Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

A/N Sorry for the long time updating, I had a really busy summer, sorry. For anyone still reading, I'll try and update more quickly. Also, as you can see, I need a cover page and have no idea how to make one. If someone wanted to make one I would be eternally grateful and I would also give you a dedication for the next chapter. Enjoy!

Albus stepped out of the fireplace, coughing. He felt like his lungs were made of ash. Even though he had done this many times before, the experience never got any nicer.

He quickly stepped out of the fire, just in time for James to spring out. Somehow he didn't look nearly as disheveled as Albus felt.

"Alright there Al?" James asked.

"F-fine." Albus responded, already knowing what was coming next.

"Well you know they won' t let you in Gryffindor if you're scared of a fireplace. You've got to be brave to be a Gryffindor. They might stick you in Slytherin..."

"I won't be in Slytherin! I won't!" Albus exclaimed passionately.

Just then Ginny and Lily came spinning out of the fireplace. "Boys!" Ginny said, her tone brooking no nonsense. "We are in a public place, you will stop now. James, stop teasing your brother, Albus he's just trying to get under your skin. "

"I was only having a laugh," James pouted, embarrassed to be scolded in public.

"Goodness," Ginny said, adopting a much brighter tone. "I must say that I can't wait until you all can apparate. I do intensly dislike travelling by Floo network."

Albus smiled, because he knew that's what his mother wanted but he was still feeling anxious. James' comment, no matter how innocent, had stung and Albus still couldn't shake off the what if feeling.

Harry soon followed out of the fireplace as well, but Albus was too busy looking around to notice. In all the years of his life, the many times he'd been to the Leaky Cauldron, it had almost never changed. It was still the shabbiest and darkest pub Albus had been too, not that he made a habit of going to pubs.

The only thing that ever changed were the customers in it, and it was these people that fascinated Albus. There were always some looks and stares when the family went out, Albus knew that his father was quite famous, though he'd never actually heard the full story.

Today, there seemed to be a couple of old witches gossiping in one of the corners, drinking some smoky liquid out of huge goblets. They glanced at the Potters every now and again, then going back to there avid whispering.

"Albus!" Harry whispered, "it's rude to stare!"

Albus jumped, looking away from the women. He saw that his family had already made there way to the back door, and Harry was now waiting for him.

He quickly made his way over to the back door where James was currently trying to convince his parents that he needed to go to Knockturn Alley for some of the school supplies he needed.

"But it's reeaaally important!" he said, "My teacher said if we didn't have it, we could fail the class. You wouldn't want me to fail, would you?"

"James we are not going to Knockturn Alley and that's final. Whatever book you need I'm sure you can find at Flourish and Blotts. " Ginny said.

"Yeah, let's go to Flourish and Blotts first," said Harry, "I think that Hermione's book is coming out soon, I'd like to reserve a copy. "

"Okay," Ginny said, pursing her lips. "And then we need to get to Madam Malkins. Both the boys will be needing new robes, I just don't think that James' robes will fit Albus, and then we must get to Ollivanders, though since Atticus took it over I just don't know about that place, and then..."

'Relax," Harry interrupted her. We'll get everything done. "And if everyone is well behaved, we might have time to go to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes..."

"Yes, can we please" Lily said, excitedly.

"We'll see, "Harry said, now looking for the brick to tap. He tapped it quickly and they were soon wandering down one of the most unusual streets in Britain.

Ginny started herding them all towards Flourish and Blotts before James could tear off towards the Quidditch Store or Lily could get lost somewhere. The street was very busy, full of Hogwarts students preparing to go back to school.

With Ginny's efficiency, they had soon finished shopping for everything they needed, from quills to cauldron and all that was left was a wand for Albus.

As they approached the shop, Albus found that he was getting nervous. He tried to shake off the feeling, but couldn't quite shake the sense of foreboding.

Albus and Harry entered the shop, leaving the others waiting outside. There was absolute silence inside, except for the echoing hollow sound of the bell above the door.

They waited, hearing footsteps coming from the back. Suddenly a middle aged man appeared. He had a curious looking face, a mixture of extremely young and of having seen a huge amount, all frame by long straggly brown hair.

"Welcome to Ollivanders, makers of wands since 382 BC. How can I be of assistance?"

"Well, this one's bound for Hogwarts, so he's in need of a wand." Harry said jovially.

"Ahh, Mr Potter I hardly recognized you. It has been a while. And this must be young Albus Potter," the man said, turning to Albus. "I'm Mr Ollivander."

"H-hi." Albus stuttered.

"Hmmm, a wand for a Potter, a tricky business the Potters are. Can never be too careful can you, eh? But let me see..."

Mr. Ollivander peered at Albus before turning away to the shelves of wands.

"No, that one must be too large... no can't be dragon heartstring...that's preposterous!" Albus heard Mr Ollivander muttering.

Finally he came back with a wand. " Mahogany, you're brother quite liked it. With unicorn hair. 13 ½ inches, proud and dignified." He held it out to Albus, whose hand had only just brushed it before Ollivander took it back. "Absolutely not."

"Hmmmm, that was a little too long I'd say, maybe a little too pompous." Ollivander muttered to himself.

"You talk about wands like they're people," Albus said, "why?"

"Well my dear boy, the wand chooses the wizard. Choice is tantamount to saying that they can think, and anything that can think has a personality." Ollivander said again staring directly into Albus' eyes. "Yes, us who study wandlore have recently discovered more about those personalities. But I think I have just the wand for you!" And with that, Mr. Ollivander again turned, this time walking down a row of shelves, out of sight of the two Potters.

Albus waited nervously, but also with a little excitement.

Ollivander soon returned, carrying a new wand. " Fir, 10 inches. Unicorn hair. Sturdy and reliable." He handed it to Albus. As Albus held it, he felt a tingle sensation down his back.

"Yes, that is the one!" Ollivander said. They quickly proceeded to buy the wand, and met the others outside.

It was getting close to dinnertime, so it was decided that they would eat at the Leaky Cauldron then quickly visit Uncle George at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and then head home.

That evening, before going to bed, Albus pulled out his new wand, curious to see if the tingling feeling would come back. He was mildly disappointed when it didn't. He placed it on his bedside table before rolling over and falling asleep, fears of Slytherin forgotten.

A/N For anyone who didn't understand, Ollivander is the original Ollivander's grandson. He was a fourth year during the Battle of Hogwarts. He's an original character though. 
