Chapter 9

Aria's POV

It's been 10 days. 10 freaking days since I last saw Ezra. 10 days since I didn't hear his voice. 10 days since I didn't feel his lips on mine. 10 days since I didn't leave the house. I was grounded. I am grounded. My parents are angry on me. They grounded me for a month. No TV, no phone, no laptop, no going out, no leaving house. All I could do was read books. And I did that. I read the book that I took from Ezra two times already. Now I know why Alison loved this book. It has a happy ending. She always wanted to have a happy ending but she never got it. I hope I'll get mine one day. When I was little I always dreamed that my happy ending would be my prince charming and me flying on an unicorn. Now is different. Now I know that prince charming and unicorns doesn't exist. Even if secretly I still believe in unicorns. But as my happy ending I want to have an amazing husband. I want us to have a boy and a girl. And I want us to grow old together watching our kids playing with our grandkids. And everyone is happy. But I know that won't happen. No one gets the ending like they want. And no one has a happy ending like this. But I still believe.

I miss Ezra so badly. I miss his face and his blue eyes. I miss his smell and his hands on my cheeks before he's going to kiss me. I miss his hands wrapped around me while he's watching a movie and I'm burying my head in his chest listening to his heart beat. That was how we spent our last and only night together. I miss his voice telling me that everything will be fine and we both know that it won't. That's why I haven't seen him in 10 days. Because nothing will ever be fine. I won't see him for the next 20 days and he'll probably forget about me. But what can I say. It's my fault. And the 20 hours that we spent together as a couple I will never forget

Thursday. One more day without Ezra. I don't know how I'm going to survive this. Thursday is the 11th day. Yes I'm counting the days without Ezra. I think this relationship won't work like this. It's too much to handle for both of us. Maybe I should've said no to all of this. That way I wouldn't feel like this. Maybe all of this would be easier for me. For Ezra. If he even remembers me. And I don't even have the phone to tell him all of this. If I only had a phone. Just to text him. Just to get his text saying that he's waiting for me. That he didn't forget. God I put myself in so much trouble. I hate this. I should break this thing up before more things happen with us. We'll just forget that we ever saw each other and everything will go back in normal. Who am I kidding? I could never forget his blue eyes and nothing would go back to normal. I hate my life

So how I'm not in school I have a lot of work to do at home. I was in my bedroom when Mike walked in

"Hey Aria. You want to go for a walk?" Mike asked. Great now he's joking with me too

"Not funny Mike. You know I can't go." I replied

"Are you sure about that?" Mike asked and I nod "I talked with mom and dad. We can go for 2 hours." Mike said and a smile appeared on my face. I'm free. I can finally go out. I hugged him

"Thank you so much little bro." I whispered in his ear still hugging him. We got ready and went out

"Can you borrow me your phone?" I asked and Mike handed me his phone

>Meet me at 7pm in 'our' café. I miss you. -Aria<

I texted Ezra with smile on my face. I deleted the text so Mike can't read it. By the time we were next to the café it was 6;57pm

"Mike do you want to stay on a coffee here?" I asked and he looked at the clock

"We can't really stay but we can use the coffee to go. We have to be home in an hour." Mike said. This is not good

"Please Mike. I really like this place." I said with my puppy eyes

"Okay. But not more than 15minutes." He said and I smiled. We went in and sat for the table. We ordered our coffees and I looked at the clock. 7;05pm. Ezra was late. No he wasn't late. He just forgot about me. I'm okay with it. No I'm not okay with it

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said and walked into the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror. What if he doesn't come? What is taking him this long? Maybe he doesn't want to come. I stayed like that for few minutes thinking of the reasons why Ezra didn't came. I took a deep breath and walked out. Mike was still sitting on the table. The door opened and I looked in their way. There he stud. The guy I waited for full 10 minutes. Our eyes met and he started to walk towards me. I made the few steps so we meet faster. I didn't know what to do or say. We haven't spoke in 10 days. Then I felt his hands grabbed my face and that could lead to only one thing. And I was right. His lips met mine. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him closer. We were practically making out in the middle of the café

"Get a room!" I heard someone yelled. Ezra and I kissed one last time as our eyes met again

"I missed you." Ezra said and I smiled

"I missed you too." I said and Ezra took my hand in his. Everyone was staring at us but we didn't care. We sat for the table and there stood Mike with shocked face. Waiting for me to explain
