Chapter 29

Xiaozhuang quickly agreed, putting his hands in his sleeves and waiting patiently.

After a while, Qingyan came out with a baggage. He thought about it and said, "Tell your master, I'm waiting for him at home."

Xiaozhuang agreed, picked up his baggage, said goodbye respectfully, and left.

The little apprentice was still wondering as he walked on the road. The master clearly said that he would close the door early, but he called him back again. Without saying anything, he even moved the work that was originally scheduled to the fifteenth to be done now, and he remembered this It was obvious that he was not in a hurry, and he could deliver the goods before enlightenment, but the master moved into the shop.

Did you have a quarrel with your wife? Xiaozhuang thought about the teacher's wife he had just met and shook his head, "It's impossible. The teacher's wife is so good-looking and has such a good temper that Master can't bear to quarrel with her."

Qingyan frowned and walked back from the courtyard door. The door of the next room opened. Aunt Li waved to him, "Qingyan, Dalang is not at home. Please stop cooking at this time. I have done a lot, so you can come." I eat it at home."

Today, Aunt Li cooked a plate of dried beans, fried shredded pork, hot steamed buns and millet porridge, and also cut up a sausage bought during the New Year.

Qingyan actually had no appetite, but Aunt Li always brought him food, and he ate less in the end.

While eating, he asked: "Auntie, did He Nian live in the shop before?"

Aunt Li nodded and said: "I have lived there, but not many. Mr. Li's wife in the county town makes all the ironware here. That family has a big business and they have to do it once a year. It's a lot every time. Dalang is busy." But come here and stay in the shop for a few days."

Having said this, Qingyan felt a little better, but she actually knew in her heart that even if she had to rush to work, she wouldn't have to leave in such a hurry. There would always be time to talk properly.

After dinner, Aunt Li took out the flower buds she had picked in spring and summer, which had been dried, and asked Qingyan to help sort out the ones that were not in good condition.

Qingyan had something to do and felt it was good. He asked, "What are these flower buds used for?"

Aunt Li said: "I originally wanted to dry them and make incense, but in the past two days I had an idea. Incense is still a bit troublesome and expensive. If I can melt the fragrance of these dried flower buds into water, , wouldn't it save a lot of trouble if you put a little bit of it in when doing laundry?"

Upon hearing this, Qingyan's eyes lit up and she blurted out, "Isn't this just perfume?"

Aunt Li clapped her hands and said, "Yes, Perfume is a good name."

Qingyan's interest suddenly rose, and he said: "It is better to apply it directly on the clothes or body for washing. Wouldn't that be better?"

Aunt Li's eyes also lit up, and the two of them got together and excitedly discussed how to do something more reasonable.

After the discussion, Qingyan asked, "Auntie, do you have any idea to open a shop in the town or county to sell your own balm and perfume?"

Hearing this, Aunt Li shook her head, "I have never done business. I just make these things for fun, and use them for myself and the people around me. I really haven't thought about opening a shop."

Qingyan pondered for a while and said: "I heard from Qiuniang that there will be lanterns in the town on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the streets will be very lively by then. It is definitely too late to make perfume now, but you still have a lot of ointment in your hand. Auntie is interested. If so, how about setting up a stall to sell?"

Aunt Li was a little hesitant, "But I won't yell. If I can't sell any of them, it would be a waste of time. It would be embarrassing."

Qingyan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll go with you when the time comes. I'll also bring a few gadgets to sell, and I'll do the shouting!"

After returning home from Aunt Li's house, Qingyan was very excited for a while. He had envied the child who opened a small store in the community since he was a child. At that time, he envied people who could eat snacks at will. Now that he thinks about it, he has never seen that child eat at his own store. There is someone who comes to buy the things in there. He is more enthusiastic and down-to-earth than the adults in his family. Selling money to make money is more delicious than eating it yourself.

Selling things is a very interesting thing.

He spent half the night planning what to bring to sell, how to price it, how to make signs, and even calculated how much change he would need to bring.

When the night got late and it was time to go to bed, Qingyan was lying on the bed alone. The excitement was over and she began to feel lonely.

Since he came to this world, this is the first time he sleeps alone in the house.

The house, which was obviously not big, felt empty and cold at this moment.

Qingyan tossed and turned for a long time before finally falling asleep.

Qiu Henian said he would stay at the blacksmith shop for two days, but he really didn't go home at all for two days.

On the afternoon of the third day, Qingyan saw that the man hadn't come back yet, and finally decided not to wait any longer.

