Chapter Ninteen

* Underlined items are from the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Sorcerer's Stone if you prefer that name)

Disclaimer; I do not own Harry Potter



I blearily opened my eyes, before sitting up in the bed. 'So, today I meet him face to face and he will hopefully not try to kill me. This is only slightly nerve wrecking. First, though I need to get Aeron to tell him to meet me somewhere. Then I need to get ready and pack my things to leave for the summer. Summer... my second year was the chamber. That can be avoided all together. However, there will be other things to deal with as well. I can think about this later, I am running out of time.'

Casting a quick tempus I was greeted with the green lettering of 5:00 a.m. Taking down the silencing spell I had placed before going to sleep, I crawled out of bed and padded over to the bathroom.

It's easy to forget I am in the body of my younger self, until I look at the people around me or in a mirror. I am still scrawny, my hair defying gravity, and small scars littering my body from my so called relatives. They are easy enough to hide under my clothes, since they were careful not to put any injuries where they could be seen. Heaving a sigh, I quickly undressed and turned the shower on, stepping in once it began to steam.

'Sometimes I wonder if Draco or anyone else can see what's happening. Honestly, I don't even know what's really happening. To me, that is. The only thing helping me go forward is the thought that I can help Voldemort win this war and save the wizarding world. Betrayed by my so called friends, watching the only true parental figure I had, die. Being forced through the Triwizard crap, and watching as Voldemort rose from the cauldron. The list doesn't stop there, unfortunately.'

Finishing up my shower, I spelled myself dry and dressed in new robes before leaving the shower. Noticing Aeron curled up on my bed, I walked over and sat next to him.

~Where in the world have you been? The school year is over and I haven't seen you in ages.

~Were you worried? I apologize, I had been hanging around Quirrell to get to know Voldemort more.

I could hear amusement in his voice, and nearly rolled my eyes.

~Did you find out anything interesting?

~That is a secret, you will find out on your own in due time. Do you have any rabbits?

I sighed, there probably wasn't a point in trying to get the information out of him.

~Yes, but first I must ask a favor from you. I'll give you two rabbits if you agree.

I winked at the dragon looking snake who let out a hiss, that sounded more like a laugh.

~Of course, Harry. Do I get to chew on a human?

~No, not yet anyways. I need you to tell Voldemort to meet me in the Room of Requirement an hour before breakfast. He should know what room I am talking about.

~Very well, may I have those rabbits now? I will look forward to when I can chew on a human.

I summoned two rabbits for him, watching as he hissed in pleasure before quickly hunting them down. 'I suppose I should finish getting ready now, there's about two hours left before I have to be at the meeting.'

Voldie's POV

I was just sitting at my desk in the classroom when my newest companion slithered into the room. I had been wondering where he wandered off to, and assumed he had left to go find his real owner. 'I do believe I seen him with Potter a few times, before he started sticking around with me. Probably because I can talk back to him.' Noting the slightly expanded stomach, I nearly snickered. 'So he did go find his owner, and got some food while he was at it. Maybe my rabbits weren't enough for him. He is a growing snake.' I was brought back to attention when Aeron made his way up the back of the chair and settled his head on my shoulder.

~Welcome back, did you enjoy yourself?

~Yes, I went to check on Harry, to make sure he was still living. Seems I worried him by staying away for so long, not that he would admit to that. I assume you already knew who my owner is.

I nodded slightly, curious on why the snake would be the one to make sure the other was still living. 'Shouldn't it be the other way around?' Aeron let out a small hiss, getting my attention again.

~Before I forget, Harry has requested for me to pass on a message to you.

~Really? How did he know it was me you were coming to talk to? Also, how does he know you are actually going to pass on the message?

My eyebrow was raised slightly in question.

~He doesn't he just trusts me enough to carry out his request. And he doesn't know I have been coming to you to talk to, he thinks I have been wandering around the forbidden forest.

~Very well. I know that you aren't telling me the truth, but I won't pressure you to tell me. If he does not wish me to know, then he will tell me himself when he wishes. What was his message?

~Meet him in the Room of Requirement an hour before breakfast. I should return now, so I don't worry him much further.

~Thank you for telling me his message.

Aeron's reply was a small hiss, as he left the room once more. 'Why is the world would Harry Potter want to meet with Quirrell in the Room of Requirement anyways? What would he do if Quirrell hadn't of known where that room was, let alone what it is.' I stood to get ready for the meeting, knowing I can't show up without looking like Quirrell, who has decided to just stay asleep during the time I am possessing him. However, I hear a small voice in the back of my head, which sounds oddly like him.

'What if he knows it isn't Quirrell he will be speaking to during the meeting? Those notes certainly weren't meant for Quirrell of all people.'

