The beginning


My life wasn't always like this .... Was it ?? I don't know
I don't remember my birthday anymore
Or my mom's face .... My brothers??
They hate me I guess ??

When I was five ,my Dad took me to stay with my wicked Aunty
My mom's sister . He said I was a bad child

Then when I was 8 I was taken to a boarding school...... But it was worse than staying with my aunty

I know my aunty starved me , abused me , locked me up in a basement ..but this boarding school was worse ......... More than you can imagine

This boarding school was meant to make you a better person, but it made me lost

I almost died serval times....................................... It was horrible

I did come home one time when I was 12 years old it was Xander and Xavier with my dad's birthday .... I was accused of almost killing them by my aunty
They believed her

And Xander my elder brother said the thing that made me loose myself

"I should have never asked for a sister you disgusting murderer"

After that day I was taken back to my boarding school sadly ..... Nothing changed

I have 7 elder brothers namely

Alexander 26
Vincent 24
Hunter 22
Ian 21
Rio 19
Xavier 17
Xander 17

They used to my light and sunshine but now

My light is gone ... I'm gone I'm lost
