The surprise

"Bang!" I heard something crash downstairs. It scared me badly and made me jump. We quickly rang downstairs and what I saw made me smile.

"Surprise!" Emily yelled as I looked around the room. There were pink and blue balloons hanging from the ceiling. I saw presents all over the room barely being able to see the floor.

Aria took my hand and escorted me down the stairs and into the chair with pink and blue ribbons on it.

"You guys didn't need to do this." I said almost breaking into tears. As soon as I finished my sentence someone I never thought would walked threw the door. Melissa.

"You guys didn't start opening presents yet did you?" Melissa said struggling with the seven big bags on her arm.

"Your just on time." Hanna said handing me a gold poka-dotted bag. Inside was a green outfit with the words "I'm sassy just like my aunt." On it. I hugged her and put it back in the bag.

I sat in my chair for about a hour opening presents.

Alison handed me a present with a bow on top of it. I opened it and it was a vouge baby bag.

"Just because you have a baby doesn't mean you can't be fashionable." Ali said smiling. "Thank you." I said checking out the bag.

I gasped at the smell of sausages and coffee. I got up out of my seat and ran to the kitchen. There was 5 plates sitting on the table.

After about an hour of eating and apologizing for how much I was eating we went back to the living room to open more presents.

I opened one of Emily's and I loved it. It was a onesie that said 'my auntie Emily loves me' it was so adorable. We didn't know if the baby was a girl or a boy so everyone bought outfits for each.

After I opened that Melissa went outside and wheeled in a baby crib. "Oh my god guys that is adorable." I said going over and looking at it.

"We all chipped in and bought it for you." Hanna said moving some boxes so I can get thew.

The crib was so beautiful. It was a silky brown color with beautiful pillows inside.

I was so happy with all the presents I broke down in tears. "Its okay Spencer its okay." Alison said coming over and comforting me.

I wiped my tears away and let out a breath of air. I smiled and hugged Alison. This was probably the most nice thing anyone has ever done for me.

Hello my -A team I know it has been a long time since I updated and I'm sorry but here it is. I hope you liked the chapter. Guess what ! Marlene king retweeted two of my posts !
My @ on twitter is lovely_rita_mm
I am very active on quizup my username is Vivian Darkbloom #PLLproposal
Talk to me about PLL in the comments I also love to here feedback about my stories so comment.
Kisses -A
