Chapter 15: The Peppermint Place of Random

The group began to head to the Peppermint Place. With Kyle and Jing coming along in tow. They followed along to path with help to Tommy's map. 

Though something kinda nagged Aetheris she walked up to blue and asked something. 

"Hey... Blue? I've been meaning to ask you something.... Its about Kyle...." She slowly asked. 

"Oh!" Blue said looking a little surprised. "Well we met him when were were trying to stop the sun and moon from fighting." "We needed the nova stars to get them stop fighting and we stopped at his planet first." "Turns out well.... He's a fighter in a robot apocalypse...." 

Wait WHAT?! She said looking surprised. 

"Yeah..... We got part of the insaneness and ended out helping to fight robots." "He's the leader of a group called the resistance. Including him their about 8 of the group against a robot apocalypse." "It sounds insane but their the bravest people I've ever met." 


"You should defiantly try getting to know him sometime he is one of my closest friends..." Blue said. "And one of my closest allies." 

"Hmm..." Aetheris quietly said to herself. 

Kyle strolled along the path and yawned and brushed his quills back once while checking a small device once in a while. And dark blue and Omen seemed to be well having a random conversation. Because.............. DON'T QUESTION STORIES. 

Your not like the others aren't you.... Omen spoke in his mind. 

.... "If you don't mean totally evil and physo then yeah I guess I am." He quietly replied. 

What are you though?.... Omen asked in his mind. 

"......Good question actually..... I'm just someone who discovered the truth and kinda unsure of himself...... I don't know what path I follow anymore..... I'm just someone traveling looking for the answer for myself....... I go yet by the name of Dark Blue......." He quietly said to Omen. 

Kind of a gloomy name isn't it? I mean shouldn't you go by a different name since its pretty obvious your no normal mirion. Omen chirped in his mind. 

"Hmm...... You may have a point........... Something that I will keep in mind........" He quietly said to himself. 

They seemed to talk a little more when Tommy said. 

"Were here!" 

It was a lightly colored place with a sense of mystery overwhelming from it. The group all headed in with weapons drawn. 

Kyle simply thought to himself. Last time back at that place....... It seemed the chaos emeralds have the power to remove some sort of darkness in these areas...... Thankfully I can put them out anytime out of hammer space so I have no worry of anyone stealing them..... I wonder.... Would I ever need to pull out my super form? Well...... That's a maybe but knowing what happened... hmm.... I need to do some deep thinking.... 

They explored the place but....... For some reason their were a few baddies that needed bashing..... 

"Blue? I thought we broke free of all of the baddies last time...." Tommy asked him. 

"True, but to be fair we haven't explored this area yet. Its possible some are still hostile...." Blue thought out. 

"Uh..... What do you mean?" Aetheris asked. 

"Well....... How should I start this story of....." Blue started. "Well me and Tommy were chasing down Dark Matter. He escaped into this mirror and that was when we started our adventure their we met baddies that were darker then usual. And that was when we first met dark meta knight and dark blue. We resolved with dark blue and found this baddie called dark mind and dark matter well turned into Zero...." "Dark Blue was watching and finally learned the truth of what happened and how he was tricked. He creamed them like it was nothing and well..... That's the end of that adventure we had..." 

Aetheris has never been so surprised in her life. She just sat their for a few minutes with a surprised look on her face. 

"Heh, heh.... That's our dimension for you." Blue said awkwardly. "Heck I know like nothing about your place though. Possible that yours is crazier but....... He started to grow a serious look. "I'm letting nothing mess with my home....." 

They kept on going with dark blue thinking about something and well creamed anymore baddies that  showed up. Aetheris went over to Kyle and well.... STUFF 

"....Whats your name stranger?" 

"Its.... Aetheris....." She replied. 

"Oh yeah.... Your one of them other worldly folks. Blue filled me in on the way here..." Kyle said checking some sort of device one more time. 

They seemed to talk for a bit when they entered some sort of big room. 


It let out a giant squawk and it said. "So you finally arrive blue....."  

"Oh great...." Dark Blue said speaking up for once. "Mirror mode of your friend dynablade... Better that you just attack already...." 

Kyle started of by spindashing his wings and slamming him to the ground. Blue and Aetheris both slashed it. Kirby shadow and Jing just well y'know.... Watched. While Pix randomly finished it of. 

"Now If my theory is correct...." Kyle said bringing out a chaos emerald and lighting up the place.... "Just as I thought......"
