Chapter 3. The Battle Of Titans.

"Tommy....." Blue slowly said. "Get your hammer out..... and move SLOWLY."

Tommy just did and they slowly moving.... But as they least expected it.....

"BANAZIA!!!!" All of a sudden 3 kirbies came out of nowhere. While the two others appeared and just face palmed.

"ACK! RANDOM RETREAT!" Blue said running away and then turning around to fight this random new foe.

"Uh Blue? What's the plan?...." Tommy nervously asked Blue with his hammer drawn.

Blue however didn't get a chance to finish. Because the yellow puffball with wings and a red bandana. Used wing magic to blow them away.

"QUICK! HIDE!" Blue said retreating to a tree with Tommy.

"No.. Guys! W-" The Green puffball with wings said.

"YOLO!!!" Tommy said knocking the yellow puffball out of the air.

Before anyone else could do anything. A light blue puffball shot out with sword drawn. But was easily countered by Blue.

"That's it!" The green puffball with wings shot Tommy with magic.

"HEY! Nobody messes with my best friend!" Blue said moving over from the light blue puffball to the forest green with wings puffball.

Before you can say puffballs everywhere Blue and The mysterious forest green puffball with wings began having a intense sword fight.

"THIS WILL SURELY SAVE THE DAY!" The yellow puffball said activating some sort of wind magic.... But the yellow puffball accidently blew away the Light Blue puffball and the Dark colored puffball.

"KAZE! NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS!" The Light Blue puffball said.

"Uh..... What even...." Tommy said looking confused.

But one thing they failed to notice..... Was that someone was stalking them through the shadow of the forest... And It was Dark Blue.

.... I know that.... That was the group I spotted earlier... And those two overworlders..... Dark Blue thought... He decided to keep an eye on them but remaining hidden from sight.

He couldn't help but wonder about that spirit that spotted him earlier however....

Tommy however wasn't sure what to do... Considering those 3 puffballs were yelling at each other.....

"Hah.... Hah..." Blue said catching his breath...... "I don't suppose you'll give us a reason why you attacked us?

"What are you talking about? Why would a possible evil being asking for a reason?!" Said the forest green puffball.

"Possible evil..... pf..." Blue just all of a sudden collapsed in a fit of giggles. "Us?! Evil? No way! We came here looking for answers to something!" "Heck we don't even live here! Were basically your everyday adventurous in dreamland!"

"Wait... WHAT?! But you looked like a ba-...... There's no way I'm wrong....." Said the forest green puffball.

..... So she's starting to figure out the truth.... Dark Blue thought, stalking them.... Now... Time to take my leave...... Dark Blue then left the spot where he was stalking them to who knows where inside the forest?!

We'll find out soon alright.
