Chapter 8: James

A/N Hope you enjoy :) Again, this Chapter isn't SUPER exciting but I promise the next one will have some surprises ;) 

"There, that's him."

"What! Where!"

"That skinny one with the glasses."

"I heard that he didn't get into Gryffindor."

"A Potter not in Gryffindor? No way!"

Whispers and rumours flew about Albus almost from the moment he left the Hufflepuff Common Room. His dad had said that no one knows how to gossip like Hogwarts students, but he hadn't believed him. Now he did. Albus knew that they were whispering about him, the son of the famous Harry Potter, named after the great Dumbledore, and not in Gryffindor. The students could hardly believe it.

Albus felt frustrated, and uncomfortable, with all of the attention. He had never done anything to deserve it, except be born to the most famous wizard of the century. Not to mention being named after another of the most famous. He just hated all the sideways glances and whispering that followed him everywhere.

It was especially annoying as Albus kept getting lost. There were a hudred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts, from the wide, sweeping stairs of the entrance hall to small narrow, rickety ones leading nowhere. Then there were the doors, some of which wouldn't open unless you asked politely, others were just walls that decided to be a door for the day. And you could never tell where you were, because the pictures were always moving, going off to so-and-so's portrait for a chat. It was no wonder Albus kept getting lost.

Fortunately the Hufflepuff students were all extremely helpful, and were always willing on pointing out the right way to go to a little first-year. If they had time, they would even take you there. And as usual with large and unfamiliar places, they soon begin to feel like they're shrinking as you learn more and more

But what Albus found more difficult, if it was possible, were the classes themselves. He hadn't quite realized how complex magic was. There was Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, not to mention Potions, Herbology, and Astronomy. Oddly enough though, Albus favorite subject turned out to be History of Magic, the only class taught by a ghost. Even though Professor Binns droned on and on about that goblin rebellion and this giants' war, Albus found it all extremely interesting. While the rest of the class sat in a daydreaming stupor, Albus was carefully scribbling down everything he was told.

Time seemed to just fly by at Hogwarts and soon Albus realized he had been there for a whole week. In this time he had managed to get to the Great Hall without getting lost once and had discovered how to get from the Common Room to the library.

Albus did have a few classes with Scorpius and Rose each, but the three of them never had one together. Once Rose had gotten over the initial shock that she was in Slytherin, she had taken to it like a duck to water. She had quickly befriended some of the Slytherin girls in her year, and had begun to stop sitting with Albus in the classes they shared.

Scorpius, on the other hand, seemed to be having a rough time in Gryffindor. Many of the Gryffindor students from magical families had heard of the Malfoys and he was treated with a lot of suspicion. It was oddly the Muggle-borns, the ones who didn't know about Voldemort and his Death Eaters who were the most friendly towards Scorpius. Scorpius still sat with Albus in ever class they shared though.

Albus in turn was becoming closer to his fellow Hufflepuff first-years and in classes without Scorpius usually sat with Elizabeth Zorren, a muggle-born girl who's twin sister had been sorted into Slytherin.

It wasn't until almost two full weeks had passed that Albus spoke to James again. It wasn't that he had been avoiding him, just that as they were in different years and different houses, they didn't often see each other. And whereas Albus had been writing home to his parents almost every day, and receiving replies almost every day, he hadn't particularly wanted to see James.

When they met, it was purely by chance. Albus had been hurrying around a corner on his way to the library when he bumped into James.

"Hey watch where you're going!" said James, not realizing it was Albus for a second. "Ohhh... Albus... Hello." He managed awkwardly.

"Oh, hi James." Albus responded, wishing he hadn't decided to come to the library before his lunch. "How are you?"

"Me? Oh, you know, I'm fine... Quidditch is coming up soon, so that will be fun... I guess." James said. "Ummm... so yeah... I guess I'll see you around." And with that, James quickly scurried around the corner disappearing.

Albus, shook his head, and continued on towards the library. Once there, he plopped himself into a seat besides Scorpius.

"Ugh," he said, "I hate brothers, you are so lucky you don't have one."

"I disagree," Scorpius said, "I would have loved someone to teach me Quidditch and stuff. All I have is a little sister."

"Believe me, you are way luckier."

Scorpius laughed, rolling his eyes before turning back to his parchment.

"Scor?" Albus asked.

"Yeah?" Scopius said, not moving his eyes away from his homework.

"Never mind." Albus said, with another sigh. He had been about to ask Scorpius what exactly the Sorting Hat had said to him, and to tell Scorpius what the Sorting Hat had told him, but the Sorting Hat's warning was ringing in his head.

The sat quietly, writing an essay on the Goblin War of 1650 for Professor Binns, for nearly half an hour before Scorpius said "Come on, let's go get lunch. I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry," Albus said with a laugh. But he began packing up quickly. They exited the library and followed the smell of pot roast down towards the Great Hall. Every lunch they sat at the Hufflepuff table together. They had tried sitting at the Gryffindor table, but had gotten funny looks and hostile stares, so they had switched to Hufflepuff. As they sat down, Albus' mind was still on the Sorting Hat's words. 
