The guy came down. He and Aguni shared a look showing that they were both ready. The guy looked back at the stairs.

Guy: I'm right here!

The tagger rounded the stairs and saw the guy at the bottom.

Guy: That's right. Cmooon. Taunting

The tagger then descended and made it to the floor as the guy was leading him through a doorway. However Aguni wasn't making his move like he told the guy he would. The guy was wondering why.

Guy: Aguni?

He still wasn't doing anything as the tagger was aiming his gun at the guy.

Guy: Aguni?? Hoping he'd do it

He was about to fire.

Guy: AGUNI?!

He tried running.


He was shot and eliminated. Karube was upset that Aguni just let that guy die as he was hiding right next to the tagger.

Karube: *whispers* Son of a b****.

The tagger got close and Karube gasped look at him and the tagger looked at him. He ducked his head to protect himself, but Aguni came in and fired his fire extinguisher making a sort of smokescreen. The tagger tried firing at them both in a big spin but they ducked as it missed them. He then ran out of ammo and was about to reload when Karube jumped up and slammed him right in the head with his fire extinguisher.

Karube: AAAHH!

It sent the tagged into the wall but he just looked back at Karube as if nothing happened. He then sneak attacked Karube by kicking him into the wall. Aguni made his move and rammed into the tagger with his head and the tagger started slamming his fists on top of Aguni. Aguni kicked him away and was able to get upright and they started doing close combat. No matter how many times Aguni hit the tagger's head, it looked like he was still fully recovered. The tagger then was able to cause Aguni to fall down then kicked him in the face. The tagger started walking up to Aguni to finish him off, but Karube jumped on him and started stabbing the tagger in the shoulder with his pocket knife. The tagger rolled Karube off his back and slammed him into the wall. And then...


He had a machete.

Karube: So Y/n was right. He did have something else up his sleeve.

Karube panicked and was able to get out of the way of being stabbed through his chest. The tagger kept trying and was able to slightly cut him on the side of the bottom of his stomach.

Aguni took his chance as the tagger wasn't moving and did a run up kick and knocked the tagger down. Aguni felt ready to take out the tagger since Karube wasn't able to fight and holding his side in pain. Meanwhile. The gamers were still looking until they were starting to run out of ideas.

Arisu: Cmon! Think da***t!

Y/n: Cmon! Cmon! What could a hint that he's given us be?!

They kept thinking until they had their eyes on the door that had gunshot holes all around it. They remembered how the tagger tried shooting at the newbie from an entirely different floor.

Arisu: Why would..he shoot from so far away?!

Y/n: That's it! It also looks like the door hasn't been damaged even from all those bullets being shot on it. I think he was trying to protect that door!

Arisu: And if that's the case...

They looked at each other and nodded. They ran for it and made it to the door. And Chishiya was heading towards them too.

Y/n: Chishiya!

Chishiya: You guys figured it out too huh?

Y/n: We sure did.

Arisu: Yeah. The symbol's in here.

Y/n was about to turn the knob but then thought about something.

Chishiya: Going to open it?

Y/n: Why was he chasing us? He could've just waited.

Arisu: Hey you're right. Couldn't he have waited here at the door and ambush us whenever we get close?

Chishiya: Guess there's something we don't know. Except...

He showed them his phone.

Chishiya: Not much time left.




Y/n still hesitated but nodded and was about to open the door.

Woman's Voice: 3 minutes remaining in the game.

He then opened the door slowly bringing it open.

Y/n: *whisper shouting* Yes! This is the right door.

They entered the room which was pretty dark and quiet. It was mostly empty and they saw a second door at the back and decided to open it. They walked towards it slowly and Y/n was about to open it when he pieced their guess together that the tagger wasn't waiting.

He then shouted.


They turned around and saw the second tagger.

Arisu: Look out!


They managed to dodge the blast and Chishiya bashed his device he had at the lobby plugged in into the new tagger and it tased him. This caused the new tagger to fall down unconscious.

Y/n: Impressive.

Chishiya: Never hurts to be prepared.

Right when he was done talking, the new tagger recovered and started blasting them again which they narrowly avoided and ended up with Y/n hiding in the room behind the new door they found and Arisu and Chishiya hiding back outside the room. Both doors were slammed shut and they locked them. Bullets were firing through Y/n's door which he was able to avoid and the lights in his room turned on. The new tagger tried to get in but realized Y/n locked the door. Y/n noticed the he can now see what's in the room.

He got up quickly ready to end this game and walked up to the left button and kept looking between the two buttons that were in the room but then saw the writing beneath the one he was next to.

