chapter 1


I got up with my body aching
It was terrible yesterday we were being taught how to not lie and it ended up almost killing us

Me and my roommate don't talk to each other is prohibition and plus my eyes are scary

That's why my tutors beat me up until all I can look at is the ground

"Isabella Kingston , come over to the principal's office"

That's when my heart started pounding what did I do ?

I walked to the principal's office shaking and I looked at the floor like it's the most interesting thing

Rule 1: never speak

" Your father called said you should come back home "

My eyes widen in shock what??????

It's not possible

" Pack your bag .... And meet me in 20 ... Now get out disgusting child "

With that I sprinted out of the office ... My heart was pounding why is my father calling me ..... I'm in trouble aren't I ???

I quickly packed my bags and everything I need  ,my ribs my dislocated ankle , my triceps hurt so bad but..... What can I do

After packing I met my principal she gave me my blade and smiled at me wickedly

" Use it well"

With that I headed to California my nightmare

I was greeted with *butler Xaiou's* face

He is the only person that still cares about me  , him and Rio ( my brother) I guess 

I looked at the floor again and started walking inside

As usual no one came to welcome me after all I'm worthless

I made my way to the servants quarters

My eldest brother the most scariest person I have ever met said I'm not worthy or a bed room

The maids here bully me , some guards too hit me sometimes

My brothers ignore me and sometimes calls me my nickname murderer

I looked at the cold floor where I sleep

Out of all the servants room mine is the worst it has one window and thin sheet of cloth to cover from cold

I sigh sadly and drop my bag which only has my uniform

It consist of a very long black gown with painful wooden shoes nothing else that's all I have and that's all I ever wear

Time skip

A hot slap made me awake and I was met with a maid smirking at me and I immediately looked down

" Honey  , get your useless ass up and go clean the dining room where the Kingston's will dine"

The maid said to me in a very malicious way

I got up and took the cleaning equipment and started cleaning

After I was done I went back to my room and started starting at the celling and thinking about my life it's so horrible.....

God please help me I thought and closed my eyes letting my tears flow freely
