Chapter 42

Aria's POV

It's been a week on those stupid crutches. I hate them so much but I have to use them. I want to walk again. On both legs. Damn now I see how hard is to people with one leg. It's really hard. It was time for lunch in school and I saw Ezra walking in my class. Just like he did every day before. He always comes and carries me around so I don't have to use crutches. He came to my desk and we kissed

"I missed you." He said and picked me up in his arms

"You know that I can walk?" I asked

"You can't walk. You need to be careful with your leg and plus now I have the reason to hold you in my arms all the time." Ezra said and I blushed. We sat for the table with Kate Katy and Sarah

"Okay I'm jealous." Katy said and we all looked in her confused

"Oh come on. It's not like you aren't jealous too." Katy said and we were still confused

"On what are you jealous?" Ezra asked

"On your relationship. I want a guy that will carry me around like that." Katy said and I looked in Ezra

"Well everyone gets what they deserve." He said and looked in me "but I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you." Ezra added and my cheeks turned red

"And now you say to me that you guys aren't jealous." Katy said to Sarah and Kate "After almost 7 months of them being together they still say cute things and she's blushing every time." Katy added

"Well now when you say it like that I have to admit that I'm jealous too." Sarah said and they looked in Kate

"Why are you looking at me? I'm jealous since I saw them together the first time." Kate said. Ezra and I looked at each other

"We're making my friends jealous." I said chuckling

"It's not just your friends. It's other people around too. Just look." Ezra said and I looked around. Few people was staring at us

"Well now I have only one mission to complete and that's to show everyone that your only mine." I said and mine and Ezra's lips connected as we shared one long soft kiss

~One month later~

Today is the day when I have to go in the hospital to see how is my leg. It was the same doctor as last time what is good. He did the scans again. When they were done he came to me. I was with my mom in some room

"So am I finally done with those crutches? Can I walk again?" I asked the second he came in

"Aria calm down. Let him talk." My mom said and I looked in him. He didn't have that smile like last time. That's bad. Really bad

"I have some good and bad news." He said. I knew it. "Which one you want to hear first?" He added and mom looked in me to choose

"Bad." I said and he nod

"Last time you came here we thought that you just stretched your ligaments but few of them broke." He said with a sad smile

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

"You will have to be on crutches for few more weeks. But the good news are that it could be worse. Your leg is healing super fast and those broken ligaments almost healed perfectly but I can't let you walk yet because if you do it will just be worse." He said

"But my leg doesn't hurt anymore." I said and he smiled

"I know but I still can't let you walk. I'll see you in 2 weeks and then hopefully you'll be able to walk again." He said

"Wait." I said before he walked out "How you didn't noticed this before?" I asked

"Because last scans read nurse that doesn't know the difference between stretched and broken ligaments but today I checked them and you don't have to worry. In few weeks your leg will be just like the old one." He said with a smile and walked away. My mom drove me home and I was in my room. My phone started to ring. It was Ezra

A; Hey babe
E; Hi sweety. How was at doctors appointment?
A; Terrible. I don't wanna talk about it.
E; Why? What happened?
A; I said I don't wanna talk about it.
E; Well you are gonna talk about it because I'm coming right there.
A; Ezra you can't come. It's almost the dinner time and people will just come in and out. It's risky.
E; I'm ready to risk for you and I'm coming.

Ezra hang up the phone. Why did I said that it went terrible? I could've just said it was good and the everything would be great. Ezra came in less than 10 minutes. I told him everything that happened and now we were sitting on my bed. He was holding me in his arms and he rubbed my back

"What do you want to do now?" Ezra asked after some time of silence

"Cry." I whispered and he pulled me closer to him

"I'm so sorry. I will never be able to forgive myself for doing this to you." Ezra said and kissed the top of my head. I smiled a little

"Don't say that. You know that you blaming yourself for this it's not going to help either of us but it will make it worse for me because you know how much I love you and I can't handle listening to you saying those stuff." I said

"I love you too baby." Ezra said and we continued cuddling and talking

~One month later~

Finally I was free from crutches. For the past week I was going on some therapy that helped my muscles to be strong again and now I was able to walk again like a normal person

"Hey babe what do you say we go for a walk?" Ezra asked. I was in his apartment now. We were watching movies

"No. I would rather be here cuddling with you than taking some stupid walk." I replied

"Aria please. It's been 2 months since we went in a walk last time." Ezra said

"Well we can wait a little longer." I said and Ezra looked in me confused

"No we can't. Let's go." Ezra said and got up from the couch. I just looked in him with fear in my eyes

"You don't have to be scared Aria. Your leg healed a long time ago and the doctor said you can start walking." Ezra said and he squatted in front of me

"Yeah but what if I accidentally fall or what if I stay wrong on my leg? I don't want to go back." I asked and Ezra chuckled

"Do you seriously think that I would let something of that happens to you? I will be there with you and anytime you think something is going to happen or if your leg needs a rest just tell me. You need to win that fear. Nothing is going to happen." Ezra said holding my hands in his

"I'm scared." I said with sad smile

"What do you say that we first walk around the apartment for a little?" Ezra asked and I nod. I got up. Ezra was holding me as I made few steps. It felt like I was learning to walk again. We walked for few more minutes when I realized Ezra wasn't holding me anymore. I was walking again

"Is it hard?" Ezra asked from the kitchen

"No but I'm going to kill you for this. You just left me walking alone. What if I fell?" I said to Ezra

"Aria your leg is back at normal. You're not going to fall." Ezra said and I walked to him. He wrapped his hands around my waist

"Are we going to take that walk now? You just saw that you can walk like a normal person." Ezra asked with his puppy eyes

"Okay." I said and Ezra smashed his lips on mine. I felt him smiling against my lips and there's no better feeling. Ezra and I slowly walked and I realized that my ankle was back at normal. That I can do everything with him just like used to. Well I'm still going to be careful but I'm glad that my ankle is back.. Ezra and I finished our walk as we got back in his apartment. He took of his jacket as I did the same. I was in the kitchen as I felt Ezra grabbed me from behind. I started to laugh and he started to kiss my neck

"I think... There's something... We need... To compensate.." Ezra said in between the kisses he was leaving on my neck. I turned around and kissed his lips. He picked me up on kitchen counter. I put my hands on his cheeks

"I know but tonight is not the night." I said

"But your ankle healed." Ezra said and I put my forehead on his

"I know but check the calendar." I said and Ezra looked on the side to see the calendar

"Red week?" He asked looking back at me and I nod my head. 'Red week' how Ezra and I call it it's when my period come. I hate those days in month

"Ugh.. I don't have any luck." Ezra said and I chuckled

"You can still kiss me." I said. Ezra looked in me

"I love you." Ezra said kissing my nose. I blushed and brushed my nose against his as we continued kissing

-Not sure when I'll be able to post the next chapter because I haven't wrote it yet and I got myself in some kind of a trouble today so...