He decided to go to the blacksmith shop to find someone.

This was Qingyan's first time going to the blacksmith shop. From a long way away, he heard a clanging sound coming from there, one after another, giving him a sense of power.

Qingyan passed by a small shop selling braised pork and steamed buns, but the smell of the food did not attract him at all.

The door of the blacksmith shop was wide open, and the fire was burning brightly inside, sparks flying everywhere.

The young apprentice ran away somewhere. Qiu Henian was the only one in the shop now. He was naked from the upper body and only wore pants. As he pounded the iron, the changes in the texture of the muscles on his body were clearly visible. After pounding a few times, , he used a long clamp to insert the hot iron tool into the water. With the sound of stabbing, a puff of smoke came out, and the sweat on Qiu Henian's chest muscles also flowed down.

Qingyan swallowed with a gulp.

He stopped at the door of the shop, and the man who was concentrating on his work hadn't noticed him yet.

It wasn't until the iron tool in his hand was almost completed that Qiu Henian noticed the person standing at the door.

He was slightly startled at first, then put down the things in his hands and strode towards Qingyan.

Qingyan felt his nose was a little itchy, and he lowered his head with a blush.

A big hand grabbed his wrist, Qiu Henian said in a low voice: "It's cold outside, come in."

Qingyan followed his strength and entered the shop. Qiu Henian asked him to sit on the wooden bed where he had been sleeping temporarily for the past few days. Then he took a piece of clothing and put it on his body. He also packed up all the tools he had just used and opened the door of the shop. She concealed herself, washed and dried her hands, then walked up to him, squatted down and looked at him, and said softly: "Are you hungry? Do you want me to buy you some meat buns?"

Qingyan lowered his head, not looking at him or saying anything.

Qiu Henian was not in a hurry. He turned around and took his cup, poured hot water into it, blew it on for a while, and felt that the temperature was about the same. He put it into Qing Yan's hand and said, "It's dry here, drink more water."

Qingyan moved her hand away without holding the cup.

Qiu Henian didn't insist. He put the cup aside again and just squatted here, watching him quietly.

Not long after, Qingyan's eyelashes trembled, and tears flowed silently from his beautiful eyes, falling into strings and flowing all over his face.

Qiu Henian's lake-like eyes, when he saw the first tear, it was as if a pebble had shattered all the peace and caused ripples.

Qingyan cried and said, "Why don't you go home? Are you annoying me?" Having experienced hurt, he was like an abandoned child, and he was actually extremely uneasy inside.

Qiu Henian's eyes were soft and guilty, and he said, "It's not what you think."

Qingyan stretched out her hand to let him hug her, but Qiu Henian took a step back. Qingyan suddenly cried harder.

"I'm dirty." Qiu Henian said. He tried to reach out to wipe Qingyan's tears, but this time it was Qingyan's turn to turn away.

Qiu Henian took a step forward, no longer caring whether he was dirty or not, and hugged Qingyan into his arms.

Qingyan started to struggle, but couldn't break free at all.

Qiu Henian stroked the back of his head, soothing his emotions. He said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Qingyan choked and raised her head from his arms, looking at him with tearful eyes, "Why did you suddenly leave me that day?"

Qiu Henian looked down at him, met his eyes, sighed, turned away, faced him with the good half of his face, and said: "What you did is an insult to you, I... don't deserve it. "

Qingyan stopped crying. He gritted his teeth and looked at the man.

When Qiu Henian saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time and turned to look at him again, Qingyan suddenly said: "I like you." Every word was very clear.

Qiu Henian was stunned.

Qingyan said: "I just want to be held by you, I want to kiss you, I want to touch your body, and I want to hold your..."

He couldn't finish his bold confession because his lips were covered by the man's big hand.

Qingyan just wanted to tear off the hand, but it left on its own.

Qiu Henian retracted his hand, stood up, walked to the door of the shop in a few steps, closed the door tightly, and locked the bolt.

After that, he returned to Qingyan again and looked down at him.

There were no oil lamps in the room, only the fire in the stove.

Qiu Henian turned his back to the light, his body as perfect as a god of war. Qingyan couldn't see his expression clearly.

But he heard the other party say: "Okay, now you can continue."

Chapter 24 Entering Chapter V (2/3)

Qingyan's face was so red that he was bleeding. The man asked him to speak, but he couldn't say anything. He only reached out and gently grabbed the corner of the other man's clothes and shook it dependently.
