Chapter Two

Harry POV

That night, I sat in my cupboard with a stolen pen and paper. I planned to reply back to the headmaster. I gave a heavy sigh, staring blankly at the paper in my hands. 'This is so stupid, why is it always me anyways? As awesome as it is to be getting this second chance, I still remember all the pain I received last time. Damn it, Harry, this is no time to be getting all depressed, you're a slytherin now for fucks sake! Get it together already.' I looked up again, and began to write the letter, knowing there was an owl somewhere outside waiting for a reply. If this goes right, I'll be out of here in a few days. Signing my name at the bottom, I paused, listening to see if they were awake. Quickly hearing their snores, I quietly slipped out of the small room and went outside. Simply holding up the rolled parchment, I wasn't surprised when a barn owl came out of nowhere and took it from my grasp before flying off. I quickly slipped back in, and re-entered my room, none of them knowing that I had just made contact with their hated wizarding world.

3rd PPOV

In Dumbledore's office...

Opening the letter an owl just dropped off on his desk, Dumbledore swiftly read over it, before pausing at the name underneath it. It was from one Harry Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived. Dumbledore was ecstatic that Harry agreed to attend Hogwarts, given the animosity his relatives have towards the wizarding world. He figured it would take more effort to get Harry to attend. His beloved weapon for the light was still his, after all. He even found the perfect friends for Harry, he just had to make sure things went accordingly and they were pushed together. Ronald Weasley would be no issue...the muggleborn Hermione Granger, however, would be a little more difficult. Glancing back at the letter he re-read it for the third time, a small smile forming.

Dear Headmaster Dumbledore,

How could I be a wizard? According to my aunt and uncle, magic isn't real. However, I have heard aunt Petunia mutter about people like James, Lily, who are my parents, and someone named Severus. Are they so called wizards as well? If this is real, then could this "Severus" person come and explain it all to me please? If my parents knew him, then he must be a good person.

Thank you,

Harry Potter

Dumbledore sighed, and told Hogwarts to summon Snape to him.

You see, Hogwarts is sentient; however, because Dumbledore has her bound to him, she is unable to ban him from the grounds. She wishes that she could though, after watching all the pain and lies and ways he has made her children weaker due to his own fear of others being able to toss him out. She thought that Tom would be able to succeed in doing so, but Dumbledore made sure everyone thought that Tom was the bad guy.

Severus was a precious child to her, a child she has barely managed to save from Dumbledore's manipulations. The only child she has had enough power to protect, and she loathes Dumbledore for it. She watched as he went into the Headmaster's office, content to watch and see what happens.

"What is it?" Snape spoke harshly as he walked through the door. He didn't have time for this, he was just about to start brewing another potion.

"Ah, Severus, my boy, I have a request to make of you. I hope you will accept, it will mean the world to me." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, a spell he created and casted on his eyes whenever he had company. Seeing Snape wouldn't be answering, Dumbledore continued on, "I want you to go pick up dear Harry and take him to get his supplies. Also, please explain to him the workings of the wizarding world. Tell him how wonderful the Gryffindor house is and how much better the light side is while you're at it, please." Dumbledore spoke, subtly casting compulsion charms on Snape as he did, however he didn't notice Hogwarts making an effort to block each spell he tried to cast on Snape. Therefore, he did not know they didn't actually work. Snape, however, felt both the compulsion spells and Hogwarts deflecting them, though he didn't let it show on his expression. Snape simply nodded, and left.

"Good, good, there's no need to worry then, with Severus helping. Though I would have prefered to send dear Hagrid to get Harry." Dumbledore sighed again before laughing, as he felt Snape leave the vicinity of his office.

Harry POV

"Get up boy and fix us some breakfast!" Petunia banged on my cupboard door. I sighed, slowly getting up and heading to the kitchen. Mechanically getting the stuff out for eggs and bacon, it took a few moments before I even realized a plate had fallen out and shattered on the floor when I had grabbed a bowl. A few seconds later I sat in my cupboard, wondering what time it even was. Probably around 10 o'clock. Of course, I could just cast a tempus, but I didn't particularly feel like it just yet. I had received a letter, saying that Snape was indeed going to come and pick me up, and that he would be here about noon. Before long I had dozed off, and a little while later there was a knock on the front door, which could only be Snape. After waking up fully I unlocked and opened the door. Looking up, I saw Vernon looking over in my direction, already quite red and purple in his fat face. I inwardly smirked, carefully keeping my face blank, as I looked at Snape. To my surprise, he only looked mildly annoyed, and not severely pissed off at having to come pick up the boy wonder.

"Why you little freak, get back in your cupboard!" I ignored Vernon's shriek, opting to quickly walk right passed him and out the front door instead. I saw Snape's eyebrow twitch at the mention of my cupboard.

