Chapter 8

The oil lamp went out, and Qingyan lay on the inside of the bed, watching the tall figure lower the curtains on both sides of the Wan Gong bed in the moonlight.

After the man lay down next to him and covered himself with the quilt, Qingyan sat up with her elbows on her hands.

The man asked him: "Do you want to relieve yourself? Do you want to light an oil lamp?"

Qingyan shook her head, crawled from above the man's legs to the edge of the bed, pulled her shoes off and got off the ground.

The fire in the stove was on, and the room was not as warm as when he was cooking. He rushed to the kitchen with his shoulders in his arms, poured a large bowl of water from the kettle, carefully carried the bowl back to the back room, and put it on the table.

Then he returned to the bedside, stood there, and whispered in the night: "I put water on the table. If you are thirsty at night, it will be more convenient to drink water."

After Qiu Henian said "hmm", he bent his legs and asked him to return to the bed.

When Qingyan lay down, she turned over, turned to his side, and said with guilt in a lower voice: "The food tonight is too salty, and you still eat so much, I'm afraid you'll catch me..."

After finishing speaking, Qingyan seemed to hear a soft and deep laughter, but he seemed not to hear it, and he couldn't be sure.

After a few seconds, he felt the man next to him pull the quilt for him. A low magnetic voice sounded like a sigh in the night. He said, "Go to sleep."

These two words were like magic. Qingyan slowly closed her eyes and felt that the bed was very warm. The body temperature next to her was very comfortable. The man's regular breathing also made people feel at ease. She fell asleep quickly. .

Qingyan got up at dawn the next day. This time he didn't sleep in.

In the past, Qingyan would play on her mobile phone until very late at night. Even if there was nothing to do, she would still check WeChat messages and fast-paced but meaningless short videos on the short video platform from time to time. It was really boring, even if she watched I can stay up very late looking at shopping websites.

I haven't had such a comfortable sleep in a long time. When I woke up, I felt refreshed and comfortable. More importantly, my butt didn't hurt much anymore.

Before going to bed last night, he was still thinking that if Qiu Henian wanted to do it again, he would not let the other party succeed even if he tried his best. If he kept stabbing him again, he would have to confess on this bed, but fortunately last night, the other party It doesn't mean that at all.

Qiu Henian still got up earlier than him and was already cooking in the outer room. Qingyan got dressed and took care of herself, then hurried out of the inner room, helping the other party while silently learning how to light a fire for the stove.

One night passed, and the fire in the stove had burned out, leaving only residual warmth.

Qiu Henian used a furnace hook to pull out the burned coals, then used a small shovel to shovel all the ashes into the pit under the furnace, then covered the pit with an iron grate, and then put them layer by layer into the furnace. Firewood and coals, and hay to support combustion were placed at the mouth of the stove.

He seemed to have deliberately slowed down his movements, especially when using flint and steel, almost taking one step at a time.

Qingyan was a little embarrassed, but still looked at it seriously.

Instead of cooking this morning, Qiu Henian dug out a piece of frozen tofu and a piece of pork belly from the snowdrift in the yard, tore the cabbage into pieces, added soaked vermicelli, and cooked a pot of pork and cabbage soup.

The staple food is a circle of cornmeal pancakes stuck on the edge of the pot.

Qingyan did not rush to work this time. He mainly observed how the other party controlled the fire. He understood that when the fire was strong, he added crushed cinders to suppress the fire. When a big fire was needed, he used the furnace hook to poke open the cinders and let the large pieces of coal come into contact. When it reached the air, the fire started burning again, and he suddenly realized.

When eating, each person has a large bowl of vegetable soup and a warm cornmeal pancake in one hand. Qingyan also has two extra eggs. This meal is quite good.

Qingyan took a bite of the pancake, but it was not fragrant. The pancake was slightly burnt on the side of the pan, and soaked in the oil star in the vegetable soup. It tasted particularly fragrant, with the faint sweetness of cornmeal itself.

The soup is also delicious. Qingyan likes the vermicelli the most. It is cooked at just the right temperature and is slippery and piping hot. The frozen tofu is also delicious, but you have to be careful about burning your tongue. A stream of soup comes out when you bite it. It is delicious. .

The cabbage is also stewed until it becomes soft and melts in your mouth.

After finishing breakfast, Qingyan felt that her whole body was warm and every pore was moisturized.

After finishing the meal, the two of them cleared away the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

After everything was done, Qiu Henian poured some hot water into the washbasin, added some cold water, adjusted the temperature, and then put the newer cloth on the washbasin shelf in, washed it and wrung it out. , came to Qingyan.