(An: Translating. It says: (Push both buttons at once to clear game!))


Meanwhile. Karube was still holding his side in pain when he heard Y/n shouting.


The teenage girl heard him.


The teenage girl started climbing to the said room.

Chishiya: Seriously?


Karube: Y/N, ARISUUU!!

Aguni was still trying to hold off the tagger and tried holding his machete in the tagger's hands with his own hands to keep it from getting closer. They both kept pushing with all their might and the tagger was able to push it into Aguni's face which he growled in pain. Aguni swept himself to the side to avoid the tagger and he looked back at the tagger with slight anger and a large scar on his left eye which his eye wasn't damaged.

Aguni: Now we're having fun aren't we?

The new tagger was then able to shoot off the doorknob to the room Y/n was in and busted the door open. Y/n looked back with a scared face as the new tagger entered the room. As the new tagger walked in, the voice spoke up.

Woman's Voice: 1 minute remaining in the game.

Y/n then put his arms up in a fighting stance.


The new tagger was a bit confused by this. However they just raised their gun aiming it. When it was aimed at Y/n, he took the chance and rushed at it as it was firing above him. He rammed the new tagger into the wall and tried to get the gun out of their hand. Y/n had his back against the new tagger and they have their back against the wall. Y/n kept trying to pull the gun out of their grasp and at least tried to get control of it. Chishiya and Arisu peaked from the other door to see in the room they were in only for the new tagger to try and shoot them again which they avoided. Y/n was able to try and keep it from hitting them. The new tagger was then holding onto his shoulder and started to lift the gun up to Y/n to kill him. He was lucky that they weren't grabbing his hurt shoulder. Y/n was trying his best to push it away which he was struggling with.


Aguni kept on going all out with the first tagger and constantly punched him in the face which kept on doing pretty much nothing. All Karube could do was watch holding the side of his stomach. The new tagger was about to shoot Y/n up in the face, but when he fired, Y/n was able to push it away enough for it to miss. Y/n continued to try and push the gun away and take out the new tagger and then they shot the ceiling.

Woman's Voice: 30 seconds remaining in the game.

The teenage girl continued climbing up a sidewall on the outside heading for room 406. She made a pretty risky jump to the side. Aguni was still doing his onslaught of punches on the first tagger.Y/n was able to keep the gun pointed away from him as it fired again in the wrong direction.


Woman's Voice: 20 seconds.

The two were practically going crazy over the control of the gun as Chishiya and Arisu tried entering again but were still unsuccessful as the new tagger almost shot them again. Aguni was still in his barrage of punched as saliva was dripping from his mouth. Karube shut his eyes tight in pain. The teenage girl then came through the window.

Teenage Girl: You called?

Woman's Voice: 10 seconds.

Y/n looked up glad to see her as he was just about to prevent the new tagger from shooting her.

Chishiya: Here!

Chishiya peaked through the doorway showing the teenage girl that his device was a taser and tossed it to her. She caught it on the floor next to the new tagger and tased them in the ankle. This caused the new tagger to let go of Y/n and their mask to fall off. Y/n was taking a breather but heard the voice counting down.

Woman's Voice: 5, 4-


Woman's Voice: 3-

The two teens leaped for the buttons.

Woman's Voice: 2, 1

2x Press!

The two slammed the buttons. They were wondering if they did it and the scene showed the bomb's timer stopped on 1 second. They realized they haven't blown up and heard a tune from their phones which Y/n checked.

Woman's Voice: Game cleared. Congratulations.

Y/n sighed in relief. They however then looked at the new tagger and were able to see their face as Chishiya and Arisu peaked in the room again knowing it's safe. Y/n readied himself in case they attack. It was a woman.

She sounded like she was completely devastated. It also seems like she was about to cry. They then heard beeping and she looked up a bit more to reveal a collar around her neck. The beeping got faster and Y/n knew what was going to happen.

Y/n: Oh no.

Boom! Splat!

Blood was splattered onto the wall behind her as Y/n Arisu, and the teenage girl tried not to look. Chishiya however wasn't bothered. Her dead body fell down and the 3 teens who didn't look were horrified seeing this. The same result was shown for the first tagger with his mask still on. Aguni started taking the remaining weapons from the tagger's vest and pockets as Karube was hearing voices coming from Aguni's partner's pocket and found that it was a walkie-talkie saying something about finding an answer and saying to return to "The Beach". Y/n once again felt determined to find out why they're here in Borderland.

To be continued