"Fine! You want to go to that horrid place of freaks, then never come back here again! You worthless piece of shit!" Vernon yelled, obviously annoyed he was being ignored, but too fat to do anything about it aside from yell.

"We will talk somewhere else. Now come on, I don't have all day." He barked out, before apparating us to the Leaky Cauldron.

"What was that?" I asked, after regaining my balance and the world stopped spinning.

"I apparated us. So, I'm assuming you know at least a little of the wizarding world, Mr. Potter." Snape drawled, putting emphasis on my name, which I smiled internally at.

"Actually, I don't know anything of the wizarding world. Last I knew, magic wasn't even real. " I looked up at him, a sad smile on my face, "I only know that my parents were killed in a car crash and that you knew them."

"A car crash, Mr Potter? Hardly. They were murdered." Snape stared down at me, where we still stood in front of the building we apparated to, "who told you that I knew your parents?"

"I overheard aunt Petunia occasionally mumble about her "freak of a sister befriending a freak named Severus then marrying and equally freakish James Potter" so I asked Dumbledore if this Severus person could come and explain everything to me. Then you showed up." 'This acting is a bit easier than I thought it would be. The main issue will be Malfoy and being sorted into Slytherin.'

"What did you mean by they were murdered?" I gave a small frown. Instead of answering, though, Snape just continued to stare at me. Well, glare is a better term for the expression, but I have a feeling he is studying me more than just glaring. Suddenly, he turned and entered the Leaky Cauldron before finding a table in the back and sitting.

"I will start from the beginning, Mr. Potter. However, I will not repeat myself so listen carefully." I quickly nodded, giving him all of my attention. 'And now we begin the story of how Voldemort killed my parents.'

"Your parents were killed by the Dark Lord, also known as Voldemort, and You-Know-Who," I wanted to raise an eyebrow, hearing him say the name. Though I also noticed he was forcing himself to not flinch or stutter, "because we are in the middle of a war and your parents were on the light side; supporting Albus Dumbledore. They had originally gone into hiding, to protect you but they were found. After killing them, the Dark Lord also tried to kill you with the killing curse; Avada Kedavra. It rebounded off of you, and hit him. This is what left that scar on your forehead. Due to being hit by the curse, the Dark Lord was killed. Now everyone calls you the boy-who-lived; their savior." Snape sneered near the end, nearly spitting out the words. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why would they call me that?"

"Because you are the only person to ever survive the killing curse. Now we need to leave, daylight is dwindling." I quickly followed behind the dark figure of the potions professor, internally scoffing. It was barely even noon still.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking up at the white building.

"Gringotts, the bank for wizards." was the short reply as we came to the front desk.

"Harry Potter would like to get some money out of his vault. I have the key." Holding the key out for the goblin to take, we waited for another goblin to take us to the vault.

"Follow me." the new goblin spoke gruffly, and as we headed towards my vault, I began to make my first plan of action. 'I need to get a magical guardian that isn't Dumbledore. Right now the only person I can think of is Remus. He would be my best bet. I also need to get my vaults out of Dumbledore's use. I can't do anything right now, otherwise I will blow my cover in front of Snape and that can't happen yet. Alright, then the first thing I will do tomorrow is come back here and get this all situated.' Suddenly feeling a sharp flick on my forehead, I jerked back into the present only to see Snape scowling at me.

"Sorry, I felt rather sick from the speed." I whispered quickly.

"Just go and get some money, Potter."

A few minutes and a cart ride later found us back outside the bank.

"The next stop shall be Madam Malkin's, I presume?" Snape spoke, and I blinked up at him, "robes, Potter. You did bring your list of what you need for school?" I simply nodded, and Snape started towards the designated store. 'Draco will be here...I wonder...'

I opened the door, automatically spotting the head of blonde hair.

"I'll be with you in a moment, dears." I ignored her, walking up to Malfoy instead.

"Hello, are you also going to Hogwarts?" I let a curious expression form, along with a small smile. "Of course, where else would I attend school at?" Draco raised a delicate eyebrow and I shrugged slightly, "no matter. What house do you plan to be in? I will, obviously, be in Slytherin." Knowing that Snape was listening to our conversation, I decided to play dumb.

"House? What's that?" I cringed slightly at Malfoy's immediate sneer.

"You're a mudblood?"

"What's a mudblood?"

"A wizard or witch born to non magical people." was Snape's reply.

"Oh. Then, no I am not a mudblood. My parents were both magical." I replied with a grin, that made Malfoy force back a cringe. 'This is rather amusing.'

"That's good then. My name is Draco Malfoy, what's yours?"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you." The resulting expression on Malfoys face was quite worth it; a nice imitation of a venus fly trap. Before he collected himself and stood slightly taller.

"Please, call me Draco." Draco smirked down at me, before offering out his hand, "let's be friends."

"Of course, then you may call me Harry." I took his hand and shook it. 'This is going to be a very fun and interesting time, indeed.' 