Ignoring the voice, I stood and headed back to my room.


I stood silently outside the door to the Room of Requirement, rather nervous to actually walk inside. What if he was already in there? Was he going to kill me first and ask questions later? Heaving a sigh, and blanking my face, I walked into the room.

The first thing I noticed was that the room resembled the Slytherin common room, only it was warmer.

The second thing I noticed was Professor Quirrell standing in front of the fire place with his back to me. 'Well, Voldemort, but he's still in Quirrell's body.' Taking a few steps forward, I paused behind one of the chairs, roughly 10 steps from where he was standing.

"Hello, Harry Potter. You wished to meet me here?" His voice was oddly soft, and lacking the stuttering that usually accompanied it.

"You aren't going to kill me first and ask questions later?" Quirrell - Voldemort, turned his head, his steady gaze meeting my own. What startled me was the genuine curiosity in his gaze.

"Why on earth would I do that? If I killed blindly like that, then I would get nowhere." I couldn't help but snort at that, quickly slapping a hand to my mouth and wincing. This only caused Voldemort's mouth to turn into a frown, his brows furrowing.

"I will not harm you, Potter. By the way you are acting, I would almost say you are expecting me to harm you. You have yet to give me a reason to do so. Shall we sit down then? Maybe you will be a little more comfortable." I stared at him, before nodding slightly and sat in the chair I had been standing behind. I watched as he took the chair across from me, folding his hands in his lap.

'This is so weird. The voldemort from my future would have killed me as soon as he seen me. And he most definitely would not have been nice to me of all things. Did I really change things this much already? Or maybe this is how he was in my time as well, and became the monster he is a little farther down the road? Maybe it was the ceremony thing he used to get a body?'


I was brought back out of my thought's, remembering what I came here for in the first place.

"Right, I wanted to meet you here to give you something." I reached slowly into my robe pocket, his eyes following my movements closely. Wrapping my fingers around the stone, I slowly pulled it out and stretching my arm out towards him. I held my palm out, flat, so he could easily take it from me. Voldemort's eyes widened as he caught sight of the stone, almost in amazement.

"Is this a trap, Potter? Should I expect to find Dumbledore to burst through those doors any moment now?" His eyes narrowed slightly, still staring at the stone in my hand.

"Of course not. Do you not understand yet, Voldemort?" I smirked as his head snapped back up to meet my gaze.

"How in the world did you know? Aside from the stutter, which can be easily faked by anyone, including Quirrell." He almost looked as though he was going to get up and flee, so I shrugged in response, before speaking up.

"I, Harry James Potter, swear on my life and magic that I am not, in any way shape or form, working with or for Albus Percival Dumbledore, and I am giving the philosopher's stone to Lord Voldemort out of my own free will. So mote it be." There was a small gust of wind, and a gentle white light covered me momentarily before leaving, deeming my statement to be acceptable. Voldemort blinked at me a few times, before slowly reaching out to take the stone from me. When I felt his fingers brush against my palm, it was like a jolt of electricity ran through me. It wasn't painful, though, just unexpected and very strange. I saw Voldemort pause for a second, leading me to believe he felt it as well. Not saying anything about it, he had the Room summon him a goblet. A few moments later a deep red liquid was flowing into the glass from the stone, a humm of interest sounding from the man in front of me. He put the stone in his own pocket after the glass was filled halfway, before lifting it to his lips and began to drink.

It took only 10 seconds after he banished the glass, for the liquid to begin to work. A bright red light enveloped him, causing me to look away or risk being blinded. I didn't look back up until a low groan reached my ears.

I absolutely did not expect to see what was in front of me. Professor Quirrell was still sitting in the chair, holding his head tightly. To his right, however, stood Tom Riddle. He was inspecting his hands, almost with an expression of awe, before running one hand through his shaggy black hair. His hair reached just below his ears, and was slightly curly, his cheekbones were nicely shaped and he had full, pink lips. What took my breath away, though, were his ruby red eyes that has specs of grey through them. Thankfully he was wearing clothes, courtesy of the Room. They were simple robes, mostly black aside from the green trim.

'Fuck. He looks like a 25 year old version of Tom. I was expecting to see the version from my time. Though I am very glad he didn't turn out like that. The lack of a nose alone was creepy.'

"Potter, why are you staring at me like that?" Voldemort's voice brought me from my thoughts. Hell, his voice alone was so much better. It was soft, almost melodious. I could feel the heat trying to gather in my cheeks. At least it wasn't rushing there.

"Sorry, I was expecting you to look... different."

"Different how?" He raised a fine eyebrow.

"Just different." I shrugged, "glad I was wrong though. What happens now?" Voldemort gave me a curious look before looking over at Quirrell.