Qingyan was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to finish washing his face, and then washing himself, when she saw him standing in front of her with his face half sideways.

From his angle, he could see Qiu Henian's Adam's apple moving, and then the other party's voice said in a low voice: "Look up and wipe your face."

Hearing this, Qingyan was startled for a moment, and then quickly realized that the man still remembered the request he made casually when he was acting coquettishly yesterday.

Qingyan pursed her lips and smiled, raised her head, revealing her white and tender face, and said obediently: "Thank you, sir!"

Chapter 6 Silent Comfort

After dinner and cleaning up, it's still early.

Qiu Henian went to clean up the yard, and Qingyan washed the clothes that the two of them had changed into yesterday. When the yard work was finished, he had already washed the clothes, and Qiu Henian helped him wring out the large clothes. , and then went straight to the yard, put away the clothes that were hung yesterday, and put the newly washed clothes on the clothesline to dry.

It was very cold in the early morning, and his hands hurt from the cold when he touched wet clothes. Qiu Henian refused to let Qingyan help and drove him back into the house.

Qingyan took yesterday's clothes back. These robes were frozen like "ice sculptures" and hard. They had to be taken back to the house and hung on the fire wall to dry for a while before they were completely dry.

After finishing this work, Qiu Henian went to Blacksmith Wang's house and took out packages of cakes, dried fruits, two jars of wine, and some cloth that looked not cheap from the remaining two large vermilion boxes. come out.

Qingyan followed and watched, swallowed, and asked him: "What is this for?"

Qiu Henian glanced at him and said, "It's time to go back home tomorrow. This is a homecoming gift that I will take with me. You can see if it is enough and whether you need to buy more. I will go to town to buy it in the afternoon."

Qingyan was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that she had three days to go before she got married. She suddenly felt a thump in her heart, and her heart was throbbing with anxiety.

Only he knows that he is a Xibei kid who traveled through time.

The original owner didn't know anyone in Liuxi Village, and Qiu Henian had never met the original owner before their marriage. So as long as Qing Yan was careful and didn't do anything blind, there was no need to worry about others finding out about it.

But it was different when he returned home. Although the original owner's family ignored him extremely, but why did he look so big before his eyes? His appearance, characteristics, and temperament were all clear. Qingyan lowered his head and looked at himself. Even if He looks exactly like the original owner, and his temperament can be imitated, but there are obvious differences in fat, thin, height, and even skin color. He has only been married for two days, and there is no way he has changed so much all at once.

Therefore, no one can return to this "door".

If he returns, the secret may be exposed and he is found to have replaced the original owner. I am afraid he will be tied to a tree branch as a spirit and burned to death.

Qingyan was extremely flustered. She looked at Qiu Henian, who was still waiting for his response, and said vaguely: "That's enough, that's enough. There's no need to add more."

Qiu Henian must have noticed something was wrong with him, but fortunately he didn't ask further questions. He just looked at him a few more times and said, "Okay, then I'll go to Aunt Li's house to borrow a cart, and we'll pull these things there tomorrow."

Qingyan nodded casually and walked out of the house absentmindedly.

Qiu Henian called him, "Qing Yan."

Qingyan had something on her mind and didn't notice that this was the first time the other party called her name. She only looked back subconsciously. Qiu Henian's lips moved and said: "After borrowing the cart, I will go to the bookstore in town to buy books. Do you want to Tell me what you're looking at."

Qingyan didn't have the time to think about it at this time, so he just said, "Anything interesting will do."

After saying that, he went out and didn't notice Qiu Henian's slight frown.

But soon, Qingyan opened the door and came back, asking expectantly: "Can I go to town with you?"

Qiu Henian hesitated for a while and said gently: "Okay."

When Qiu Henian pushed the cart back, Qingyan had already put on a new robe quickly, put the sky blue vest on the outside, and was ready to go out.

Qiu Henian looked him up and down, then found him a cotton-padded handbag and put it on.

Qingyan hurriedly walked ahead and opened the courtyard door first. Across the courtyard behind him, Qiu Henian was still locking the door of his house.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, Qingyan stretched out her head to look outside and sighed: "I am so naive today..."

In the middle of her words, Qingyan opened her mouth half-open, as if someone had strangled her throat. She didn't say the word "cold" for a long time.

A thin but not short young man was standing by the river not far outside the courtyard gate with his back to this side. He was not dressed as thickly as others. His robe was made of satin and was very light. , the corners of his clothes are fluttering in the wind.

When he heard Qingyan's voice behind him, he turned around and looked over. Less than half of his face was exposed. He could only see a slanted eyebrow and slightly raised eyebrows. Qingyan had already closed the courtyard door with a bang.