"Think you can handle one last meal, Quirrell? You will be rewarded afterwards for your assistance." Quirrell gave a shaky nod, before standing uneasily. I sighed, before pulling a headache potion from my robes. I hadn't been sure if a headache or pain potion would be needed, but I had brought both of them just in case.

"Here, it's a headache potion, it will help. Do you need the pain potion as well?" I asked, opening the vial and handing it over.

"T-thanks. This should be sufficient." He took the vial, giving it a small sniff to make sure I wasn't trying to poison him, and downed it.

"No problem." I watched as he sighed, before leaving the room to head to breakfast.

"Now then, you also need to be present at the feast. But first, are you willing to stay on my side, or is all you are wanting to do? This alone was very helpful, but be warned. If you decide to go to Dumbledore when you leave this room, I will kill you." Voldemort stared at me, waiting for a response.

"I would never go to Dumbledore or the light, you have my loyalty, Lord Voldemort." I felt a hand land on my shoulder, the electricity going through me once more, only much stronger this time. My knees nearly gave out at the feeling, just barely managing to keep my reaction from showing.

'Why in the world is this happening when he touches me? It is so very different from when he touched me before. It's actually pleasant.'

"Good to hear, Harry. Now go to the feast, it starts soon." I gave a nod, the hand leaving it's spot. Ignoring the lingering warmth where it was, I pulled the map from my robes and held it out towards him.

"I'll need this back, but it will help you leave the castle without being spotted. Just say I solemnly swear I am up to no good when you want to use it, and Mischief Managed when you are done using it. It's a map of the school, and shows where everyone's at." He took it from me, putting it in one of his own pockets.

"Very well, thank you. Now, go, or you will be late."

I left the room, quickly heading towards the Great Hall.

'Things have now been set in motion. I need to start training in earnest. I've gotten rusty over the school year.'

I opened the doors to the room, already planning what to do next.

'Maybe I could start with finding people that would follow me to Voldemort's side and help train them... I will search out the twins first.' I caught Draco's eye, nodding to him as I sat down beside him, to tell him everything went smoothly. He smirked in reply, going back to his conversation with Blaise.

"Hey Harry. Where have you been off to?" Pansy asked.

"I was searching for Aeron, to make sure he wasn't left behind. I found him in the green houses munching on his dinner." Pansy made a face, which I chuckled at. Dumbledore chose that moment to stand up at the front.

* "Another year gone!" Dumbledore said cheerfully. "And I need to say a few things before we begin our delicious feast. Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were... you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts... Now, then, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has four hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy- two."

I watched in amusement as the Slytherin's all began to cheer, simply clapping along with the banging on Draco's goblet. I waited patiently for Dumbledore to speak up and say the Gryffindor's actually won, but the words never came. All Dumbledore did next was send a cool stare over at me that sent shivers down my back, before he returned to his seat.

It wasn't too long before we were exiting the train to greet our families. I stood with Draco, Pansy and Blaise after locating Remus standing a little in the shadows away from the crowd of people.

"I'll write you guys, okay? Not sure if I will have time to visit with you during break but I will try my best. Remus wants me to help with a bunch of new projects." I shook my head slightly with a fond smile. Both Draco and Blaise raised an eyebrow at me in response.

"You better try to visit with us Harry!" Pansy grinned, "I better go though, I see my parents. Bye, I better get lots of letters from all three of you boys." She waved, before dashing off to greet her parents.

"I should be off as well, my mom should be waiting nearby. Be careful and don't do anything stupid Draco, Harry." Blaise nodded his farewell, disappearing into the crowd. Standing alone with Draco, I let out a soft sigh.

"I should go, your parent's are also probably waiting nearby." I smiled slightly before turning to leave.

"Harry, wait." Draco spoke up, stopping me from leaving.

"Yeah, Draco?" I asked, curious about what he needed.

"You will take care of yourself, right? I know someone who wouldn't be pleased to hear you weren't. Even if he doesn't know it yet himself. I would also be very upset to hear you didn't take care of yourself over the summer holidays. I can watch over you easily enough during the school year, but I can't now. So, promise me? Please?" Draco had a rather sad expression in his eyes, and I nearly deflated as his request. 'How could I promise something that I would probably not be able to keep? Remus has enough on his own plate trying to take care of himself, he can't keep an eye on me as well, and I know I will end up forgetting to eat more than once. Then there's the nightmares. But it's not like he knows I actually have those on a regular basis anyways. It's better to promise him so he won't be so worried.' I let out a small sigh before giving him a small nod and smile.

"I promise, Draco." I turned around, heading towards were Remus was waiting. I didn't hear Draco whisper behind me as I walked away;

